You think? Funny Category for your question. I assure you there is less enjoyment in lung cancer than in smoking.
2007-03-15 20:37:03
answer #1
answered by MAK 6
Yeah me too...The only fullfillments that I can come up with is to better my health. I work in the healthcare field and I see people with COPD, its horrifying....I'm scared of it. I can't imagine anything worse then not being able to breathe. I guess the other fullfillment would be not smelling like an ashtray. Its so tough, there is a new medication on the market called "Chantix." I have already talked to my Dr. about it. I think I'm going to give it a try, other people seem to be having success with it. I know smoking is not good, but its my coping mechansism. I don't really enjoy it any more, so I think its time to get over it. One positive thing that I notice when I have tried to quit my energy goes up and I think more clearly. God nows I need all the help I can get. Good luck to you....I hope you do quit and succeed. Best Wishes......Buzz
2007-03-15 20:47:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why would you chose the Cancer category to ask this question? I personally know people who have died from lung cancer who were smokers. My mother in law was a long time smoker who had a massive heart attack and a stroke caused by smoking.
I'm not going to lecture you. If you want to stop smoking that is totally up to you. But there are many things in this world in which we get enjoyment from that we should avoid. It really boils down to discipline. Personally I would hate to think that something like smoking cigarettes controlled my life and I had no choice in the matter. But, I've never had an addictive personality. I smoked in college and quit in one day when it started to be too expensive. I never missed it.
Good luck.
2007-03-16 01:07:15
answer #3
answered by Panda 7
Depends on how much fullfillment you get out of breathing ! Yes , I too am a yucky smoker ! I don't know why , not like they're chocolate or something !None of us NEED it. I've never tried to quit ,but I should ! I feel bad when my 11 year old daughter tells me { and my husband } not to smoke . I 'm really thankful she doesn't want to smoke, and am proud of her but at the same time ,I feel stupid because I have taught her something that I don't even know , or choose not to . I'm an idiot ! Glad she's not ! Good Luck giving it up ! It will be easier having WILLPOWER than it would be having LUNG CANCER ! I'm prayin' for ya !!
2007-03-15 22:38:44
answer #4
answered by K.Heat 3
In the begining when you stop smoking you will feel restlessness and disturbed but as the time goes by you will come out of the withdrawal symptoms and feel relieved that you have stopped smoking. I was smoking for 10 years continously but gave it up 15 years ago and I suffered from the withdrawal symptoms for a couple of months and then it went away but I used to remember it for nearly 3 years once in a way but that also passed and now I just smoke one ciggarete a year when I meet any of my old friends but do not relish it except for the company.
2007-03-15 20:40:13
answer #5
answered by ssmindia 6
i quit smoking a little over a year ago. And man i tell you, there are some days when i just want to light up so badly I can taste it. Its hard..its really hard. I just stop myself from smoking when I feel this way by thinking of how hard it was to quit to begin with and that i dont want to go through that horrific ordeal again. I am much healthier and happier than before. I am no longer a slave to it, and i no longer wake up coughing so badly in the middle of the night. I no longer wake up tight chested with that burning sensation in my chest. i can take a deep breath. as far as feeling fulfilled..i dont know. in a way i still feel that something is missing. even after a year. there is a lot that i dont feel complete after doing because i cant have a smoke. Like eating a big meal, or going out with friends to the club etc etc. sometimes, ya i still want one pretty badly.
2007-03-15 20:54:11
answer #6
answered by Tee 2
Well you have done the righ thing first of all saying you should give it up. I did 21 yrs ago and by choice. But yes there is so many bad things that it can do to you. first of all you seem like you want to that is why your asking the question. I seen or should I say I took care of my dad until he passed with empazima and a slow death. Not all person will get it but it does happen and never say it cant happen to you . Your on right track make the right choice today. Stop
2007-03-15 21:58:32
answer #7
answered by babycakes3557 3
anyone who smokes enjoys it, you have to make the decision on what is important to you. It can be hard to quit, but if you decide to just do it. Don't torture yourself about it. Sure you may get crabby and old habits are hard to break, but it is not impossible.
2007-03-16 03:22:54
answer #8
answered by R♥bin 4
I doubt it! I love my smokey treats! I know I need to give up too, it's a habit, eventhough bad for you, and it calms my nerves. Maybe set some goals for yourself, or try not to smoke everyday.
2007-03-15 20:41:12
answer #9
answered by ~♥~mama-to-be~♥~ 4
Yes, without a doubt. You get out of life what you put into it
2007-03-15 23:50:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous