I don't live in the UK, but I know that all talk shows find audience members who will back up the views of the show's producers.
Look at Rush Limbaugh. Are you surprised that there are no liberals in his audience? people watch those shows to hear their own views articulated to them in an entertaining way.
2007-03-16 05:58:36
answer #1
answered by Year of the Monkey 5
The BBC admits that it is left wing, it advertises for staff in the Guardian, so, we can't expect anything else. This left wing/PC bias would remain whichever party was in power.
It is pro Labour, pro feminist, PC, Anti-Capitalist, anti American, and unpatriotic. In fact, It is the Broadcasting arm of the Labour Government, and will remain so.
I usually make the mistake of watching question time, knowing full well that the audience will be comprised of people that you will never see down your village pub, unless it was called the 'Karl Marx'. You can also be certain that there will be a token Tory on the panel, outnumbered by Labour, Liberal, and any other poet or dreamer that they have been able to rustle up. The chairman will keep interrupting the Tory representative, if he is proving too successful. The Labour representative will be appealing to the gallery with snide (politics of envy) or personal comments, and will be clapped by adoring sheep having recognised one of their own, because of the absence of reasoned argument to support the predjudice.
Then, when I go to bed, I will be too annoyed to sleep.
2007-03-17 16:18:50
answer #2
answered by Veritas 7
It's been a stitch-up since Sir Robin Day departed. Does anyone else remember the shameful way they dealt with the BNP councillor for Millwall in the late 80's/early 90's - I think his name was Derek Beacon. They made it out to be a disaster for democaracy and disgraceful that he should have been elected. They gave him a really tough time and he responded in a dignified manner. What nobody pointed out (although one or two did try) is that 10,000 people voted for him in a free and fair election. Yet that point was lost in the mayhem.
Rush Limbaugh (or whoever) can do what they like on a commercial station. The BBC has a responsibility, as a public broadcaster, to be more even-handed. It has failed for several years. It is time it was commercialised so that we do not have to pay for party political boradcasts.
2007-03-16 22:12:20
answer #3
answered by skip 6
Of course not! The BBC employs a disproportionate number of ethnic minorities and homosexuals and it admits that is pro-immigration.
The BBC as an institution is out of control. It longer reports the news, instead editors use their powers as a mechanism for social engineering. Witness the BBC's reaction to the killing of Stephen Lawrence and the muted response to the horrific torture and murder of a 15 year old white lad ( Kriss Donald ) at the hands of a racist Asian gang. The failure to treat white victims of racism with the same attention or seriousness as ethnic victims shows us that the BBC is both racist and discriminatory. The BBC Charter states that the BBC must remain politically impartial and report without discrimination the truth. This is not happening.
Have you ever wondered why the BBC does not invite the BNP chairman onto Question Time?
2007-03-16 13:37:31
answer #4
answered by David F 2
Before the BBC do Question Time in a particular place they write to various groups in that town and invite them to provide members of the audience. The groups will be the political parties, local charities, local civic groups, etc. As these comprise people who are prepared to get off their behinds and make a contribution to society, they will tend to be biased towards the decent majority.
2007-03-16 14:47:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you, the audience drives me ballistic, the politicians spout this BS all the way through the show and the audience always agrees. If a member of the panel speaks sense or just airs a difference of opinion to that of the Labour representative then they are shot down to a rapture of applause by the audience. I watched last night as arguments against the theory of global warming were simply laughed out of the studio by the politicians who see the environment as pound signs and will defend their right to tax us to the hilt.
I think a more varied audience would result in boos to the crap we are forced to hear. So don't expect it to change.
2007-03-16 14:10:54
answer #6
answered by jb 2
The programme advertises tickets to viewers several weeks in advance & anyone is at liberty to apply. The audience is therefore composed of those that can be bothered to ask. This obviously could open the way to allowing organised applications to abuse the system. If left wing organisations can do it, there is no reason to suppose right wing organisations dont.... in fact I can remember several UKIP questions in the past
2007-03-16 13:45:49
answer #7
answered by skipper409 2
anything the bbc can do to up the anti for immigrants and belittle and true englishman they will do,watch and see ,every time a question is asked ,its straight to the immigrant ,sometimes i wonder if there any whites left in england, i am not a raciest but am fast becoming one ,this is my country ,and i would like it to remain so, but that wont be the case if te bbc goes on as it is, i am not a Muslim not an African not a European I AM ENGLISH
2007-03-17 12:39:14
answer #8
answered by len m 2
The BBC is reliant on the License Fee to stay on the air and make programmes. The License Fee is decided by the administration of the day, at the moment, a Labour one. We all know their ridiculous and dangerous views on immigration, and the BBC has to appease them, hence their constant championing of all things lefty(global warming, closer ties with Europe etc).
2007-03-16 13:02:46
answer #9
answered by selkent 2
without a doubt, the BBC is renown for a having a bias point of view when it comes to the public, but lets face it, the government pay their wages, so what else can you expect
2007-03-16 17:44:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous