It is physically impossible to lose 5lbs of body fat in that amount of time. Any extreme weight loss in that short amount of time will be mostly water weight and will not stay off nor will it make a significant difference visually. It's not healthy...don't bother trying.
2007-03-15 05:29:08
answer #1
answered by dlewisdm 3
1 - That's easy - drink a ton of water and don't eat. .
2 - Cut off a hand or other body part.
3 - Buy a 5 pound weight and leave it outside on day 1. Return on day 2 - if it's gone, you have lost 5 pounds.
4 - Get embalmed.
2007-03-15 12:29:32
answer #2
answered by razor_cuts_4_me 2
First of all why would you want to loose 5lbs in 2days? Thats impossible. You would have 2 starve your self.
2nd of all if you need 2 loose 5lbs in 2 days b/c u have a party to go 2 and u need 2 wear a dress then I would suggest 2 things:
Use a detox formula sold at GNC or anywhere else
Use Hollywood drink ( I never used either)
Or starve your self for 2 days, drink liquids and take lots of water pills. I use Aquaban. Everytime I gotta go 2 the dr. I take it that wk so the bastard don't yell at me for being a fat ***.
2007-03-15 12:28:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It would be unhealthy to lose this much so quickly. Its okay for a healthy individual to just drink water for two days which may do the trick. Only as much water as your thirst demands.
2007-03-15 12:31:18
answer #4
answered by Colin 6
Cabbage Soup Diet, and A Sauna Suit, run 5 miles with sauna suit on, preffablly on an elpticle. It worked for me, try the diet for the week and see what happens.
2007-03-15 12:32:42
answer #5
answered by jaysniktaw 1
Model eat salad and water only...nothing on the salad...think like a rabbit
2007-03-15 12:31:18
answer #6
answered by Lindsey W 1
You won't be losing 5 pounds in 2 days, unless you do something radical and unhealthy.
2007-03-15 12:28:53
answer #7
answered by thathockeychick23 6
You could possibly lose water weight but it will come right back.
2007-03-15 12:29:31
answer #8
answered by courage78 4