Well, what I did was I found how much weight I could lift for each exercise, for example I tried bench pressing 125 pounds, i benched it 10 reps, 10 very difficult reps. Tried bicep curling 30 pounds, did 10 reps, 10 very difficult reps. I did this for bench press, pullovers, squats, pulldowns, bentover rows, dumbbell curls, barbell curls, leg extensions, leg curls, tricep extensions, skullcrushers ,presses behind the neck, and Arnold presses. After I figured out the max weight I could do in 10 reps, I cut the weight in half and wrote everything down, a workout log. Now here's the trick, I now do 3 sets of 10 reps, but 1 raise the weight in 1 second and lower the weight in 3 or 4 seconds, raise in 1 second and lower in 3 or 4 seconds. For 1 set of 10 reps you muscles will be under tension for 40-50 seconds, for 3 sets your muscles will be under tension for 120-150 seconds, thats 2-21/2 minutes, thats a long time, this is what will stimulate your muscles to work harder and grow larger and get stronger. Do this for each exercise you choose. There are 3 exercises that make up the core of my routine, the squat(King of exercises), the bench press, and the pulldown. These exercises are called compound exercises, they work 3 or more muscle groups at the same time, the other exercises supplement the core exercises. Here is the order I do my exercises, Squats, Leg extensions, Leg Curls, Bench press, Pullovers, Pulldowns, Bentover rows, Presses behind the neck, Arnold presses, Tricep extensions, Skullcrushers, Dumbbell curls, Barbell curls. I work the large muscles first, reason being I will use my smaller muscles during those exercises as well, this way I dont tire out my smaller muscles before I get to the big muscles. I also throw in 3 sets of 30 Crunches to finish things off, I eventually plan to do as many as I can, I do all this in 1 hour, very intense workout, very sweaty, lots of grunting, very satisfying. Now you must increase the weight each session, even if it's only 1 pound(use a weighted wriststrap). This is very important, if you don't increase the weight you muscles will feel no reason to grow and get stronger. Think of it this way, I plan to put 50 pounds on the barbell for my bench press, do my 3 sets of 10, at 1 second to raise the weight and 4 seconds to lower the weight, since I workout 3 times a week, I will increase the resistance by 3 pounds per week, 12 pounds per month, in 6 months ther will be at least 122 pounds on the bar, doesnt sound like much really, but at 1 second to raise and 4 seconds to lower, that requires alot of strength and muscle. Start low and progress by 1 pound per session. This is the key, this is the "secret" that you find in any books that would buy or get from a fitness trainer. Also , nutrition, very important, eat 2 hours before your workout and immediately after your workout, during your workout you deplete your energy and nutrients, your body is now starving for food, what you eat next will make or break you, you MUST eat protein and carbohydrates, fast digesting protein and carbs, like eggwhites(cooked) and instant rice, these when consumed together will stop your muscles from breaking down and stimulate your body to create more muscle. Your next meal after this should be more protein and carbs. You need at least 1 day in between workouts to rest and repair and build more muscle, building muscle can take more than 36 hours after your workout. The benefits dont arise during the workout, the workout is actually damaging your body, the benefits come during the rest phase, providing you eat properly. You body will heal and grow stronger, analagous to bone breaks, the bone takes damage but heals back stronger to perform better. I sent a link to a bodybuilding site, dont freak out you won't look like Lou Ferrigno(you could if you wanted to) its just that these people know alot about preworkout and post workout nutrition, this is CRUCIAL. There are also different menu items like Exercises, this will show you which exercises work which muscles and how to do them correctly. Dont forget to look in Nutrition for preworkout and postworkout nutrition, this will make your life a whole lot easier, your workouts will be like 5 times more effective than if you didnt eat the proper foods before and after your workout, dont workout for nothing. Also in the menue is a workout database choose 1 or tweak 1 to suit your needs, but I recommend at least the Squat , the Benchpress and the Pulldown, even if its just these 3 exercises you should get good results. Warm up before you workout, this will help to prevent injuries, all I do is about 10 minutes of very light cardio on my exercycle then I just stretch my muscles for 5-10 minutes, its easy and kinda fun, I just do some makeshift karate moves, like JUDO CHOP!!!...lol...do anything , do something. Also ...I've been thinking about this question of yours all evening.....I recommend doing the squat, bench press, and pulldown, try these for awhile...then add in exercises after a few sessions...like bicep curls and triceps extensions....dont overwhelm yourself with a huge routine right away.....unless you are really determined....don't do split routines, meaning exercising parts of one body one day and others parts the next day....this usually entails working out almost everyday...eventually you will skip workouts because it will just take so much of your time...get it done in one day and rest and enoy your day off....right now im very excited that its workout day tomorrow.
2007-03-15 13:21:39
answer #1
answered by Blackfly 4