These facts about Jehovah's Witnesses are perhaps relevant to this question. The more one compares this Christian religion with others, the more remarkable it is shown to be.
1. Jehovah's Witnesses have no paid clergy. Yet they remain tightly organized with more than 6.5 million active Jehovah's Witness preachers (about 16 million associate themselves with the religion). Even fulltime preachers and workers at their branch offices are unpaid volunteers.
2. There is no elite class among Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the few 'anointed' among them enjoy no special privileges in their congregations on earth. An anointed person (one of those relative few with a heavenly hope) is not elevated above his fellow congregants in any way, and he may not even qualify for appointment as a simple 'deacon' or elder. There are no titles; EVERYONE is addressed as 'brother' or 'sister'.
3. No person benefits economically from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the 8 to 20 men who serve on their Governing Body receive simply room, board, medical care, and reimbursement for certain personal expenses according to the exact same provision as every other branch volunteer.
4. About a hundred men have served on Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body committee during the past 125 years or so. The vast majority of them have spent the vast majority of their adult lives volunteering for their organization's purposes, and the vast majority have died faithfully and near-pennilessly while still under their legal 'vow of poverty'.
5. Amazingly, Jehovah's Witnesses did not splinter as a sect from some other religion. Instead, a truly tiny but sincere group of bible students studied only the Scriptures to determine the will of God. Thus their religion remains absolutely independent of and not carrying the sins of Christendom's history, yet carries the authority of Christ's teachings.
6. Despite the distortions of anti-Witnesses, throughout their modern history Jehovah's Witnesses have refused to claim divine inspiration or infallibility for their teachings. They have pointed to the bible (and not any particular translation) as the only inspired infallible means of knowing God's thoughts. For over 125 years, their teachings have been presented as merely the results of sincere bible research by imperfect but godly humans.
2007-03-15 08:59:42
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
I have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for ten years.I used to be a catholic but found too much hypocrisy and unexplainable doctrines and empty rituals.Being one of Jehovahs Witnesses is the best thing that ever happened to me.I now have purpose and meaning to my life.
If you are interested in what our beliefs are or you have questions,why dont you visit your local kingdom hall and someone there would be more than happy to help.We also offer free home bible studies if you so desired.
Please disregard comments from "S H".That person is way off.He is obviously not a witness and his comments are not accurate let alone correct.
2007-03-16 09:22:42
answer #2
answered by lillie 6
You could start by checking out some of the segments on You Tube taken from the PBS feature “Knocking” which gets shown in May. Here’s the web link:
Check the link for previews. Some survivors from the German Holocaust will be speaking at them.
Setting aside any Bible issues, my guess is that some of the irritating issues people have with them could be:
They believe in obeying the law, even the inconvenient ones, such as speed limits when late for work.
They believe in paying taxes, even though there are many ways they could avoid them, as most religions do.
They believe in keeping their word, such as to the IRS that they will not promote politics in the church, and they actually mean it.
They teach their youth that waiting until marriage is preferable to using protection, and for the most part, the youths actually believe it. As a result, they have the lowest rates of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. Yes, there is the occasional ones who would rather have their fun now than wait, but there are far more who choose to wait.
They treat their youth with respect, not just "do what you're told!"
Youths are taught side by side with the adults, the Bible as a whole, and not just Bible stories. The very young may not understand what they are being taught, but by the time you reach the age of understanding, they have a good basic knowledge of the scriptures.
The congregations never get so large that the individual gets lost in the crowd. Since everyone is taught the same, it is easy to start a new congregation, with a set of elders.
Everyone knows everyone, whether in their congregation, or in their circuit. When Katrina happened, every Jehovah’s Witnesses, along with neighbors, living in New Orleans could be found in Texas, with every witness accounted for. How many other religions could say for certain they knew that none of those left behind belong to one of their churches?
They believe their Kingdom Halls should compliment a neighborhood, and not overwhelm it, so they are small and don’t include a lot of expensive decorative features. Each KH can hold up to four congregations.
They encourage all their members to read the Bible and submit their thoughts. This was before the NWT and when they were using the KJV, or Authorized Version. It should be noted that this version of the KJV was not the first, but the fifth. It took four revisions over a 150 year period, before it was approved by the Church of England.
JW may have their own Bible, but it came about as a result of reading the KJV by thousands of people and noting the contradictions as a result of errors in translation. A good example is the scripture that says “The Word” is a Mighty God. A Mighty God gets its power and existence from an Almighty God. As for revisions, to my knowledge, it had not been revised since it came out in the 50s. My mother still has her first JW Bible, though it is worn like all the others she has used since them. Witnesses generally wear out a Bible every few years, whereas those in Christendom may have the same Bible for generations.
The greatest difference between JWs and the rest of Christendom can be answered with just one question.
Everyone else will falter around and perhaps come up with a day in May, but all JWs will say at sunset on Nasin 14, which falls on the first full moon after the vernal equinox, the Memorial of the Last Supper. This is the only day, aside from wedding anniversaries, that Christ said to continue keeping, yet Jehovah's Witnesses are the only Christian organization that does.
Whatever you may say about whether it is right or wrong to observe the man-made holidays created since the first congregations, the fact remains that Christendom does not observe the one day Christ said to keep. What does that say for the leaders of Christendom, that they ignore that one important day of the year, and don't even know what day it falls on?
The question of holidays gets asked a lot, yet the facts of why are clearly evident. Even the Churches of Christendom recognize that the holidays and observances are not in keeping with Bible teachings, yet they fear that doing anything about it will jeopardize their positions and power. Check any religious encyclopedia about the holidays and their history.
So the question is not why don't witnesses celebrate the holidays, but why does Christendom celebrate something not taught in the Bible? Further, why don't they know what day Christ said to observe and why don't you observe it on that day?
Whatever you may think of any of the other beliefs of JWs, you have to ask yourself is the need to observe these holidays more important than observing the day Christ said to keep?
2007-03-15 17:13:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I know they were hated during Hitler's time and still are today. more than 12,000 jehovah's witnesses were sent to concentration camps during the Nazi regime wearing a symbol of a purple triangle and about 2,000 died faithful to their faith. Hitler's ultimate goal was to annihilate all jehovah's witnesses because they were, as he felt a threat to his government. He wanted them to suffer and be killed if they did not renounce their faith to their God Jehovah. The Catholic Chruch applauded Hitler and backed him up. Well, stating the obvious, jehovah's witnesses' God was on their side because there is more than 6 million of them all over the world now and the person who swore to annihilate them is dead. Shame on the Catholics for approving to kill a group of people no matter what their religion is. They are the only religion i know that know who their brothers/sisters are in faith from far away by the way they dress, act, & talk. If they run into a fellow Witness for the first time, they treat and greet each other as if they've known each other for years!!!! We could learn from jehovah's witnesses. You can learn more about their ordeal with Hitler at the museum of Holocaust in Washington.
2007-03-15 16:27:08
answer #4
answered by Lost sheep 1
A word of warning- If you truly are interested in Jehovah's Witnesses and want to know the REAL them, DO NOT ask anyone who isn't one. You will only find others like yourself who don't know anything, or people who are misinformed or biased. The ONLY reliable source of accurate info about JWs is someone who IS a JW! After all, would you want someone to ask you about yourself or ask someone else who barely even knows who you are? Listen to achtung_heiss's answer. He can tell you the truth.
2007-03-15 17:27:48
answer #5
answered by Anomaly 4
Jehovah's Witnesses know about Jehovah's Witnesses.
2007-03-19 13:30:53
answer #6
answered by girlinks 3
I have been since 1990. we are a real religion not a cult as many keep saying. people who know nothing about us will always tell lies about us, or people who turn there back on Jehovah and Jesus Christ. people who want to learn about us should go to a kingdom hall or our website and learn the truth about us. we are not mislead as some people keep saying to all there answers about Jehovah Witnesses
2007-03-17 16:00:23
answer #7
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
Not many on here. I do, and there are others both Witness and non. The best places to get info on us are at a Kingdom Hall, or at, or at your door when one of comes by, or for that matter in your Bible you can see our beliefs. Hope this helps.
2007-03-16 03:01:36
answer #8
answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7
ok, what do i know about jehovahs witnesses? obviously, majority of the people don't like them. i am really sad about the negative comments i've read on jehovah's witnesses here. they've helped the public more than any of us will ever know. because of them, our rights and freedom as citizens are respected. only jehovah's witnesses have gone to supreme courts (over and over and over again) who fought for their religious rights and freedom of speech. instead of talking down on them because of their beliefs, we should be greatful. We won't have our rights and our freedom now if it weren't for these people who fought so hard for it. because of their beliefs on "no blood transfusions", our doctors are being trained to be better surgeons by studying on how to give surgery without the use of blood!!! They never taught that in medical school and now because of jehovah's witnesses, our surgeons/doctors are going to seminars and conferences on bloodless surgerios. Shame on all of us for refusing to believe and refusing to accept that jehovah's witnesses are good intelligent people. i could easily convert to this religion but because the fear of being criticized by others especially in my community, i'm holding off on it. Gosh, shame on ME!!!!
2007-03-16 20:38:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Not many people do know about us becuase they lable us as "crazy" or a "cult" they say we don't believe in Jesus...etc etc ive heard many increadible rumors about us.
If people really knew who we were they would see our teachings are bible based, and anything we preach is from Jehovah God, through the bible. But Jesus said that we would recieve persecution so we expect it.
2007-03-16 02:16:15
answer #10
answered by PW 2