Since we KNOW how harmful cigerette smoke is to babies and children I do believe that no one should smoke around them. I wish it was considered child abuse by law. When your mom had you they didn't know how harmful secondhand smoke is, but YOU DO. Do your job as a parent and break the cycle. Take your habit outside and quit making your children pay for it with their LIFE. Personally, I think that smoking in front of children is irresponsible and yes, makes you a bad mom. I really wish it was punishable by law.
2007-03-15 10:49:55
answer #1
answered by dolly 6
Lots of parents do it and there kids are fine-But you really should try to do it outside or even quit.Yes it can set a bad example because kids see kids do most of the time but us as parents teach them this is bad and it's not for them.Whether they do it or not is another story we really look like Hippocrates to them.So the best thing to do would try not to have a smoke when they are right there and go outside.
2007-03-15 19:16:19
answer #2
answered by sweetsmiles69@jennieask-me 3
My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc don't smoke. My mother is the only one in my family who does. She smoked all my life and in front of me and my brothers. I do smoke, neither of my brothers do. I go outside or in the garage. I don't smoke near my children and never have. They know I smoke, I don't hide it, I just don't do it near them. It doesn't make you a bad parent, but (and I am sure you already know this) it is better health wise to quit. I have one cigarette on the way to work, one after work and one before bed. My doctor says that is acceptable but encourages me to quit all together. I explain to my kids (who are now teenagers) how hard it is to quit and that I wish I had never started. They see me struggle not to have 3 a day. I hope you decide to quit for your health and wish you the best. Good luck!
2007-03-15 17:59:18
answer #3
answered by itsjustme 3
I smoke, but I smoke outside-just because my grandma smoked around me and my siblings and it seemed like we had colds or infections every other month. I do want to quit, cuz I feel guilty when my daughter askes me if I'm going to go smoke or if I had fun smoking. I tell her no, that it is a nasty dirty habit and not good for me and it tastes and smells bad and I will whoop her if I ever catch her with a cigarette, cuz it's stupid to smoke.(She is 4.5 btw.)I am going to quit again. It is a very very difficult habit to break. Especially when there are enablers.
We do have to be careful what we do, because we ARE their examples. I don't think you are a bad mom for letting them know you smoke. I think tho it is irresponsible to smoke in the house with them in it. (even in the house when they AREN'T in it, cuz it lingers)From now on, if you feel that nic-fit coming, taking outside would be a better choice. It may help you start to cut back, too.
All the best to you.
2007-03-15 17:53:17
answer #4
answered by MamiZorro2 6
I dont think it makes you a bad mom thats like saying people who smoke are bad people.thats stupid.we arent bad people because we smoke for Goodness sake. I know lots of moms who smoke who are wonderful parents, they just have a bad habit that carries bad consequenses.It is irresponsible around the kids though, because your there to protect your children. I dont know about the example part though because most kids parents who smoked when i was growing up are the ones who dont smoke now. I grew up with NO family smoking and I smoke. go figure.Just take it outside for your kids health, your the one choosing to carry on your habit, be an adult and if you choose to continue, just keep it away from the kids.
2007-03-15 17:59:43
answer #5
answered by ♥mama♥ 6
No it most certainly doesn't make you a bad Mom.
I hate it when people are judged like this. Especially about smoking. If these non-smoking, judgmental, fanatics would spend half the effort tackling real issues like Drunk Driving, Drugs or the lack of Health care in the US we would all be better off! Instead they attack primarily middle-class, bill & tax paying, hard working, law abiding, honest people with one bad habit. They go for the "easy" issue that they can guilt us about and enforcement is easy because we obey laws!
I am the mother of 3, we own our home, we pay taxes, support our local schools, scouts, and sports association. We both work & pay all our bills. We don't drink or do drugs, we honer our vows, we adopted our dogs, and contrubite to our community in many ways. And I'm not allowed my ONE bad habit? Forgive me if I point out that tabacco was the first cash crop of the USA and we have fought more than one war over people taking away our rights. Remember the Brittish?
Yes, smoking is bad for our health, we know that....but what right does anyone have to judge us? I personally respect the rights of anyone to be a non-smoker. I won't smoke in your home, or your car. I will sit in the non-smoking section of a resturaunt if we go out to dinner for your comfort. I don't throw my butts out on to the street or empty my ash trays anywhere but in the trash. And my children do have smoke free zones in our home....we only smoke on one floor of our home. Never in the basement family room or on the bedroom floors. So for all you hard liner non-smokers....get a life!
2007-03-15 18:59:45
answer #6
answered by Barbiq 6
Of course it does. When I was a kid everybody smoked. They were beginning to realize how bad it was for people, but it wasn't advertised like it is today. There is soooo much knowledge about how bad smoking is for you and for the people around you. You might as well be smoking a joint in front of them. You're setting the same kind of example.
2007-03-15 17:52:18
answer #7
answered by truthseeker221 3
It does not make you a bad mom, but for your kids sake, don't smoke around them....I am a smoker also, and its not hard to go outside......and it does set a bad for the best if you go outside aways from them kids.
2007-03-15 17:47:56
answer #8
answered by yetti 5
In my opinion it does make you a bad mom. My brother and sis-in-law smoke around my 7 month old neice and the poor baby is allergic to the smoke although they say she has a cold.....constantly....NOT!! She always smells of smoke and it is such a shame. She doesn't have that precious baby smell. Smoking is so bad for your child. and you!! If you love your child then quit giving in to yourself and give in to your child. Quit being selfish!! They can't choose to get away from the smoke. It is their prison. I will pray for you....and moreso for your poor child.
2007-03-19 01:49:25
answer #9
answered by princesstracybrat1 2
As a kid, my parents smoked around me. I abosolutely resented them for it, and I feel like they didnt love me enough to either quit or go outside. I HATED smelling like smoke at school every day, and I got headaches from the smoke. My family has lost 13 people to smoking related causes, and it terrifies me that I may lose my parents like that. I feel it is disgusting and selfish to smoke at all, let alone around your kids. To this day, I am hurt that my parents would not only disregard my health like that, but also that they would smoke, knowing that someday, I may have to see them suffer and die like the other people in our families have. A parent should take care of themselves, so that they can be there for their child as long as possible. You should also set a good example of health to your child, NOT show them that it is not only ok to abuse your OWN body, but also to disrespect the health and bodies of innocent children.
Dont you love them enough to stop being a SLAVE to a substance that does nothing but hurt all of you?!
2007-03-15 18:12:34
answer #10
answered by Bomb_chele 5