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My faith is broken and I feel that god does not love me. I am 32 and my life is a wreck. I have been praying for a job and looking everyday and nothing. I feel like I want to die. How do I find out myself that god is real. My neighbor told me that only 144,00 people are going to heaven if this is true then what are all we christians working for. I am so scared about what is going to become of me and my 2 kids. It seems that this word is godless and some people make me feel like a fool for believing. Is god a fantasy? I need help, I feel like I am being sucked in to a black hole. I want so much to finish nursing school and make some thing of my life and do gods work. But now I keep questioning that he is real and that he would love a person like me. I s there someone who can help me please?
How do know if god does love you? What if you have done some really bad things like have an abortion, can he really for give me for doing some thing so horrible?

2007-03-15 16:17:43 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

I dont think your friend knows the bible very well, the 144,000 are only Jews, that means all the rest of us still have a chance. and yes I do know God, God will only make you go through whatever you can handle, His word says that He will never give you more than you can handle. I am not sure what God you serve, but my God is filled with Grace and Mercy. When you pray say, All is POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. dont say anything negative because your words are very powerful and you wouldnt want to curse yourself.

2007-03-15 16:28:59 · answer #1 · answered by mimi_db09 2 · 0 0

My guess is that your neighbor is a member of the LSD... anyway that whole number thing (144,000) is a man made thing, no where in the Bible does it give a # of people getting into Heaven.

First off, I'd like to tell you that there is hope!
Salvation is not a work based gift. Read Romans! We are justified through faith- Romans 5:1. We have all fallen short of the glory of God- thus we have all sinned.
Check out www.ccmodesto.com, under teachings click on sunday morning and then select the 03-04-07 sermon. Actually you may find most of the sermons on there helpful.

I know God loves both you and me because He was willing to send His only son to die in our place so that we can have a face to face relationship with Him.

He loves you! And wants to make your life full and abundant! Your sins have been paid for through the blood of Christ all you have to do is repent of your sins and ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life, and recieve the free gift of an everlasting relationship with your Creator.

Much love and prayers!

God Bless!

2007-03-15 16:39:23 · answer #2 · answered by All 4 His Glory 3 · 0 0

Your problem is you are thinking of yourself. Does god love a child who is born with aids into horrendous poverty and starves before dieing a month after being born? Does god love a shark? Does god love a mentally ill person? Do not worry yourself over if there is a god or not as you will never trully know. The outcomes of our lives are determined by the decisions that WE make and if we choose the wrong decisions all we can do is learn from them. I assure you there is plenty of good things in your life. Your children, your career as helping others is the most satisfying thing and the fact you have been given a chance to live life, through pure luck or a greater power, who knows.

2007-03-16 08:20:29 · answer #3 · answered by rolling stoned 1 · 0 0

Oh dear! You do sound very lost at this time. I'm no expert, but I do believe in God and I believe he loves me and every other being all the same. It does not matter if you have done things that you or others consider to be bad. If you are human(which I'm assuming that you are), you err. Simple as that. The most important thing is that you always strive and try to do better for we as humans can never be perfect. As far as your belief in God, no one can help you with that. You will have to look inside yourself and also look around your world. God is everywhere. Whoever told you that only 144,000 people get to go to heaven must have more insight than the rest of us because as far as I know, there is no proof as to who gets into heaven and who does not. You will have to find your faith. Good luck and try and go easy on yourself. It sounds to me that you are doing a pretty good job already!

2007-03-15 16:30:13 · answer #4 · answered by jbhurst01 2 · 0 0

It sounds like you are really hurting right now. You are in some tough circumstances and have been getting some bits and pieces of theology and all of this is causing you to question your faith. I urge you to get back into the bible, and remember that, beginning to end, it is the story of God's plan to save you, your children, and all of us by sending Jesus to die to pay for your sins so all who believe will be saved. Yes, sometimes people can pick out parts that seem to say otherwise (like only 144,000 going to heaven), which is why you have to remember to take it as a whole. [Think of reading a murder mystery in which someone says, "The butler did it." in chapter 2. By chapter 22, the butler may turn out to be the detective!] I can't think of a better time of year to be able to remind yourself of Jesus sacrifice. Many churches are having special services, programs or bible studies. Do I detect depression? Perhaps you could find a pastor who specializes in counseling. In the meantime, to reassure you until you can get some help: God IS real, and he does love you. Can he forgive you for having an abortion? He already has -- 2000 years ago. Oh, yeah, you are uncertion about your future. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. . . plans to give you a future and a hope." I'm going to pray for you.

2007-03-15 16:49:06 · answer #5 · answered by Elsie Emmess 2 · 0 0

once, before I became a believer in Christ, I was travelling along the 401 (major highway in Canada). I was in a section in Toronto that is particularly busy - at least 12 lanes, and splits everywhere to go different directions. I was suppose to take the 400 exit to go north and wouldn't you know it - I fell asleep at the wheel. The last concious thought I remember is passing the Dixie Rd exit. I woke up facing the oncoming pilons dividing the 400 exit with the 401 and steered clear of the pilons at the very last second. I was travelling at least 60 miles and hour.
Who woke me up? How did I avoid not hitting another car? How did I avoid not losing control?

Of course God loves you :)
You are struggling right now and that's not easy. We all have to move through fierce fires of trial in our lives. I've experienced unemployment too. It's the hardest thing in the world expecially when you are responsible for the lives of your children as well. God doesn't want you to give up. God doesn't want you to despair. If you feel your calling is to do nursing for Him, then that's what He will steer you to do.
Have you approached your church (or an church) or assistance? Have you exhausted all of your avenues?

Dear - you want to do His will, how can he NOT love a person like you? I told you the story above because I didn't know God at the time it happened. My life was not good at the time. It wasn't until years later that He reminded me that He saved me, not only my very life, but by the grace of His sacrifice for me.
Believe it - it's true.
Blessings to you and yours

2007-03-15 16:33:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know God, He is Love, and I am a sinner too, I've done a lot of horrible things in my life, His love & forgiveness is big as the ocean and our sin is just a drop of water. I found God in me, we are crated according to His image. I prayed for guidance to find Him, I trusted Him cause I have nothing to loose, He is probably calling you, sometimes we only turn and seek God in our most desperate needs. Pray for the grace that God will give send you the Holy Spirit in your heart so you will be able to see the light ,His Love pray hard, He listening and He loves you, that is why He sent His only Son so we will never be alone. I will pray for you & if you want more guidance and specific answer try EWTN.com or call 18009491050 they helped me a lot. God Bless!

2007-03-15 16:35:13 · answer #7 · answered by Eziel 1 · 0 0

It would be more practical, and certainly more moral, if you stopped praying and dedicate your mind to thinking what is good for your life. Instead of serving God, try to serve your life. To improve your life you need logical thinking, not prayer.
To finish nursing school, you need to be convinced that it is the career you love, the work you can do well and can be competent to do well. This is the kind of feeling that will give you the strength to pursue your goals and be successful in life.

When in doubt between faith and reason, always choose reason: it won't disappoint you.

2007-03-15 16:35:14 · answer #8 · answered by DrEvol 7 · 0 0

Hey friend God bless you I feel sadness to those things happen to a son of God, when people of God lets itself move by doctrines of lye, the first that you must do is to request pardon to Jesus and to yourself because you doubt of your salvacion, soon you to took this action look for a good church where the complete gospel is preached father son and holly spirit I understand your aflicion but I believe that we are by safe the grace Jesus, He does not count in anything from our salvicion was payed in the cross of the calvary, you do not have of which be sandnes beacuse you are save, my last advice it to put you eyes on God not in the men.
please read this

Who form "the great multitude"? Although some say that they are the martyrs described in 6.9, also could be the same group mentioned like the 144.000 (7.4-8). The 144.000 were sealed by God before the time of persecution; the great multitude received the eternal life, as God promised it. Before they were being prepared; now they are victorious. This multitude in skies is composed by all those that stayed faithfuls to God through the generations. No true believer needs to worry about the group to which she will belong. God includes and protects to each one of us, and also it guarantees a place to us in his presence. 7.10 People use different methods to clear the fault of the sin: good works, intellectual search and even blaming to the others. The multitude in the sky, nevertheless, praises God saying: "the salvation belongs to our God that is seated in the throne and to the Lamb". The salvation of the punishment of the sin can come single by means of Jesus Christ. Has taken off the fault of its sin of the only possible form? Barton, Dr Brush B., Editore, Bible of the Newspaper To live, (Nashville, TN: Caribbean Editorial) 2000, c1996.

2007-03-15 16:47:06 · answer #9 · answered by The GOD Vision 4 · 0 0

Telisha, You know that your a sinner and in dire need of help from God. Well, that is a great place to be. Most people think that they are decent and think they are pretty good folks, and they really don't need God, they are self-righteous and in a very dangerous place. There are even a lot of self-righteous people in churches across America that are in a worse place than you and don't even realize it.

Telisha, if you have a bible, please read 1 John.
Not to be confused with the gospel he wrote, read that as well, but first read the first epistle of John it's very short and very to the point. Very powerful reading for a new or even unsure believer. Pray that the Lord will open your ears to hear his word as you read, and it will come alive to you. It is strong and living.

Telisha, again please read 1 John, its near the end of the new testament right after 2 Peter. Please read it, it will help. My humble opinion, I think it's the best book for a new believer to read.

Pray, seek him and he shall let himself be found by you. It is his promise.

2007-03-15 17:09:51 · answer #10 · answered by Mello Yello 4 · 0 0

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