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My dad i think doen't love me that much but my brother he loves more than my step- mom and like if i ask for money like a dollar or sumtin then he like interigats me about it but my brother asks for 20 dollars and dad gives it to him without question and well also my brother can go to his gf all the time whenever he wants and she can come over but my bf can't come over and i can't go over to my bfs house unless it has been two days since i have seen him.

2007-03-15 11:15:57 · 3 answers · asked by NavyChic2011 3 in Family & Relationships Family

3 answers

That just seems really unfair. But is your brother the oldest or youngest? Because sometimes parents tend to favor the oldest or youngest child (one or the other). My younger brother is the youngest in our family, and he definitely gets whatever he wants.

If it bothers you as much as it seems like it does, maybe sit down with your dad when he's in a good mood and tell him how sometimes you feel like he favors your brother over you. Don't whine about what your brother gets that you don't, because that will probably make your dad mad and he won't really listen to you. But express how you feel about it - how your brother gets privileges that you don't, and you haven't heard a reason why yet (for example, your dad has never said you couldn't do something because of bad grades or something - he just doesn't let you with no explanation).

2007-03-15 11:34:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sometimes parents are strict with their kids because they are protecting them. You'll understand later. Maybe at this time your dad feels you need more protection. And he'll leave you alone when he's less worried. And for some reason, he doesn't feel your brother needs as much protection.

2007-03-15 18:28:58 · answer #2 · answered by phantom 3 · 0 1

If your brother is older than you than that means that your father trusts him more because he is more mature!! Usually parents say that they love all their children just the same

2007-03-15 18:22:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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