20 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
im single but im wantin somebody
13:57:55 ·
update #1
i like bein single though to cus when the times when your in a relationship and it bad and you want it good
right now i dont know if want to be in a relationship or not to i think friends are better than anything even though you cant do the stuff with friends that you can with the one your in a relationship and vice versa if you get what im sayin
i like him so badlyy but dont know if i should lol
14:02:37 ·
update #2
i dont when there is a guy that loves me but wont talk to me! It pisses me offfffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-15 13:37:10
answer #1
answered by Monkie-mamma 1
Everyone needs some me time every now and then. but after a while it really does get lonely..especially when singles awareness day comes along. But most of the time when your single it gives you time to find yourself and that's what a lot of people need. That way you wont become dependent on someone else to make you happy.
2007-03-15 20:41:11
answer #2
answered by carolina gyrl 3
I find that when im in a relationship, i love it. I hate being single, its so lonely. However, ever since my last breakup, ive lost my trust in guys and cant find one that i like and trust. So i hate being single but im forced to be because im paranoid. It SUCKS!
2007-03-15 20:41:11
answer #3
answered by louise 3
Nope! Nobody does unless they have had an emotional distressing last relationship. I really wish I had my cuddie right now.... I'm very selective though... I really gotta get to know a guy..... I hate having to start all over again! So I would say, Yes and No, they both have their drawbacks. lol.
2007-03-15 20:40:29
answer #4
answered by larua_2005 3
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I was married for a lot of years and miserable. I've been single and happy as hell for over 3 years now. I come and go as I please and do whatever I want without any drama. I have tons of fun by myself and will never be involved with anyone else as long as I live.
2007-03-15 20:37:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No. I was single and at first I was indifferent about not having someone in my life, and then I started to get sad and depressed and lonely and then someone special came to my life.
2007-03-15 20:37:41
answer #6
answered by Jamie 2
...sometimes I wish I was single again. Life was so much easier and much more straight forward. Less complicated. Just me to worry about.
I guess what I miss is to be completely selfish again and to just focus on me and myself.
2007-03-15 20:40:32
answer #7
answered by Nina 5
At times it is good to get away from dating but only for awhile.
2007-03-15 20:39:10
answer #8
answered by xoLoveMaexo 2
I even hate being single and I AM married.
2007-03-15 20:36:39
answer #9
answered by MSW X2 2
To an extent. After a while it sucks though.
2007-03-15 20:36:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
no not really but when i got a boyfriend i wanted to be single again its easyier
2007-03-15 20:36:38
answer #11
answered by Hypercutie_2 4