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I was wondering if there was anything specific, besides sushi, that wasabi mustard might be good on?

2007-03-15 05:15:44 · 7 answers · asked by LESLIE P 2 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

7 answers

Wait, Wasabi mustard? Do you mean just plain wasabi paste, or literally wasabi mixed with some type of mustard? 'Cause that would make a big difference to me. Especially depending on what type of mustard it is mixed with.

I like to mix some in my tuna salad, and I think a little bit also goes well with roast beef sandwhiches or French Dips. Mixing some into the filling for deviled eggs sounds promising, but I've never tried it.

My uncle likes it on a ton of stuff. Something he swears by is putting some on your bratwurst. It's not bad, imo, but I'm more of a relish and cheese girl. He also says it's great in a Bloody Mary, but I've never had the pleasure.

Some mixed into Ranch salad dressing is good, but you have to get it mixed evenly. Or you die. (At least it feels that way.)

In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, orange juice, sugar, wasabi powder and ginger, and it's a great marinade or sauce for the grill. It's really great with asparagus.

Also, if you like flavored butters with your steak and stuff, try making one with wasabi. Really top notch, whether it's on beef, or fish. (Swordfish steaks = yummm)

2007-03-15 05:34:48 · answer #1 · answered by Jes 5 · 0 0

Corn Beef on Rye Sandwich,pastrami,Montreal Smoked.
Basically,anything you like to eat with mustard that is hot (as in spicy).

2007-03-15 05:20:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wasabi is soooooo good (especially mixed with soy or teriyaki sauce!!!) - my family loves to use it as a dip for jicama slices..... crunchy, yummy, low-cal

2007-03-15 05:39:32 · answer #3 · answered by tracymoo 6 · 0 0

Probably an open wound...that way it will make it heal faster and gain "magical powers" and then you can Ninja kick your enemies in their ramgut....!
Like ryu or ken from street fighter turbo edition!!!

2007-03-15 05:22:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

crab cakes, steak, cut up veggies, salmon, added to salad dressings, mashed potatoes, teriyaki chicken or beef.

2007-03-15 06:08:13 · answer #5 · answered by Global warming ain't cool 6 · 1 0

pork chops,
lamb chops,
veal chops,
pork ribs,
beef ribs,
frog ribs,
fish ribs,
you can put it on the top of your car
your car will look better

rub it on your front door
your house will look better

rub it on your lover
and yes after the screaming is over they will look better

2007-03-15 05:23:21 · answer #6 · answered by matzaballboy 4 · 0 1

sandwiches, eggs anything you want to burn the living daylights out of your togue!!I love it.

2007-03-15 05:19:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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