feminists are always saying that, but why so? if it's because girls can't do anything about it, then that's false. girls do have limited control over the way they look. and lets assume that girls aren't attracted to good looks. they attracted to smart, funny, and popular guys. guys have little or no control over those things. some guys just don't have high iqs or didn't get a good education. and some guys, like me, just aren't funny. i have a sense of humor and try to be funny, but people never think of me as the funny guy. and if you think it's just not right to make girls change their appearances and worry about their looks so guys will like them, then is it really right to make boys try to be something they're not just so that girls will like them? so feminists, is it not shallow for guys to be attracted to pretty girls? or is it also shallow for girls to be attracted to smart, funny, and popular guys? or are you just a bunch of hypocrites?
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