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i will take her outside for 15 to 20 minutes and nothing. we go back inside and in about 3 minutes she has gone on the floor. i never see her doing it. i will turn my back for a second and she has already gone. it's getting to the point where i am almost wanting to get rid of her. and that stinks.

2007-03-15 06:04:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

3 answers

Well first of all congratulations on your new member of the family.Many people do not understand why their dog does not know what to do when taken outside. Just turning him loose in the back yard a few times a day is not the way to house train a dog. Merely taking him outside also does not mean that he knows what he is being taken outside for.

Housebreaking in theory is very simple. It is finding the means of preventing the puppy from doing his business in the house and only giving him the opportunity to do it outside. It also means that the dog leearns to communicate with you about going when told and letting you know when he has to go outside. A dog is an animal of habit and because he learns by association, if his training is consistent he will learn that there is no other place to relieve himself other than outdoors.

You need to take advantage of a very natural instinct of the dog-his desire to keep his sleeping quarters clean. You need to offer him a den in the form of a crate either wire or plastic. This becomes his bed that he cannot get out of. If the crate is the right size he will not soil in it. Puppies will not initially like it but within a few days they will accept it without a problem. A crate is also for your dogs protection and for your piece of mind unless you want him to mess in the house and chew up all of the things you work so hard for in life.

The question you need to ask yourself is would I rather get the dog used to the crate or clean up dog crap on my floor. An easy question to answer. Puppies do get over the fact that screaming will get them nowhere-as long as you ignore it do not take them out of the crate when they are yelling. Those dogs know that if they make enough noise they will be free to roam and mess whereever they want to. People who give in create their own problems.

When thinking of the size of the crate think small. Think den not condo. The use of too large a crate will encourage the pet to use a small portion for a bed and the remainder as a place to relieve himself. The puppy should only be able to relieve himself outdoors. Never use a crate as a place that your dog goes to when he is punished.

A puppy should never have free run of the house unless you have your eyes on him at all times. If he poops in the floor b/c you turned your back for 45 seconds-well you screwed up and made a mistake don't blame your pup for it. the only time they should be allowed to be loose in the house is after they have gone outside and even then only for short periods of time.

Puppies must go outside first thing in the morning and I mean first thing. He has been clean all night and holding it all night he will go in a hurry because he has to go. Now bring him in a nd give him freedom but only in the kitchen. A baby gate at the doorway is a great barrier. After you eat breakfast take him out, then feed him his and take him out immediately. Remember the rule OUTSIDE AFTER EATING-SLEEPING-PLAYING.

The bottom line is you cannot take your dog outside to much. If you take him out every hour then he learns that he will have a chance to go outside. When taking him out ask him if he WANTS TO GO OUTSIDE just before going out and praise with a GOOD OUTSIDE or GOOD BOY when he does go.

One last point on housebreaking. Commercial or store bought dog food takes 14-15 hours to go through the dog, a natural diet takes 5-6 hours.

Pointers on housetraining:

1.Do not vary your dogs diet

2.Treats should only be given as a reward for going potty outside or for going in his crate.

3.Praise everytime you see him pee or poop. Do this forever, reinforcing good behavior never hurt anything.

4.Bring him in as soon as he does his business.

5.Exercise brings on the urge to pee and poop. So if he won't go play for a few minutes and see what happens.

6.Puppies should never be punished for relieving himself in the house unless you catch him in the act. Catch him in the act or scolding is no good.

7.Always give a VERBAL punishment NO HITTING under any circumstances.

I hope that some of this has helped I use it on my 6 week old puppy and he hasn't gone potty in the house for 13 days now.
Good Luck

2007-03-15 06:10:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When she starts in the house, in a loud voice, but not yelling, repeat "Outside, Outside, outside" and carry the dog outside. Dont wait until shes done, interrupt her. Also, when you do take her outside, make sure to tell her why your there, "Come on Sweetie, go poop and pee" and then when she starts going, "Oh what a good girl" " You went potty outside"...And make sure you give a treat or some good attention. Sometimes, with puppies, you may be outside for a 1/2 hour or more...especially with breeds like a daschund....they can be awful. but once she gets used to it, you're good to go. Also, dont let her tell you when she has to go out....start taking her out every 3 hours and lengthen the time as she gets older...she'll get it.

2007-03-15 06:16:02 · answer #2 · answered by zebj25 6 · 0 0

Its a regular issue with dogs- everyone has encountered this (at least dog owners)

1. I had a dog- same issue, I was told to immediatley take them to a spot outside when they do this and in a firm voice tell him/her to "pee here", say the word "pee" or "potty" dogs are intelligent and can learn simple words and meanings just like a baby.
2. Tell them "NO" when they pee in house- they will learn from your tone "NO" means no
3 get a crate and keep her in it for couple hours- take her outside to the same spot- if she pees reward her, with praise, treats
4. I also had a trainer suggest "diapers" cut out a whole for the tail
5. use wee pads from the pet store and give them a secluded/gated area where they are forced to pee on the wee pads- take the wee pad and put it near the outside spot you chose
6. if you have a fenced in yard- put her outside often

the key is re-inforcing the idea you want her to pee at the spot you chose in the yard- not in the house, it takes patience, constistance and love- dont hit your dog or yell at her for extended periods, this doesn't help, just makes her unhappy

2007-03-15 06:24:10 · answer #3 · answered by Krista . 1 · 0 0

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