so i have been thinking A LOT lately about my life. There are a few really important things that i realize. Number one...i ask WAY to many people for advice and i need to stop doing that. I need to take my own advice and stop going to others for answer with my own problems. NUMBER TWO i also realize that i trust people to easily. I'm a very naive person and i trust people to easily. I need to realize that i can't trust everyone and need to stop telling certain people my problems because many of times they just go back behind my back and laugh about it. So those are 2 important things i plan on changing before college!
I've also realized there is WAY TO MUCH DRAMA in my life. BEYOND words. And for me i just want to step away from it. It's my senior year and nobody wants nor do they need all this drama that i have been going through. I've decided to stop all communication with three people whom i feel have really been bringing me down. It was a difficult decision considering I've known all three of them for awhile but i do feel that in the end it is for the best.
12 answers
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Also I'm not attending prom. I know everyone tells me that it's messed up that I'm not going to my own prom but there has been SO MUCH DRAM going on about prom and PROM is still 3 months away!! If there is this much drama now imagine what it will be like by the time prom is here!! I plan on attending my boyfriends prom at my boyfriends school instead. I may or may not regret it later on in life. But last year i went to his prom and really enjoyed myself! The week of my prom him and I are going away to Pocono Mountains PA to go up to Great Wolf Lodge for two nights!!
so avoiding all this drama should make my life a bit easier
10:43:17 ·
update #1
10:43:34 ·
update #2
You should do what is best for You. Don't let others walk over you. The changes you make in your life sound like you feel you need to make them in order to make a better life and move on. It sounds good for you.
I think that if you feel you need not to be friends with those who bring you down, that is perfectly respectable. Joel Osteen preaches that God doesn't want us to hang around those who bring us down. You can remain civil, but you don't have to hang out with them or communicate like you use to. If you must, you can sit down with them and talk to them about how you feel and what you feel you must do, if that will make you feel better. If they are not really friends, I wouldn't do that. You said that you knew them for a while, but you didn't say they were friends.
I never went to my proms and I have no regrets. To me, it was just a bunch of hoopla. You sound like you have nice plans that others would probably like. Just be safe on your trip. You will find other friends in your life who will be there for you. Best wishes to you in your life.
2007-03-15 10:56:04
answer #1
answered by Stephanie F 7
You aren't making a mistake. Actually what you're saying is really smart. If you need to drop certain people outta your life b/c their full of drama and making your life with more drama then you need to drop them and find new friends that aren't going to go behind your back when you just told them something. That's not a friend. Go to your boyfriend's prom if you don't want to go to your own. Once you get out of high school, prom really isn't that big of a deal. You'll soon get over what happened when you start college or maybe even the 2nd semester of your college. Too much drama in anyone's life will just send you to an early one needs drama to thrive in life, and if you come across people that crave it, lose them b/c you don't need them.
2007-03-15 10:50:20
answer #2
answered by dancer1883 2
you want drama, how about paying rent, budgeting your finances where to get if your salary is not enough to last for month? how about a bf who is violent and addicted to drugs and asking for your money and you can't get away because he will kill you if you do.
All I am saying, is take one day at a time, if it is hard today maybe tomorrow is not. Life is a drama and also have fun with it. relax, breath. Just go to your prom, enjoy it, if you are not enjoying it go home, you don't have to go with your bf just to have sex, say NO if he doesn't like it and threat you that he will break up with you, big deal! get another one. Everyday there is lesson to be learn. There is always solution to a problem. Trusting people is really hard but you can choose which one can be trusted. goodluck!
2007-03-15 11:00:46
answer #3
answered by sure_whatever_29 3
I have a lot of those same problems. I ask a lot of people for advice and I tell my friends way too much about me that they later use against me. Prom is your decision, but if it's on a different night than your boyfriend's, I would go to both. I'm trying to give you advice, though, aren't I? Sorry bout that. I believe your choices are good ones.
2007-03-15 10:49:01
answer #4
answered by Taylor Swift Lovah™ 3
It sounds like you have figured out a lot of things on your own. As for the Drama to stop it don't start it. See how your "friends" talk to you about their other "friends" because that's how they talk about you to other people. You can have friends that are Drama starter just be careful what you say. Have a few good trustworthy friends you can go to for problems and others that you hang out with but don't make them you best friends if they tend to start drama.
I agree with you and i think you should do what makes YOU happy, don't try to please others it's you life live it how you want it learn for others' mistakes and make positive choices.
2007-03-15 10:54:44
answer #5
answered by crazy4orlando2 2
i'm not exactly sure what your question is... but if you realize that you need to take your own advice and that you trust too easily then you have overcome the first step. admitting your issues. now you know what to focus on to change.
as far as prom goes... i didn't go to my prom and i have no regrets about it. it was a waste of money and i didn't want to spend it on something i would'nt remember in 5 years.
also good job for ending it with people that bring you down. there are too many uncontrollable things that bring us down, theres no need to keep hanging around with people that do that. you should surround yourself with positive influences.
2007-03-15 10:48:50
answer #6
answered by Bex 3
how old are you,,,18. You sound very smart and mature for your age..if you were my daughter i'd be sooo proud of the decisions you are making...heck, i'm proud of you anyway. I agree with you 100%. You are right,,,you cant trust alot of people and some people you should just stay away from. Always listen to your inner voice,,after all, you are your own best friend. best of luck to you
2007-03-15 10:54:59
answer #7
answered by igottadrive2001 5
smart woman, nicely, one in each and every of these woman ought to no longer be believed for friendship. He comprehend she has already one yet after some time he could locate out annother. So pass away the female devoid of telling her any reason, if she returns after a while, he can verify issues back.
2016-09-30 23:42:24
answer #8
answered by zeitz 4
Cutting drama out of your life is good. All you have to do is remove yourself from the situation and it sounds like thats what your doing.
2007-03-15 10:49:31
answer #9
answered by ♥♫♥ Crystal ♥♫♥ 4
You're question doesn't really make said you didn't want to ask for advice anymore, but you're doing it right now. :-)
Anyway, I think you should just go to your bf's prom and stop worring so much!
2007-03-15 10:48:31
answer #10
answered by Dr Fernando 4