This is a very prevalent and growing problem, particularly in the Charismatic and "Word of Faith" denominations.
It is a very dangerous teaching that misapplies Biblical truth.
A true Christian repents of their sins and receives Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
In this transaction, 2 things DO occur:
1) The unrighteousness of the sinner is IMPUTED to Jesus
2) The righteousness of Jesus is IMPUTED to the person
The first is often spoken about in all Christian circles..."Jesus died for my sins...and I am forgiven"
Relatively speaking, very little is spoken about the second which a person is counted righteous before God. They are no longer considered "sinners" BY GOD, but are deemed "saints" BY GOD.
I put "BY GOD" in all caps, because it must be noted that saints still do sin. This is made perfectly clear in 1 John, where is says that if anybody says they are without sin, then the truth is not in them and they make God out to be a liar!
Thus, in STANDING, a person who is a child of God, who is "saved" a saint, not a sinner. Yet, they still do sin.
Biblically speaking, we are talking about Justification here.
Now then, the Bible is clear that salvation involves more than just also involves Sanctification and Glorification.
Justification ~ saved (a moment in the past)
.......Saved from the PENALTY of sin (imputed holiness)
Sanctification ~ being saved (current moment)
.......Saved from the POWER of sin (imparted holiness)
Glorification ~ to be saved (in the future at death or when Jesus comes again)
.......Saved from the PRESENCE of sin (impecable holiness)
There is a GROSS misunderstanding of all of this in the church today. For example, Baptists often stressing Justification to the neglect of Glorification...but keeping a keen eye on Sanctification. Catholics often stressing Glorification and to a degree Sanctification, but almost completely neglecting or acknowledging Justification.
In your question, you are speaking of the Ultra-Charismatic view, if you will...that stresses Justification to the point of COMPLETE neglect of the truth of Sanctification!
It can even border on...or become outright blasphemous and heretical teaching...which "teaches" people to proclaim that they are holy and rightouess because of Christ...when the hearers have never truly felt remorse for their sins, haven't even repented...and aren't even saved!!!
In any event, a true Christian is saved (Justified)...yet STILL battles sin (in Sanctification), ever longing to be done of sin (in Glorification)! When they sin, they genuinely feel remorse and CONVICTION of the Holy Spirit...and plea for forgiveness. Yet, they do not accept CONDEMNATION, as there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Reading and studying Romans 7-8 will give a much better understanding of all this.
I DO believe a gross misunderstanding of Justification (like the Catholics) leads to a lot of felt CONDEMNATION, which is of the enemy and to be rebuked! Here, the Christian is beaten down...thinking it is God, when it is really the enemy. They need to know about the "breastplate of righteousness", which comes with a good understanding of Justification.
However, this opposite error that your question addresses lumps ALL remorse and bad feeling for sin into condemnation rather than realizing that it is the very work of the Holy Spirit to CONVICT a person of their sin...which leads them to repentance and seeking forgiveness. Here the Christian is attributing the very work of God (the Holy Spirit) as from the devil! How blasphemous is this! They need to know that they are STILL responsible for that indwelling sin that remains in them, which comes with a good understanding of Sanctification.
So, in addition to a better and more biblical view on Salvation...expanding upon Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification...the church would do well to also get a better understanding on a better and more thorough Biblical understanding of condemnation (from the enemy) vs. conviction (from the Holy Spirit).
When you say "it just did not sound right to me"...I take that as the Holy Spirit working within you...which "smelled a rat", so to speak. I am thankful for this, but I also hope that you know that you ARE righteous in Christ...there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and nothing can separate you from the love of God!
Grace and peace in Christ!
2007-03-16 07:20:06
answer #1
answered by yachadhoo 6
Sounds to me like the radio person was a little off. Everyone will continue to sin that is man's nature. Jesus had to die for us because of that reason. Once you are saved you are not free from sin. Sin will continue and you will continue to need the Lord's forgiveness. God is so gracious to us. I could never forgive people so easily as He does us! But He wants us too.
2007-03-16 13:42:44
answer #2
answered by Stylegirl 3
Even if you have been saved, you still need to repent of your sins. I know some believe that, once you have asked Christ into your life, your sins are forgiven, even the ones you haven't committed yet. But, that's an open invitation for greater and greater sins, with the person believing that it doesn't matter, since they're already forgiven.
But, if we don't fight against temptation, or if we sin against God and each other, we need to go to God in humble prayer, to get back to that place where we were when we were first saved.
2007-03-16 14:01:31
answer #3
answered by mormon_4_jesus 7
That what you speak of is the "once saved always saved" idea that once you accept Jesus all of your sins are forgiven. And that you can go ahead and sin all you want without ever having to seek forgiveness again.
When one accepts Christ as their Savior and asks forgiveness for their sins at that moment your past sins and up to that point your sins are forgiven. But if you sin again one must seek forgiveness and repent and turn from sin .
2007-03-16 13:47:07
answer #4
answered by tebone0315 7
No, I haven't. And, it is wrong. To get past a sin one must ask forgiveness, and learn from what one has done (I would also recommend going to Reconciliation, but it isn't really necessary, since this does not have to be done while one is alive). Jesus' death gives all people (who existed before and after he died) the opportunity to have their sins forgiven, if they wish it. Because He has died for all people, we are always able to be forgiven, but we must sincerely want it. What is the point of having free will if one is automatically forgiven?
2007-03-16 13:47:16
answer #5
answered by Sam 3
I believe we are forgiven if we ask for it . I alwaysed believed that there's a battle going on between Jesus Christ and Satan right? Okay so Satan is always trying to prove God wrong ,but God has proof of everything He does and everything we do that includes..Asking for forgiveness everytime we sin... etc... The Lord keeps record of our lives...everything we do, and everything we ask for. Satan is always trying to find some injustice in God . It's almost like if Satan needs proof that we asked for forgiveness... picture it like this ** There's Satan talking to God giving Him all kinds of complaints right, and then all of a sudden there you are asking God for forgiveness except that your asking God for forgiveness silently (in your mind), and Yes God will forgive you, but there comes Satan sometime later wanting to bring up the subject of what you did back then, and God says nope you cannot speak of that subject because it no longer exists. This person has been forgiven , and all that has been thrown into the deepest ocean...erased, but then comes pain in the butt Satan and says what do you mean he was forgiven ...I didn't hear him ask. I just think it makes things easier for everyone. Ask and you shall recieve. The forgiveness is there, but you do have to ask for it...Just for the record!
2007-03-16 14:19:40
answer #6
answered by nellie 2
It certainly is correct to seek forgiveness from our transgressions.The radio preacher is confusing the salvation issue with being obedient and faithful as a Christian.Of course,I'm talking about seeking out God,not a priest for forgiveness.
2007-03-16 13:51:47
answer #7
answered by kitz 5
Jesus is without sin, we are not, therefore it is necessary for us to pray and ask for forgiveness daily. Jesus told us in Matthew how we should pray (The Lord's Prayer). Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance and not lose our souls. He did not come so that we could do whatever and not ask to be saved or forgiven.
2007-03-16 13:49:42
answer #8
answered by Moni B 4
To acknowledge your sin, and get it off your conscience.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Also unconfessed sins, can cause seperation between yourself and God and open the door for the devil to bring bondages into your life.
John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
2007-03-16 13:44:13
answer #9
answered by Eartha Q 6
~ Daisy...
~ I think it IS the right thing to do... When we sin... and we know it... and we are Christians... we need to ask Jesus to forgive us for several reasons:
~ ~ Lets Jesus know that we know we are sinners, saved by His grace... [yes... I know... Jesus already knows our hearts, but this gives us 'confirmation' that we know He knows... and it's our job to confess with our lips, our sins. This acknowledgement is for our mind's spiritual safety valve... justification in our belief... ]
~ ~ Helps us remember that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that we are to ask His forgiveness... keeping short accounts with Him...
~ ~ We repent from our sin... we ask forgiveness from our Father... we try harder not to do that sin again...
It makes us stronger in our faith, knowing He is there to forgive us... He is there to strengthen us... He is there to show us the Narrow Path...
2007-03-16 13:54:55
answer #10
answered by James N 4