Some people get more or less because of the amount of fat they carry in a specific layer and if they have shorter/less elastic "connective tissue" which is what causes the appearance of cellulite.
Squats, butt lifts, lunges and ham string excercises work best.
Also, you can check out Velasmooth, Endermologie and Mesotherapy.
Cellulite is caused by two things, 1) Fatty tissue and 2) Connective tissue.
The first can be taken care of primarily by diet and working out. Drink your fair share of water, don't eat too much and work out to maintain your metabolism.
The second is more problematic and gets worse as you age because collagen is not regenerated so the tissue becomes less elastic and of course most people gain weight as they age because of a less active life style and a drop in metabolism. This is where Velasmooth or mesotherapy come in handy.
The attached site has more info or you can call 888.517.4187 for someone who does the cellulite treatments.
2007-03-16 10:30:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-09-06 12:52:19
answer #2
answered by Barbra 3
Genetic plays a roll, not only in body type, but in body composition. Many of us can see ourselves, or our potential selves when looking at our parents. Speaking as someone who's seen A LOT of naked people (and I'm not talking TV, Hollywood, or porn), I can tell you that one's weight has little to do with how much, or how obvious their cellulite is. I've seen women who are thin as rails, but were flabby and covered with it, and I've seen overweight women who actually had very shapely bodies (breast and hip to waist ratio) and little or no cellulite.
There are things that have been proven to decrease cellulite, or decrease its appearance. Of course, working out is the best thing. It reduces body fat, thereby reducing cellulite. It also increases muscle mass, which flatten the cellulite between the build up muscle and the skin. Daily massaging of the areas in question has also proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Most helpful of all is, learning to accept ourselves. Like I said, I've seen a lot of naked people. Most of us are not "Hollywood" perfect. In fact, VERY FEW are. If you're weight is appropriate for your height, you don't smoke, don't drink to excess, follow a balanced (well proportioned) diet, and get regular exercise, you probably look exactly the way nature intended you to. You'll also find that the people who really care about you aren't the least bit interested, and never notice cellulite.
2007-03-16 06:41:54
answer #3
answered by IAINTELLEN 6
My doctor told me to lower my body fat and lift weights. The muscles will get bigger and smooth out the fat. Ever see women body builders? They don't have any cellulite. Also, stay away from refined flour, sugar, soda, and eat less red meat. Drink eight glasses of water a day. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, this is a natural detox for your body. Stay away from Fast food there filled w/ saturated fats. Try dry body brushing for cellulite. Trust me you can fight cellulite.
2007-03-16 06:33:14
answer #4
answered by Got Curves? 6
cellulite is fatty deposite between ur skin and flesh. you diet and sluggish metabolism is what causes it basically. cellusculpt by avon is meant to be really good. other than that, i would suggest some oily fish and high protein diet. also exercise is would do the trick. running is perfect for fat burning in the lower body area.
2007-03-16 06:26:07
answer #5
answered by snowflakes 4
cellulite has something to do with genetics. it's kinda like the fat cells sucking in more fat which creates that so called "jiggle" that women hate. you have to watch exactly what you eat but you also have to excerise to prevent it and to try to make it go away but it is very hard and takes much dedication.
2007-03-16 06:27:32
answer #6
answered by marie 2
some people have a high metabolism and can eat whatever they want and wont get fatter.others with a low metabolism cant always eat as much as the other people can.
2007-03-16 06:49:11
answer #7
answered by jmanmexico 4