By offering comfort to those who would lean on Him. Those that delight in suffering may cause you grieve, but surely that is their only reward.
God will not destroy everyone who causes harm to others right away, He gives us more than enough time to admit we've done wrong and be forgiven. You can be the worst criminal in history and about to be put to death, and if you honestly believe in Him, he will forgive you for what you have done, though you must still pay the earthly price for doing it. You won't always see "justice" done to those who cause harm to others, but that is where faith comes in. You know that if nothing happens to them right away, they are being given time to repent and be forgiven, or they are corrupt in general and wont seek to repent and are actually making God's words true by bashing you.
The stage is being set for the most awesome time the world has ever known. Not awesome as in cool, awesome as in miracles happening constantly. In that time many evil people would cause trouble and just in general be cruel and wicked, look at the world today and you see lies told constantly. Many of the wicked things you see happening are bringing about the very things He said would come so that those who believe in Him would know the season is upon them. They are "signs of the times" and those who believe would be comforted to know that He is in control and these things are passing soon. :)
2007-03-15 10:38:36
answer #1
answered by Stahn 3
You seem to be struggling with the Problem of Evil. If God created this world, and he is all powerful, all loving, and all knowing, why does He allow suffering? Remember that not all suffering comes from man alone, there is natural disaster, disease, drought, and food shortages.
One reason we have religious wars is because one group feels that if they do away with everyone who is not of their faith, a new and peaceful world full of righteous people will be created. The only problem is, being a killer makes you part of the problem. Two wrongs don't make a right.
This is why we have atheists and non-believers... How can a world so terrible exist, and how could God allow it to be so bad? Maybe he doesn't exist after all? Or maybe if there is a God, he has some reason we don't understand for all the pain?
Unfortunately we will probably never have the answers in our lifetimes. This makes me sad quite often.
2007-03-15 17:33:20
answer #2
answered by Binky 2
God doesnt allow suffering the devil does and if its happening to you always pray and ask God what A: your doing wrong B: what you can do to be better C: what you can do to please, and honor God..
and the reason the devil causes suffering is because in every instance he will take the chance to harm you it could be by your thoughts, actions, words anything thats why im always careful when i say something and if its harmful i apologize
AND THE devil has control over the earth.. nothing else so ergo it is his domain wich is why there is sex,drugs etc.. and How does God fix it? he doesnt wish it away.. he has a plan for everything.. like that one coke commercial.. where the guy does all those nice things... and he gave us free will so ifu do wrong ur going down the wrong path and on that wrong path u see the right way and u do it.. then u begin the path of God the 1 he wanted you to take. without all that despair and tragedy.. its your fault cause of your decisions
2007-03-15 17:30:32
answer #3
answered by Improv 1
So we will reach out to him. Lets face it; we talk to him more when there's problems. Escpecially us Americans. We are GO GO GO. We have to remember to take the time to thank him for that good parking spot, and every day that we get to eat. The father of my child is from India. He grew up on a farm in a village where if you go outside in the back yard past you risk getting eaten by a Lion. Then they put him in a boarding school. I can't even go into that because it's too sad. I have casts on both of my feet right now form stress fractures, and a whole bunndle of other medical problems that I shouldn't have at 28 years old. I get depressed about it. I've had my share of pitty parties, trust me. But at least we're in America where we have medical insurance and doctors everywhere. Then we complain about how much we pay for our insurance. You don't have a choice in India. If you're in the villages, and you can even get to a doctor far away before dieing, if you don't have cash or you're not high up in the casting system, you're screwed. If you don't have cash on you at the right time in the right place with the right last name, you will be left to die, if you didn't die in the car because no one fallows the traffic rules around there. Just be glad if you're in America. Even our dogs here get better medical attention than most people in 3rd world countries. You mentioned destroying those who cause suffering, you don't have to. Don't hate them, hate the devil working in them. They may not be punished here on earth, but they have to face God when they die. If they haven't made peace with God and made too much trouble.....well I'd be more scared for my eternity than this little fraction of being as a human on earth. Life is just a blink.
2007-03-15 18:21:33
answer #4
answered by Indigo 2
This is kind of a rhetorical question...but in my opinion you can never stop suffering. You are always going to have the more privelaged, the better off, the good versus evil. It is just like Darwin's theory of survival of the fitest. No matter what we destroy or take out of the world we are all still different. There will always be suffering. It is up to us to help those suffering to make them more comfortable.
2007-03-15 17:30:47
answer #5
answered by kd 2
It is the suffering that works out Salvation!
Those who lean unto there own understanding of scripture are leading others astray and blinded by their "pride!" But this has to occur for the Kingdom of God is coming to this earth and establish His way as the only way.
Pride is man's downfall. The End of the circle of man's self rule will be the beginning of Christ's Kingdom but that "pride" must be broken first!
Jesus fulfilled the law. So exactly what did Jesus fulfill. If Jesus kept God's law, what part of the law is deemed absolute?
The weekly Sabbath! And annual Sabbaths! Not the resurrection. First observe the weekly Sabbath and annual Sabbath's, then the rest will be put into it's proper place.
The weekly Sabbath is not Sunday the first day of the week, rather it is the last day of the week and starts at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Not midnight to midnight under the current theme of thinking of time.
2007-03-15 17:33:10
answer #6
answered by אידיאליסטי™ 5
One thing I have learned along the way is that God is not alone just as well as we are not alone. There doesn't have to be any killing as long as we slowly change those around us with a piece of heart.
I don't believe that God destroys people completely, i think he destroys that piece of heart and mind that is involved with it.
I know what you're think..... if that was the case everyone would be better and alive, but you have to remember we are all at war with evil and sometimes during that war people lose strength, some people lose faith, some people lose their sight of love, and some people lose the most important thing of all...... prayer!
2007-03-15 17:47:27
answer #7
answered by pixey 2
God allows suffering because it helps us grow.
Much of our suffering is a result of our own sin. It's a basic natural consequence of our behavior. In such a case, our suffering helps us get back on track.
Other suffering comes as the result of someone else's bad decisions. The whole "I'm not hurting anyone but myself" argument is totally off track. Everything we do has consequences that affect those around us.
Regardless of where our suffering comes from, it provides us with an opportunity to grow in faith. How we handle suffering defines our character, and how we improve in our reactions is the standard by which our growth is measured.
The only end to all suffering will be at the gates of Heaven, because that marks the end of our growth. That's when God will either say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant," or "depart from me, I never knew you.
Remember that even Jesus had to suffer to attain his place at God's side.
And for those who will surely attack me for my insensitivity to the "innocent victems" in the world, you should know that I, myself, am disabled. Even Hellen Keller was wise enough to thank God for her handicaps because they brought her closer to God.
2007-03-15 17:49:18
answer #8
answered by Privratnik 5
Suffering is a chance to show our devotion to God. What better way to show God we love him then to praise him when we're at rock bottom, like Job? (pronounced JOBE)
God didn't promise that we would have "the good life" just because we're christians, in fact, he pretty much promised that it would be hard, and at times it might suck. We can remember, though, that Jesus is always there to help us, when we stumble he picks us up, we don't have to rely on ourselves.
It helps, also, to realize that Jesus suffered too. He was tempted in every way, and he had to suffer through one of the most gruesome and painful deaths. All because he loves us and wants to be with us in heaven some day. God loved us so much he gave up his son; something that surely cut him to the quick. God did not hang us up to dry just because he loved his son. We should not hang him out to dry.
2007-03-15 17:43:01
answer #9
answered by ? 5
It is called spiritual warfare.
Get on your knees and pray to God in Spirit & truth about those you know are suffering today. Pray with a prayer group. Be specific to God about it. Have an ear for what the Spirit has to say.
We need to take the Word of God that is the Sword of Truth that divided between the spirit & soul. Speak Gods Promises in His Holy Bible when praying in spirit & truth. Have an ear for what the Spirit has to say.
Right now, doors are opening for the Gospel of Gods Saving Grace (Gods love) to enter troubled areas bound in religion that doesn't love but evil people rule & murder.
So, this is answered prayer for me. Also that God would give vision and dreams to those truly seeking Him. Also, regarding terrorists, is my prayer for those in the military, etc., to have Godly visions of where the enemy is hiding. To capture and imprison and teach them the True Word of God. If it is impossible to catch a terrorist then to kill so that terrorist won't lead others to destruction also, or be stopped from killing innocent others.
To me a terrorist is anyone, also, who commits genocide, or kills innocent others for self-righteous or their leaders self-righteous reasons. Remember that the mindset of the terrorist is that the ones he/she kills isn't innocent, even if they are. Those commiting genocide in Darfur are commiting a great evil in anyones mind with conscience. But to the Muslim Arab horsemen, the ones they are murdering are guilty of being the wrong color or not muslim enouph.
2007-03-15 17:45:26
answer #10
answered by LottaLou 7