I am a female that is 25 years old and still a virgin. I know that it is hard to stay pure this day and age. There are so many temptations all around every where you go. But as a Christian I view these temptations as the lies of the devil. In the bible it says with every temptation there is a way of escape. Jesus makes that way of escape. You just have to make sure to keep you mind on Jesus and pure thoughts and intentions. Don't hang out with people that will cause you to have those temptations. Be careful about the music, movies, and places you go. Make friends who believe the same as you. I know a lot of Christians who just want to go to church and act so holy and religious, but the rest of the time act like the world. Being a Christian is an everyday walk. People have told me that only Jesus was perfect, so there is no need to try to be perfect, and that it is okay to sin. That is completely wrong, yeah sure everyone makes tiny mistakes, but you should not be able to make major mistakes. We all need to be more like Christ in our day to day lives. Hope this helps !!
2007-03-15 13:47:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Bro, I know it's hard, but you got to get past it. If you get a chance, stop and think twice about the consequences. There's pregnancy, STDs, your future, and the loss of your woman. Don't push it, I'm struggling to keep those I love because of these temptations. It hurts to lose them, trust me.
2007-03-15 20:42:34
answer #2
answered by Chris C 2
I avoid the women who seem only interested in me for the wrong reasons. Makes for a lonely time really but it works. its easier to avoid that sin when it has already cost you the love of your life.
2007-03-15 20:40:32
answer #3
answered by NoMaD! 6