Muay Thai.
No, I've never fought outside the context of competition.
2007-03-15 08:05:04
answer #1
answered by JV 5
before I learned to fight- I had problems.
when I was younger I studied boxing and wreslting.
Had a few fights in and out of bars. Since then I've grown up and haven't engaged in an actual fight (outside of sparring) for many years.
Actually most of my fights have NOT gone to the ground unless it was a slap boxing match that got a little too out of hand with friends. It was mostly boxing. Most times I threw a combo, landed it, landed some more then was pulled off by a bouncer and thrown out.
since then I have trained in xingyi (with some other stuff mixed in).
The closest I came with my new art was when I had some really drunken guy in my face. put up my hands in what looks to an observer like a peacefull manner to say "hold on" then when he got too agressive I delivered an elbow- no one saw, he fell over (as he was drunk- its supposed to hurt not send you flying) and they kicked him out because he was wasted.
If I had this "approach" beforehand, I probably wouldn't have been kicked out.
2007-03-15 08:13:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have used stuff twice in fights once outside a bar a guy was messing with a friend of mine, and I told him to calm down and he started bouncing around talking about how he was the kickboxing champ of PA, and I didnt know who I was messing with. He swung I stepped into him swept him to the ground and got him in a blood choke.
The other time I dislocated a guys elbow(which is sick when its sticking against the skin) he kept fighting the hold and when he relaxed I kept the pressure up and it just snapped his elbow out of place.
Outcome of the fights is the first guy had it coming, the second guy was an accident.
2007-03-15 07:39:14
answer #3
answered by Kenneth W 3
Brazialian Jiu Jitsu....most recent one was in CO while on a ski trip. A guy rearended us and tried to take off....when we caught up with him, he got out of the car. While I was still on the phone with the 911 dispatcher and standing outside the car, he lunged at me. I didn't even hesitate...I percieved that he was expecting a "stand-up" altercation. So, I threw a fake punch and then did a double leg take down. Once mounted, it was just like class....lapel choke....or I guess I should say Columbia Jacket Choke.....LOL!
I did not choke him inconscience. After a few seconds of leaving the choke in he began to understand rather quickly what was happening. Even though he did not I believe understand Jiu Jitsu, I think that he understood that he was in pain and that I apparently knew what I was doing.
The cops showed up about 2 minutes later, and took him to jail for assult and fleeing the scene.
BTW...There was another time I used Martial Arts back in Highschool.....back then I had only taken Tae Kwon Do...I basically got my *** kicked pretty bad by a wrestler...I wish I would have know something about grapplling and BJJ back then.
2007-03-15 08:00:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Judo, Karate, Defensive Tactics Training.
Situation 1:
People starting trouble in a crowd resulting in a large fight erupted.
I was able to break up the fight before anyone was hurt using pressure point techniques, a combination of locks to restrain the individuals involved.
Situation 2:
Attempted Mugging by a man with knife
Was able to disarm the individual and get out of the situation safely
2007-03-15 07:25:01
answer #5
answered by Wes 3
Isshinryu karate for over ten years
Several that got stopped before blows from friends stopping it while I waited for the guy to do something. I don't talk, I sit and wait for them to do something so I can immediately react and defeat them quickly.
There were many prior to serious training and most are pretty embarrassing :-( Since training, the only story is getting pushed from behind by a guy I got in an argument with in a club. I caught my balance, waited till he tried to push me again, pulled his hands down so he would loose his balance forward, grabbed his head and neck and drove my knee into his body then chin. End of problem.
2007-03-19 15:53:01
answer #6
answered by Matthew E 2
Westminster California
bout 7 years or so back on Nov 1
I fought a pretty big dude that used weapons against me
I got blood on me as he kept attacking me, and well the cops let it go thank god as I was only defending myself.
I had a year of Blood tests as the guy I fought was pissed off at Society and looking for fights to take a few with him so to speak, after all he had just been released for attacking cops...
Enjoy your street fights
Thats why I care so much my Brothers and Sisters
He Had Aids
I am Lucky as I had no cuts or abrasions we think??
I Had bad times though being tested
I know a little of this and some of that
but mostly alot of nothing
2007-03-15 07:31:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I've studied judo for years. There were these muscle guys that used to hang out at the same beach and give me and my friends a lot of trouble. One day one of the bigger ones started talking some sh*t and telling me to get lost. I told him I'd rather not. He came at me and tried to throw a headlock on me. I just used basic momentum principles to toss him flat on his a**. He fell hard, too, with a big Thud. You should've seen the look on his face. He got up took a few clumsy swings. I ducked him a couple times and then clipped him right on ther point of his chin. (I had a few boxing lessons too). He went down like a ton of bricks. No hassles after that.
2007-03-22 09:00:45
answer #8
answered by shortfuse 2
Yes, I have.
I study Aikido.
I consented to go to a notorious country-western bar/club with friends who like that sort of thing (I'm a city-dweller who likes classical music & drinks wine). There was a drunk hoosier at the bar who mocked my choice of beverages, and who "didn't like the way I looked" or something to that effect...whatever it is hoosiers have against "big city" people. I politely ignored him and then sat elsewhere with my friends. To cut the story short, he followed me to the table, insulting me and then my friends. Finally, I had enough. So, I stood up, faced him, and took the traditional "ready stance" that most Japanese martial arts have in common. He, of course, saw as an invitation to fight. So, I let him make the first move...he took a swing. I simply dodged it. He took another swing, and another. I simply kept dodging & deflecting the punches until he finally got bored and/or frustrated and gave up. He muttered something under his breath and walked away and left us alone the rest of the evening.
I believe that there's no honor in fighting drunks, or anyone, for that matter. I have nothing to prove to anyone, so that's why I didn't return his punches or do any jointlocks on him. To me, that's the true spirit of the martial least of Aikido, anyway.
2007-03-16 03:10:34
answer #9
answered by dewmeister 2
A fight is a willing physical clash of two or more egos. I am too wise to get involved in a fight.
I have been attacked.
Yes, I used martial arts to protect myself. I was jumped by three guys. I was scared to death, I just reacted. Two of the guys tried to grab my arms while the third guy was trying to strike me. It gets blurry at that point. I defended myself. The end result was two of them were on the ground. One of them hit their bare skull on the concrete real, real hard. I remember seeing it bounce and I still remember the noise it made. The third guy saw that his buddy was hurt bad. I took off running during the pause. I got to my car and I drove. Down the road I pulled over and I vomited harder than I ever have in my life.
These were some punk frat guys at the college I attended, I rate them as less tough than an average street thugs since they stopped attacking when one of them got hurt.
I hate violence. I felt terrible that I hurt one of them even though I was defending myself.
My style is irrelevant. The quality and frequency of your training far outweigh the style you train in.
2007-03-15 09:23:19
answer #10
answered by spidertiger440 6
No BUT...
My martial art intimidated some would be attackers / harassers and they went away.
MOF: It happened 2 days ago (first and only time.)
A couple of teens were riding their bikes on the sidewalk (they positively stunk up the whole neighborhood with their testoserones!)
I was coming the other way down the sidewalk with my cane minding my own business.
They slowly advanced, side by side, with a:
"Wanna' play chicken?" expression on their faces.
With a simple twirl of my cane into a Forward-ready
position, I gave them a "SURE! Let's play chicken!" response and they backed off!
This incorporated moves from my:
Taijichuan Walking Stick Form.
The Walking Stick -- It's not just a crutch!
2007-03-15 07:31:45
answer #11
answered by Anonymous