You follow your own heart and mind, and just say no. Your body is your body, and when you're ready to share it, you will. You've stated that you'll regret it if you do before you're ready so don't. If he can't understand that, you shouldn't want to share it with him anyway.
2007-03-15 07:55:49
answer #1
answered by Crash 2
You tell him if he has any respect for you he will leave you alone regarding this subject. You will be sorry if you give in to him- after you do, he won't respect you. You should plan on staying a virgin until you are married and not just for a while. If you want an example just read every other comment on yahoo answers- they are mostly form stupid "boys" about sex. "Boys" have a one track mind. Sex. Wait until you find a man that will respect you enough to make you his wife!!!! HOLD OUT GIRL!!!
2007-03-15 14:57:02
answer #2
answered by Amy 3
well personally i dont get why he is on your back about it if he knows your a virgin.. almost sounds like thats all he wants.. if he really cares for you he shouldnt care to wait and if you are the type of person that gives in easily and you already know that if you do sleep with him you will regret it, then break up with him because he obviously has no respect for your wishes to waiting on have sex.. plus think about YOU for once cuz in the long run, YOUR going to be left with the regret not him.
2007-03-15 15:01:16
answer #3
answered by sweet_cotton_candy_gurl 2
Honesty is the best policy. If he doesn't like your answer, then he doesn't respect you or your body or decision. If he pressures you, then get out of the relationship, because it shows that if he doesn't respect you in this situation, he won't respect you in other situations. Plus, giving in gives the guy an expectation for sex to happen again, and soon it could be a regular occurance if you aren't careful. Good luck.
2007-03-15 14:58:00
answer #4
answered by Stephen M 2
Been there, done that. Trust me if he is really in it for you he will accept that you are not ready. of course many guys will test you every so often to see if that time has come or look for lead ons but don't do it if you;re not ready. in the long run he will respect you and love you more than you can imagine if you wait until the time is right for you. Also this will strengthen your relationship.
2007-03-15 14:57:42
answer #5
answered by special 2
Get some friends and family members who care about you and will help build you up when you have to deal with your b/f's resistance to your "no." It's important to have emotional support in your tank so that you can have the strength to say no when needed. Stick to your guns on this one! It's not a minor decision! I think you're right!! You go girl!!
PS. Some good books to read are, "Boundaries" and "How to find a date worth keeping" by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend.
2007-03-15 14:59:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Do what you are doing now, just tell him that you are not ready to take your relationship to that level and that if he truly loved you he would respect your decision. If he still wants you to let him go. It will hurt like crap and you will probably hesitate for a while but you deserve someone that is going to respect you and your body.
2007-03-15 14:55:49
answer #7
answered by Tristina 1
Just tell him what you just wrote here. If he's truly in love with you he'll respect your feelings! If he doesn't understand, then he's not the right guy for you!
In this day and age, congratulations, for having a good set of morals! I hope you have found, or will find, someone to respect them!
2007-03-15 14:57:11
answer #8
answered by justlookin 5
You most likely will regret it. And you just simply say, "I'm not ready." You are in control of giving in or not...........and just remember that most guys would love to put a "virgin" link on their belt of women conquered and it doesn't mean he will love and honor you afterwards, it just means that now he can brag about his accomplishment of adding "conquering a virgin" to his list for the envy of the fellas.
2007-03-15 15:02:55
answer #9
answered by cami 3
first off, he isn't a jackass because he wants to have sex with you and you know you enjoy the attention. if you want to remain a virgin, you need to break up with him. that means no answering his calls. nothing. he isn't disrespecting you by being sexually attracted to you. he just has different desires and thoughts regarding sex and lifestyle. he isn't evil for wanting that but you need to be firm and make the break clean. it will be the kindest thing you can do for both of you. if you hedge, you will transfer your guilt onto him and make both of you miserable. take a stand one way or the other, but don't just "see what happens".
2007-03-15 15:04:53
answer #10
answered by theegoldencalf 1