There is no evidence that there is a god. You just interpret nature for that, but I interpret nature differently.
The world was not created. The idea of a creator does not answer any questions, it just puts forward new questions. Therefore I'd rather do not assume there is a creator. As an atheist, I am perfectly content with the current explanations of science. These explanations are not complete yet, maybe they never will be, but I prefer this before made-up fantasies of a creator entity.
Thanks for spelling atheism correctly, by the way. It's a start.
2007-03-16 06:26:16
answer #1
answered by NaturalBornKieler 7
Like what evidence?
If there was any real evidence there would be no question. As for what science can prove some of us are very sceptical about the claims there also.
Nobody knows what is on the other side of a Black hole, the end of the universe or before the beginning of time. These are all part of the great unknown. Anybody claiming an answer had better have a damn good argument ready.
The thing about God believers is that they offer God as a universal answer instead of a universal question. As a universal answer God really sucks. It explains nothing. It provides no predictability, everything happens by the whim of an apparently irrational being subject to memory lapses and mood swings.
How life might have come about is something that is being studied very hard.
We know that most of the Chemical Elements needed are formed within collapsing stars. So we really are made of stardust.
We know that an energy source is needed, and that there has to be an energy gradient for energy to flow through. We sit between the Sun and Space.
But life itself. The edges between what is alive and what is dead are actually quite fuzzy.
Viruses or prions cross those lines. So do some crystals. In fact, if you think of it, you are made up out of dead chemicals. Just a large walking chemical reaction.
That is enough for now.
2007-03-16 06:43:36
answer #2
answered by U-98 6
"What makes you believe that there isn't a god?"
Lack of evidence primarily. There are many other things (the fact that prayer has been proven to not work, Bible contradictions, the existence of thousands of other religions, etc.) but mostly it's lack of evidence.
"Do you really think that something like the "Big Bang" is real and actually created the Earth?"
Yes, the Big Bang happened. It's not just a random guess; they know it did. They have evidence. If you look at it with an open mind, you can't really come away with the idea that anything else happened. What happened at the exact moment of the "bang" is still kind of up in the air (although there are plenty of theories) but almost the entire scientific community agrees that it happened.
"I mean there is so much evidence that there is a god."
What evidence? That doesn't even make any sense. We're always told to "just have faith" when it comes to God; if there's evidence, you don't need faith. So which is it? Faith or evidence?
2007-03-16 06:25:16
answer #3
answered by . 7
1) Have you been getting your science information from high school or religious sources? Maybe distorted science from apologists? It sounds like it. Science can explain far more than you give it credit for, I really suggest reading some science books on the subject - I guarantee you'll be impressed and blown away.
Yes there are gaps in scientific understanding, because there are a couple things we haven't yet concluded. That doesn't mean we won't eventually and it certainly doesn't mean god is the explanation for things we don't understand.
In fact, saying we're here because "god made us" is a completely and utterly unsatisfying answer - it doesn't answer anything.
2) There is no real evidence for a god. Creation "scientists" like to point to common misconceptions or find gaps in scientific knowledge and point to those as being "evidence" for a god. Obviously such things could never legitimately be construed as "evidence" but fallacies always sound convincing to people who want to believe. By their definition, fallacies are horrible logic that's persuasive.
People like to point out that things look "designed", when an accurate knowledge of evolution would show you why. Evolution is the opposite of random (despite common misperceptions) and just the way evolution works everything alive would be so well adapted to its environment that it'd look designed.
Humans also have a unique tendency to see design even where there isn't. In the cold war, we found out that Russian fighter planes used vacuum tubes and other things instead of circuitry. The upside is that Russian planes would be immune to the EMP of a nuclear bomb! It was so perfect for working despite nukes that the US officials were in a state of panic for years because we assumed it had to be designed for that. Turns out it was simply because the Russians didn't have the technology or money to use circuits. So what was an accident appeared to be design just because it was so fitting, we make this same sort of mistake every day.
3) I'll assume you're a christian, in which case you are an atheist in respect to Allah, Zeus, Wotan, Thor, Horis, Ra, Adonis, Attis, Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, the Invisible Pink Unicorn, Loki, Quetzecoatl, or the other thousands of other possible gods. Ask yourself why you don't believe in any of those gods and you'll understand why I don't believe in yours. We're both atheists, I just believe in one less god.
EDIT: The bible isn't even consistent with itself, let alone reality where it is horridly wrong on everything (The bible says the world is flat and it doesn't move, bats and birds are the same thing, the planet was created 4000 years ago - chinese started recording their history before that, and so on). Also there were no printing presses so books were copied by scribes and scribes often had their own translations and added their own flairs and interpretations of the stories. For over a thousand years the book was re-written differently by these scribes and what you read today is totally different than what was written way back when.
Not to mention that the meaning of words changes, we know only a very tiny percent of ancient hebrew words, so our ability to translate is messed up as we're using modern hewbrew to try and make sense of ancient hebrew (which doesn't work). And there were no dictionaries back then, those didn't come about until the 1900s.
2007-03-16 06:54:41
answer #4
answered by Mike K 5
Give me proof there IS a god. No, the bible isn't proof. Neither is "look around you". There is no proof of your god, but there is plenty of proof in the Big Bang and evolution are correct.
Just because science can't YET explain something doesn't mean a god created it. Do you really think science knows all its going to ever know? There's a reason why there's discoveries.
The prevailing, most popular opinion, is that the Big Bang is right. From there, its evolution that brought us to where we are now. There's proof of both.
Let me reinterate.... THERE'S NO PROOF OF YOUR GOD.
And even if a god does exist, the chances of you worshipping the right god is almost infinate.
Btw, this idiotic "You can't see air or wind" is just getting dumber and dumber every day.
1. You can see air. Ever wonder why the sky is blue? Could it be, because oxygen is blue? And since air is made of oxygen.... hello... think a little.
2. The wind can at least be measured. It doesn't have anything to do with sight. We KNOW wind exists because we have tools that can measure it.
There are NO tools to measure your god. There is no evidence of your god. Therefore, your god doesn't exist, but the wind and air do.
Edit: Eleanor, your bible is not proof. Proof is in evidence, not a 2000 year old book written by sheepherders during a time when mankind still believed the earth was flat where a man is born the son of a god by immaculate conception, water turns into wine, a man walks on water, a snake talks, a stick turns into a snake, a sea parts, and a man rises from the dead after three days, a bush talks, mankind was created from dirt, woman was created from a man’s rib, with a supposedly loving god that throws people into hell to be tortured for eternity if they didn’t do what he says during life, AND this book supports intolerance, and the promotion of prejudice and denial of the human rights of human beings like deriding homosexuality, and abortion, and the followers are EXTREMELY judgemental. Thats NOT proof.
2007-03-16 06:31:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You believe man is a creation of god.
We believe god is a creation of man.
Science actually has a pretty reasonable theory of the universe's progression from the big bang to the formation of planets. It matches observations that we see now (an expanding universe.) Like most theories in science, as we gather new evidence, we modify our theories to incorporate it. Sometimes the old science still holds, Newtonian Physics can still be used for predictions for large objects even though a lot of it breaks down at the quantum level.
As for the creation of life, high school kids have created experiments during science fairs which allow for the creation of organic compounds. And we've had some success in creating bacteria artificially, so it seems like this is plausible as well.
As for humans, I don't see any fundamental flaws with the theory of evolution. There are certainly some adjustments that will have to be made (and some that have already been made since Darwin wrote the Origin of Species over 100 years ago.)
I think it is supremely arrogant to assume that if there is a creator that it is humanlike. There is no reason to believe that except to justify one's own desire for human supremacy.
I don't believe in god, because my understanding of the world around me has no need or place for a god.
2007-03-16 06:33:37
answer #6
answered by Vegan 7
"I don't quite under stand Atheism." - At least you admit that you don't understand it. That's a start.
"What makes you believe that there isn't a god?" - I used to believe. I later realized that there was not sufficient evidence for me to believe.
"Do you really think that something like the "Big Bang" is real and actually created the Earth?" - There is plenty of evidence for the "Big Bang". It did not "create" the earth. The earth formed billions of years afterward.
"Science can't explain it. They say they can but not really." - Science can explain some of it. Scientists are always searching for more answers, unlike the creationist who thinks he or she has all the answers in one book.
"I mean there is so much evidence that there is a god." - Please produce said evidence.
"I'm just really curious on how you think the world and people were created and everything." - We don't think that anything was created. We believed that the earth and all heavenly bodies developed over billions of years and that life evolved.
2007-03-16 06:32:45
answer #7
answered by Weird Darryl 6
There is no evidence of got at all. There is not even enough evidence that can be put in the history book, forget about even trying to do the scientific process on god. There is no way. They myth is a total fake. Your just extremely gullible. Everything that is good in your life is claimed to be because of god. There is as much evidence supporting that god is responsible as there is for Santa Clause. If you prade to Santa Clause, your life wouldn't be any different. Where is your evidence that there isn't a flying spaghetti monster answering your prayers instead of god? The answer is that humans made the whole damn thing up. Boy would I like to get my hands on the charletons that made this god crap up. Remember that god was made up long before the Christians. They thought this crap up so that they could control the masses like a Orwellian society. It worked for thousands of years until now. People are starting to find out the truth for themselves. Even the people whom go to church and call themselves Christians don't believe it all enough to actually practice all the crap in the bible. Christians are GD cherry pickers. No one can dispute that.
2007-03-16 06:37:58
answer #8
answered by Alan M 1
Sorry, I don't "believe" there is no god. I have never seen any proof that there is a god. I have never seen anything to believe in. I know that the evidence around me that is observable, replicable, and testable, indicates that the Universe emerged from its background of potentials some 14 billion years ago and has developed following precise laws of physics. Science is not a philosophy of absolutes, it is a method of understanding the world around us by constantly testing what we know.
2007-03-16 06:33:36
answer #9
answered by ? 6
I'm not an Atheist. But I have to put in my two cents since I do believe science is valid. Even the ancient Egyptians with all their Gods and Godesses believed in a "big bang" that created the universe. I've often wondered why God and Science can't work together in tandem. It does in my religion because the universe is the highest "God".
2007-03-16 06:30:59
answer #10
answered by swordarkeereon 6