try this again... you didn't commit any sin?
if you are an atheist, you don't believe in sin.
Why would you ask this?
EDIT: one of the commandments is "the Lord you God is One God, and you shall worship Him with all your heart, soul and mind."
so if you are an atheist. you have sinned in a major way: not loving God. sorry if you don't understand this.
2007-03-15 10:10:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You were a baby then, and you go to heaven. As soon as you tell the first lie, think the first cruel thought, or preform any other deed with the intent of being mean...you sinned and will go to hell unless you accept the gift of salvation. We are all born with sin in us, it's only a matter of time before it comes out in some way and exposes us for what we really are. Even christian believers sin, and likely more than you think they might, they are people too and we ALL mess up at some point.
We are only innocent until we are old enough to hear the message of forgiveness, understand it, and make the choice. After that you are held accountable for each and every time you hear and reject it. When you accept it, all the things you have done are wiped clean and are no longer remembered by Him, it's why we are told to seek forgiveness CONSTANTLY, we can sin against others and not even know it until later. You CAN sin on accident, and you still need to be forgiven, christians just do all they can to NOT do it and when they do ask to be forgiven. We still pay whatever earthly price our actions require, but we have the assurance that it will not be remembered by Him at our time of judgment.
2007-03-15 10:15:24
answer #2
answered by Stahn 3
Even if you honestly don't believe that you have, because of Adam's sin, you, like ALL of us, were born SPIRITUALLY dead and if you die in that state, you will suffer ETERNAL death.....but God's word says that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.....In thought, word, and deed....
There is NONE righteous, no not one....
There is None that do good or seeks after God...in our natural
state of sin and death.
That is WHY Jesus said, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN.
That is NOT just some 'evangelical" or religious phrase or
whatever...The REAL you is a SPIRIT being...made in the image and likeness of God. You have a soul, which is your mind, will, and emotions, and you live in a physical body.
The REAL you MUST be born again, regenerated, before you
leave this world if you want to go to heaven and escape hell.
JOHN 3;16,17
JOHN 3;36
JOHN 8;24
Acts 4;12
JOHN 11;25,26
JOHN 14;6.
And if you should ever want to seriously talk with someone about what happens when you leave this world, will you PLEASE copy down this number -- USA -- and save it for such a time....
1-8OO-759-O7OO - That is the # for 7OO CLUB in the U.S.
I don't know where you are writing from, but they are all over the world and you can just look them up on your computer.
I get the sense that you really do want to know and you are concerned about what happens to you when you did...and I pray that you are....and that you will open your heart to God's love and His mercy....
Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart.....God will never force you, but He is right there waiting if you will reach out for Him with all your heart....and soul.....Please do!!! =)
2007-03-15 10:24:43
answer #3
answered by angelique1225 5
Hello, Well first off the fact that you admit to acknowledging sin tells me you're not an atheist. Secondly from a Christians point of view , if you die and you didn't accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior you will go to hell. You have to confess that you are sorry for your sins ask for forgiveness and accept Christ into your life as your personal savior. This is what our religion of Chritianity teaches. You sound like a really nice person please don't wait until it is too late. I hope you will think about this. I dont know if you are sick or planning to end your life prematurely but Jesus loves you and he brought us on line for a reason. John 3:16 (For God So Loved the world that he gave his ONLY begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall NOT perish BUT have everlasting life) basically God cared so much about you that he sacrificed his son's (Jesus) natural life so you can have a place in Heaven 4ever. Whether you believe it or not. Isn't that great ??!! Please reconsider they have an online Bible if you have ?'s or contact me at awynter77@yahoo.com I'm Antonia c-ya! :-)
2007-03-15 10:20:40
answer #4
answered by awynter77 2
You should know better than to ask hypotheticals. The fact is (and you know it) that you and I and everybody else has sinned. There is no two ways around it. That slightly shady deal about the money ... that girl you treated badly ... that time you were disrespectful to your parents ... the time you used the name of God as a swear word. There's four commandments right there, six to go. You know you've done every one of these, just like I have.
That's why I'm thankful that I don't have to depend on my not sinning to make it to heaven. God has saved me through His son, Jesus Christ, and He's willing to do the same for you, if you would only let him. Will you?
2007-03-15 10:11:33
answer #5
answered by Gary B 5
Here's your problem? If you died now and were not a believer you will get a resurrection and have a chance to learn the truth and repent and possibly live forever if you repent and change your life coarse. See Acts 24:15
On the other hand if you continue to live and are living in the last days and fail to believe when the judgment comes, you will be like the people of Noah's day. They will not be resurrected.
There's only one small requirement you need to survive? See John 17:3 and then ask questions and see if you get a good answer? gemhandy@hotmail.com
2007-03-15 10:20:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, to Christianity lack of faith is a sin. Also, according to Christianity, it's impossible to not have sinned. This includes little lies, etc. So, if you were going by Christian standards, you wouldn't go to heaven.
However, if you're an atheist, you're probably inclined not to believe in going to hell or heaven either way, since they are both associated with a God. So really, if you're going by what Christianity says will happen, it's above, and if you're going by atheist beliefs, nothing will happen, since in atheism there is no god~
2007-03-15 10:11:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I really hate to tell you this but if you have not trusted Jesus to be your personal savior then you have committed the only unforgivable sin which is unbelief. However, according to the Bible which I'm sure you don't believe since you are an athiest, there is none righteous....not me....not you. The only perfect person who ever lived was Jesus and if we could be good enough (perfect) to earn our own salvation, then he didn't have to die, did he? "God commended His love toward us, in that while we (all of us) were yet sinners, Christ died for us". Somebody has to pay for your sin, either you or Jesus. He paid for your sin on the cross if you will believe that but if you won't then you will have to pay for it yourself. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Wouldn't you rather have a free gift that is sufficient or try to get in on your own merit? By the way, the Bible also says that "he that says he has no sin is deceiving himself". That death that it talks about that you get as your wages of sin is not physical death but spiritual death which is eternal separation from God. God doesn't send you to hell, you choose to go there when you refuse the only means to avoid it. It's simple enough for a child to understand yet hard to reason out with adult intellect. That is why it is sometimes referred to "childlike faith".
2007-03-15 16:57:47
answer #8
answered by garden lady 2
If you're asking if you would go to heaven, the answer is no. To go to heaven, you can't just have been a moral, un-sinful person. Along with the Ten Commandments, you also have to follow the Beatitudes, which tell what to do to be more God-like (the 10 Commandments only tell us what we shouldn't do). You should also have faith, of course, to get into heaven, and obviously and atheist has no faith.
2007-03-15 10:12:11
answer #9
answered by juliEmAnia 4
The fact that you are born into the human family means you are under the penalty of sin. The fact that you do not believe in God and have not asked Jesus to be your Savior means the payment for sin has not been paid for you. Sin doesn't enter heaven.....but your soul will continue to live ---- so if it doesn't live in heaven there is only one other place - hell.
2007-03-15 10:12:22
answer #10
answered by wd 5
A delusion, all have sinned in Adam. We are all of one essence.
Even the atheist trying to live by the highest moral standards will go to eternal punishment because living a moral life isnt what it is all about. Its all about having a relationship with God and giving him worship and service.
2007-03-15 10:16:34
answer #11
answered by Anonymous