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And what do you think Earthquakes are for,

how does plate tectonics fit into God's eternal plan?

2007-03-15 02:32:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

vics: how? please describe the best way you know how.

2007-03-15 02:39:22 · update #1

jesus freak, not only is it horrifying that creationists make the flood the catch all of every geological occurance,
but the spelling and grammar is also scary.

2007-03-15 02:45:24 · update #2

15 answers

If I were a christian I would be making up some shiat how all the souls of the damned are making the planet bulge.

2007-03-15 02:42:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I am what perhaps you labeled a creationist. About, the mechanism of plate tectonics and earthquakes, I accept conditionally what the scientist studying this subject can explain about it - scientist always upgrade their explanations every few years.

What was a totally certain scientific fact 50 years ago is probably considered totally nonsense today!? Why don't you check if scientists generally believed in plate tectonics 50 or 70 years ago?

How does plate tectonics fit into God's plans? Ask a scientist if the earth could support life without this mechanism!

There is no real answer, but there is one purpose to which it was put hypothetically speaking in the HP http://www.bythebible.page.tl/

A direct link to the page about 'Deluge why?'
is http://bythebible.page.tl/The-Deluge_A-Hidden-Purpose.htm

2007-03-15 10:15:42 · answer #2 · answered by Fuzzy 7 · 0 0

The Bible appears to speak of the tectonic plates and continental shift on at least two occassions. It says that the "foundations of the deep" were broken at the time of Noah's flood, contributing to the flooding. Earthquakes do cause tsunamis and other type of massive flooding. It also says that the continents were further divided at the time of Perez, one of Noah's great, great, great grandsons. So the Bible does acknowledge the movement of the continents.

How does it fit in God's eternal plan? Appears to fit in somewhat, as an earthquake (which would be caused by continental shift) accompanied the crucifixion of Christ. Another will happen when Jesus returns, which will open the Valley of Armeggedon to flooding that will help to end the battle there. An earthquake was used to free Paul from prison in the book of Acts, to swallow up Moses' enemies in Numbers, as a sign of Elijah in 1 Kings, and elsewhere in the scriptures. So it appears that God designed tectonic plates so he could use them on oaccasion for miracles and signs.

2007-03-15 09:49:22 · answer #3 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 1

Well, tectonics is a scientific fact (unless a lot of scientists scewed up really badly, which is not an enterily invalid option). Therefore 1)Tectonics and earthquakes DO fit in god's plan and NOBODY but him knows how 2) Although i'm not a Criationist i understand that the tectonics theory does not invalidate the creationist theory.
As a Christian I must say that anna m's awnser really saddened me, And I ask you not to take it into consideration. Try to learn more about Christianity, you'll see things fit.

You'll NOT go to hell for asking questions!!!

2007-03-15 09:48:24 · answer #4 · answered by Emiliano M. 6 · 0 2

You can't possibly be making an argument against creationism because of earthquakes, can you? Don't see what earthquakes have to do with evolution or creation.
Part of your question is "and what do you think earthquakes are for?" You ask that as if there is a reasonable answer that you think you have. Earthquakes happen. Earthquakes are caused by the plates moving, grinding against each other, forcing their way under the other. What can this possibly have to do with religion? Or evolution? Or, for that matter anything else?

2007-03-15 10:08:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The moving and shifting of the world is due to over population. I think the reasons behind the world's current sad state is weight. Now that the governments are utilizing HAARP, etc... to change our weather (tsunami, katrina, worse floods ever, worst heat ever, worst everything ever) we are going to see a great deal more of damage to this poor earth.

Although there is evidence that this is indeed happening, they have failed to see what the damage is doing to the earth in its entirety. Sure they want to depopulize areas of the world and sure they think they have the right to make the weather their new warfare toy...little do they know that Mother Earth shall not have anything to do with this unacceptable behavior as she has had enough of it. Why do they continue on this death path?

The world cannot continue to be manipulized by the governments in the world as they have just begun to rape her and she will no doubt end up dying. We have no knowledge of many of the things that happen nowadays and you should not be mistaken to think that God has anything to do with this.

There is no "eternal plan" God would not cause the terrible things to happen in His universe. It's up to us to stop the cruel abuse.

If you don't believe about the weather thing then check with the United Nations treatises. There is one there that says the nations will not utilize weather as a means of warfare.

If they couldn't do it, why would there be a rule about it? If we're not careful it will continue to get away from them and the destruction to the earth will be so intense that there will be no pulling back.

.................think about it..............and pray pray pray

2007-03-17 02:19:42 · answer #6 · answered by MsEagleTX 3 · 0 0

When the world flood accord, back in Noah's day, it caused the earth to shift and inlarge thus causing friction between the crust and moving magma. Revalition speaks of a world wide earthquake, and volcanoes erupting, that is how plate tectonics fit into God's plans.

2007-03-15 09:40:32 · answer #7 · answered by JesusFreak 4 · 0 2

A lot of people have good answers. God uses his creation to fulfill out his plan. In the Days of Noah's flood God moved the earth. The earth is still moving according to God's Plan.
God is looking out for people who are asking questions and seeking answers and He will help you find the answers that you need.

Jesus is the Christ and He loves everyone. He created you for a very special purpose!!

2007-03-15 10:16:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes the contents are moving, that's why we have earthquakes and volcanoes. Where do those two things fit into your God's 'eternal plan'? You need to pick-up a library book on geology. Also you might wanna check out this thing called "The Ring of Fire'. It's basically a line of volcanoes, fault lines and underwater mountain ranges that circles our planet like the stitches on a baseball. God Bless!

2007-03-15 09:48:17 · answer #9 · answered by wallaceladmo 2 · 1 1

nobody, really knows Gods eternal plan, he doesnt seem to follow even his own rules so who would know. he works in mysterious ways.

yes. plate tectonics. movements in the magma flow and creation/destruction of the earths crust.

dont know how it fits in, its just a natural process.

2007-03-15 09:39:36 · answer #10 · answered by Jedi Maiden 2 · 2 0

I'm sorry but your question shows your ignorance. The fact that God created the universe does not preclude many things, including Plate tectonics.

If you reverse time and go back to the beginning of the universe, you get o the big bang. If you can explain a creation of the entire universe out of nothing, suddenly, without the existance of God, than I'd like to know.

God created the universe. God's rules ARE nature and plate tectonics are part of nature.

Once you can explain to me how the universe was created without a God, I have to ho back to God for the explaination

2007-03-15 09:47:32 · answer #11 · answered by J W 2 · 2 3

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