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Me & my gal both think tht we should end our relationship coz my Gf always & always do things and says tht hurts me like hell.... everytime time i give her a chance 2 improve but then the same things happen... so we talked & though she said she do luv me, we decided to call it off.... (we havent yet broked-off but thinking to soon).

Now, i cant live with her under any circustances AND also cant live without her....

SCREWED - What 2 do?
(Relationship is less than a year old - but she was my best friend B4)

2007-03-15 09:27:58 · 22 answers · asked by jack frost 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

22 answers

Congratulations, you just completed the entire purpose of dating, to determine if the girl is right for you or not. Obviously she isn't right for you, move on. Do not try to change her, if she naturally doesn't treat you well, then go on to someone else.

2007-03-15 09:34:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

u better break it off now and not show that you are really depressed but do let her know how you feel somewhat so she understands why you are dumping her.
If you don't dump her now, then you will probably be stuck under her "spell" for a long time and pretty much become her slave or her playtoy or something and I'm sure that you are much better than that and deserve to be in a relationship where ur gf will actually luv you just the way you are.

do it gently but do it within this week or you never know what you may be getting yourself into.

best of luck and i hope tht helps!!!!!

2007-03-15 16:33:52 · answer #2 · answered by lovin' it 6 · 0 0

it wont hurt to get someone else involved.He mom if she likes you,would be a good start. Mom loves her child and probably wont be shocked "Jane" is emotionally abusing you,and I think she might be. Her mom will be on your side since is driving home a point and maybe mom can make some sense out of her need to say hurtful things. Does Jane keep score?
will she bring back a fight you 2 were done with?
if mom won't (cant) help see if you can go to mental health on a sliding scale pay fee.like 5 bucks and talk it thru from when it first started happening and go from there. good luck!

2007-03-18 03:01:12 · answer #3 · answered by to tell ya the truth........... 6 · 0 0

Oh wow... this is so hard. Im in the same situation.
I was going to leave this past weekend for the same reason - i told him it was for the best.
We werent mad or anything.... We talked like two mature adults. I was getting some of my things out of his car, and then he asked for a last hug. When we hugged he said "Dont go."
We sat in his car and talked and decided to give it one last try... and that we both would be under a type of "probation". Its not that I was going to be watching him or him watching me.... We were going to be looking inside ourselves closely to make sure this is what we really wanted. If one of us didnt feel comfortable in the relationship anymore, we'd talk again and end it. Its been only a week, and no problems yet. But you can be sure that if something else comes up and i feel out of place in this relationship, im out!!
Sorry, i dont know how to help you. I can only tell you what i did.

2007-03-15 16:44:34 · answer #4 · answered by Java Chip 4 · 0 0

If you were best friends before, there is no reason why you can't be friends in the future. Just because you're breaking up doesn't mean you have to cut her out of your life. Try dating other people, and encourage her to do the same. In time you may realize that you want to be together, but if not you'll still have a strong friendship.

2007-03-15 16:33:46 · answer #5 · answered by eileezy2002 4 · 0 0

Do the best you can, Jack. But whatever you do, be nice to the girl. Keep her feelings uppermost in your mind and let them guide your actions. I say this because she was your friend before all this started, and you don't want to lose that. Her friendship is the most valuable jewel you can possibly own. So don't hurt her, and keep her as a friend. Good luck to you.

2007-03-15 16:39:00 · answer #6 · answered by John Timothy 5 · 1 0

If it isn't already too late. Get out of it before it ruins your friendship. If you both agree with the outcome, then there is nothing else to do. Just agree with it and go with it.

If you both belive it would better if that your relationship ends then you need to do so. Best of luck!

2007-03-15 16:32:26 · answer #7 · answered by dazed&confused 2 · 0 0

You have to teach her a lesson, get her to change. Tell her to GO SCREW HERSELF. Act PISSED, like you mean it. Don't take her calls. She will beg to have you back. Do not accept her back right away. Drag it out. The better self-control you have here, the more desperate you can make her, the better it will be for you in the future. Tell her you are DONE taking her crap. If she believes it, she will change.

2007-03-15 16:54:23 · answer #8 · answered by F 5 · 0 0

Couples counseling is a good start. Can be found offered at clinics or church's offer as well. She needs to clear up some anger issues. Sounds like some emotional garbage she is carrying from a prior relationship(s); how she related to her dad, former boyfriends, perhaps even her mom?
Kinda sounds like how I've been. I've had anger issues from my dad, 19 yr loveless marriage, divorce, bad boyfriend. All contributed to my anger. Then along came Patrick. I warned him to stay away, that I had things to clear up in my head and I needed 6 months of NO MEN in my life, but he would not hear of it. Talk about fighting??? I was not a nice girl. But he hung in there, and took the arrows I shot at him, and he stood his ground and continued to love me despite myself. And, I've made him physically cry many times. I'm not proud of that, but it shows the extent of my anger and hate and how much damage I needed to have heal.
Well, Patrick put up with me for 30 months, then I found that I was ready to commit to him and we married this past Valentine's Day.
Oh, we still fight, but I'm learning to adjust, my family and friends say that I seem more at peace, and the fighting has softened a great deal. Patrick's patience with me came directly from God. Other men would have walked, believe me.
If you truly love this gal, then you need to dig your heels in and fight for her and help her through her messy emotional past and help her finish growing up and learn to love you. Really love you. Not just in words, but also in deeds and actions.
Pray on it, then act on it.

031507 3:43

2007-03-15 16:43:41 · answer #9 · answered by YRofTexas 6 · 0 0

Tak time to let things cool down and then once things have cooled down for a little bit talk about it somemore. If you still fell the way you do about her either time will heal it or talk to a consulor. Just dont bore your friends with constant talk about her all the time becuase then you just wont be losing her yourll be losing them to.

2007-03-15 16:32:39 · answer #10 · answered by Micro spice 3 · 0 0

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