Hey, we just learned this in seminary! Assuming you are all familiar with the story of Daniel, ( who made a deal with the king that his men, eating a diet comprised of fruits, vegtables, meat sparingly, and no wine, would be healthier than the king's, who did not follow the same health pattern. Daniel) D&C 89 is about the Word of Wisdom. The w of w is basically a code of health that the LDS live by. WE do not drink, smoke, consume tea or coffee, partake of harmful drugs, and eat meat sparingly. It tells us to exercise, eat fruits and vegtables, wheat and other grains. It is not only about health, though. It is also about obedience to the Lord. If we follow His commandments, he will bless us with "great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures." I am so thankful to have the w of w, and know that it will help me live a longer, happier, life.
The 13 articles of faith were written by the Prophet Joseph in response to a newspaper who wanted to know the basics of our faith. I love the articles of faith, it makes it easier to explain to nonmembers what my beliefs are. It is a standard to everyone of what I know to be true.
The Pearl of Great Price is one of the books that is a
standard work of our church. It includes The books of
Moses, Abraham, Joseph Smith (Matthew), and Joseph
Smith History, as well as the articles of faith. It is
after D&C in a BOM combination book.
John Taylor was the 3rd Prophet and President of the
church, after Brigham Young. When he was young, he was Methodist. After he was married, he and his wife were
in a group that prayed for the restoratioin of New
Testemant Christinaity. They converted and became LDS
in 1836, when they were baptized.
Spencer W. Kimball suffered from throat cancer, as
well as typhoid fever, smallpox, and paralysis.
Spencer W. Kimball's mother died when he was only 11
years old. He had 4 siblings who also died at this
The sacrament, passed during sacrament meetings every sunday, is a reminder of Jesus Christ and how he suffered and died for the sake of our sins. Passed by worthy young men who hold the priesthood, bread symbolizes the body of Christ, and water His blood. It is a time of repentance and renewal of baptisimal covenants. I am so thankful for the wonderful opportunity to partake of the sacrament ever sunday, and remember how much my Savior loves me.
I have a testimony that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of my Heavenly Father. He is my Lord and Savior, who died for my sins so I can someday return to Him in the Celestial Kingdom. He is the head of the only true church on this earth. When I pray in His name, I know that I am heard. I know for a fact that He knows and loves us all individually. I love Him very much as well. I can't wait until the great day when He arrives in His second coming.
I read a talk by James E. Faust, and I And I THOUGHT it was Alma 53:20, but I guess I missed the KJV part. Oops. After reading the other entrys, I guess the answer is Phillipians 4:8...but I'd rather not cheat and keep my original answer. Better luck next time....
I love these LDS trivia posts! Please make more of them!
2007-03-16 13:33:04
answer #1
answered by cdaae663 4
D&C 89, also known as the Word of Wisdom. To me, the most important part is where it precludes alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea (hot drinks), and, by association, illegal drugs.
Articles of Faith is a boiled down list of what we believe.
Pearl of Great Price is anothe book of scripture.
John Taylor was the third president of the LDS church. He was born and raised in England, if I'm not mistaken. He was with Joseph Smith when Joseph was killed. He would have been killed, too, had not Joseph the presence of mind to build up a fortress of mattresses around him. His pocket watch stopped a bullit.
The next is probably Spencer W. Kimball. I know that he had throat cancer.
Sacrament is the Lord's supper. It's renewing the covenants I made at baptism.
Yes, I have a testimony that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, that He died for our sins, and rose again to conquer death.
Phillipians 4: 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Did I win?? ;-)
2007-03-15 07:46:36
answer #2
answered by mormon_4_jesus 7
D&C 89- aka- The Word of Wisdom- It is a revelation given by Jesus Chirst to the prophet Joseph Smith in response to a question Joseph's wife asked about chewing tobacco. It is viewed by Latter-Day Saint as the Lord's code for physical health.
The Articles of Faith- 13 statements of belief. A journalist asked Joseph Smith to define what the Latter-Day Saint Church believed and taught. Joseph did as asked, but the journalist asked him to condense, repeatedly. Eventually, the journalist accepted the statements in their presently-known form.
The Pearl of Great Price- divine translation of papyri found in the Middle East. If I remember right, the papyri were purchased by the early LDS church, and translated by Joseph Smith. The P of GP was writings by the Old Testament prophets, Moses and Abraham.
John Taylor was the 3rd president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ("Mormon"). He was born in England, so he was probably Anglican.
I think there were a couple, but I don't remember which ones...
President Kimball- he was also the inspiration behind the Star Wars character, Yoda.... the ears, the chin, the stature, the voice, the wealth of wisdom...
The sacrament (The Catholics call it the Lord's Supper) is the symbolic taking of Jesus' body and blood. It is offered each Sunday in our services, using water and bread. It's seen as an opportunity to renew the covenant (sacred promises) we make at baptism.
Yes, I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. Before He was the Savior, He was my Brother. He gave His whole mortal life- every moment for each of us, not one selfish thought in 33 years! He made it possible for me (and the rest of mankind) to become perfected and return to our Father's presence...
The 13th Article of Faith- "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
Phillipians 4:8- "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
2007-03-15 09:55:49
answer #3
answered by Yoda's Duck 6
D&C 89 is the code of health that the LDS a very well known for. It was given 174 years ago before scince proved it all to be true.
God has always had a health code for His people. Daniel honored his.
The thirteen articles of faith explain the unique beliefs of the LDS people.
The Pearl of Great price is a book of LDS scripture
John Taylor was a faithful friend of Joseph Smith who was with him when Joseph Smith was murdered. He later became president of the LDS church
I don't know
Spencer W. Kimball
The sacrament is my chance to apologize to God for all I have done wrong that week and also an opportunity to ask the LOrd to sign me up again for another week of service.
Jesus Christ is the compassionate Savior of all mankind
follow the cross-reference.
2007-03-15 07:27:36
answer #4
answered by msender77 2
OK...First of all the only people who would even be half way interested in answering some of your questions would be other Latter Day Saints, and you can ask them that in between blocks, or in Gospel Doctrine Class, Priesthood, or Relief Society or even during a home teaching or visiting teaching visit. If you want to get people to read more about our religion and become interested in what we believe , then ask more simple basic questions that might spark their curiosity. Good Luck...and I'm with you all the way.
2007-03-15 07:56:29
answer #5
answered by garo g 3
i have a testimony that will never be taken away.
i beheld the lord jesus christ in a vision of glory. in response to the study of scriptures, including the BoM D&C and Pearl of great price.
however one must always be warned of secret combinations whereever they exist, even if they are stake presidents and bishops.
2007-03-15 08:28:13
answer #6
answered by Priestcalling 3
Yes I have a testimony of (Capital )Jesus Christ, God. Not the prophet you claim he was. I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Joesph Smith is one of the biggest liars, adulterous leaders of the the worlds biggest cult. His delusions have cost many a person eternal life.
Never ever take your eyes off of Christ and believe a lie of a man.
2007-03-15 07:28:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus said Ye must be Born again!
2007-03-15 07:24:06
answer #8
answered by Tribble Macher 6
Doctrine and Covenants 89 is the word of wisdom. It relates to Daniel 1 because the Lord told Daniel not to eat the meat or drink the wine of the king.
The articles of Faith are standards that all LDS people should live by. It's what we believe to be true, put into statements (13 of them to be exact). To me, it's a statement of the fullness of the gospel. It shows what I believe to be true.
The Pearl of Great Price is a book of writtings that touch many aspects of faith and doctrine in the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Following is a brief introduction to the present contents:
Selections from the Book of Moses. An extract from the book of Genesis of Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible, which he began in June 1830.
The Book of Abraham. A translation from some Egyptian papyri that came into the hands of Joseph Smith in 1835, containing writings of the patriarch Abraham.
Joseph Smith—Matthew. An extract from the testimony of Matthew in Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible.
Joseph Smith—History. Excerpts from Joseph Smith’s official testimony and history, which he prepared in 1838, and which was published serially in the Times and Seasons in Nauvoo, Illinois, beginning on March 15, 1842.
The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
John Taylor was the third Prophet (president) of the Church. He was born in England November 1st, 1808. He was christened in the Church of England when he was young and then converted to Methodist later on in his teen years. He was appointed lay preacher a year later, and then felt he needed to come to America. His wife, Leonora was the first to join the Chruch and she persuaded John to continue lessons with Parley P. Pratt. He was in jail with Joseph Smith, Joseph's brother Hyrum and Willard Richards when Joseph and Hyrum were murdered. He was severly wounded, but didn't die.
He and Pratt lead members into the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. He was appointed an associate judge in the provisional State of Deseret in 1849 and served in the territorial legislature from 1853 to 1876.
He was elected Speaker of the House for five consecutive sessions, beginning in 1857.
Following Brigham Young's death in 1877, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles governed the Church, with John Taylor as the senior apostle. Taylor was appointed the third President of the church in 1880. He oversaw the expansion of the Salt Lake community, the organization of the Church hierarchy, the establishment of Mormon communities in other states, and the defense of polygamy against increasing opposition.
In 1882, Congress enacted the Edmunds Act, which declared polygamy a felony. Hundreds of men and women were arrested and imprisoned for continuing to practice polygamy. Taylor had followed Joseph Smith's teachings on polygamy, and had at least seven wives. He is known to have fathered thirty-five children.
Taylor and his counselors withdrew from public view to live in the "underground:" frequently on the move to avoid arrest. During his last public sermon Taylor remarked, "I would like to obey and place myself in subjection to every law of man. What then? Am I to disobey the law of God? Has any man a right to control my conscience, or your conscience? ...No man has a right to do it" (JD 26:152). He is a very intersting man.
Wilford Woodruff's mother died at the age of 26 from "spotted fever" when Wilford was only 15 months old.
Spencer W. Kimball had throat cancer. During his childhood, Kimball suffered from typhoid fever, facial paralysis and once nearly drowned. Four of his sisters died in childhood, and his mother died when he was eleven.
The sacrament (communion) is something the savior set up during the Last Supper. It is to remind us of Christs sacrifice. The bread is a remberance of His body, given to us freely so we could live again. The wine (water) is to remind us of the blood he spilt in Gathsemony, to atone for our sins so we could be forgiven. There is a prayer that is said with it. It can be found in D&C 20:77 for the bread and D&C 20:79 for the wine (water). To me, the sacrament is a renewal of my baptismal vows that I made with God. It is a weekly reminder of the Christ did for me and the promises I made to God when I was baptized.
It would be too long to give my full testimony, so here is just the basics. I believe in God, in his Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. I believe that Christ was my own personal savior. That he died for me and that through Him, I have the abililty to live again. I believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, set to lead this Church to be help bring about the fullness of the gospel to us today. I believe that through the atonement that Christ made that we have the ability to be forgiven of our sins and through His grace, we are made clean before God. I believe prayers are answered and that we must have faith that they will be. It may not be in our timeframe, but God knows what is right for us. I know Christ lives!! I know he sits on the right hand of The Father and with Him, leads and guides this church. For my on my testimony, so my blog on my 360 page.
The thirteenth article of faith is referring to Philippians 4:8. Good question!! Made me do some serious searching!!!
2007-03-15 08:29:51
answer #9
answered by odd duck 6
I looked around, and I can't see any.....sorry
2007-03-15 07:27:34
answer #10
answered by Kerilyn 7