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I have a 15 month old male boxer and we have decided to get him neutered.- I've never been around a dog who was neutered before....but my dog doesn't follow the typical stereotype of humping-He never humps, actually our female dog is always trying to hump him. What I'm wondering is if it will call him down?? He is just sooooo hyper all the time, and I've heard that neutering him should calm him down?-Is this true? FYI this is not the only reason we are neutering him, tons of health benefits! Thanks for your info!

2007-03-15 02:17:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

6 answers

Your dog's personality will not change.
Neutering him will only effect his sex drive. If you've ever seen an intact male dog in the presence of a ***** in heat, you'll notice a lunatic that can't control his behavior. A neutered dog won't act like that in the same situation. Basically, that's the difference in behavior. If your dog is hyper, he'll remain that way. Likewise, if he's calm and lazy, he'll remain that way too.
You seem to understand the importance of controlling pet overpopulation, and the health benefits of spay / neuter. Good for you! Good luck.

2007-03-15 03:28:14 · answer #1 · answered by Ginbail © 6 · 0 0

Neutering will be great for the health benefits but may not do much for calming him down. Boxers are hyper and most stay pretty active until they get really old.
I babysit for one and she is really active and she is 8.
She runs circles around one of my dogs and plays well with the others. She can still jump a 6 foot fence. She was spayed and it did not slow her down at all. Her son is neutered and he is hyper but he is only two so that is normal.
But I would have it done just for the health benefits.

2007-03-15 02:37:15 · answer #2 · answered by tlctreecare 7 · 1 0

Neutering is not going to change your dog's basic personality. If he's hyper now, he's still going to be - that's part of the breed. Boxers need a ton of exercise, as well as obedience to keep their minds active. What it does is make a male a little less aggressive with other dogs. (As well as the health benefits which you already know about!)

2007-03-15 03:46:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Acutally, besides the overall health benefits and the not getting dogs pregnant part, which is pretty significant in itself, after he heals, you won't notice any different behavior. It shouldn't really calm him down, with the exception of those times he smells a female in heat around the area, which you won't have to worry about any more. My males kept trying to hump long after they'd been fixed, seems to be just as much of an excitement as a sexual one.

2007-03-15 03:11:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Neutering ought to purely harm for 2 days, in case you have long gone a MONTH already and the canines continues to be torpid, you rather ought to have as much as date your vet on his condition. there may well be an inner abscess, an infection or something else happening. and not employing a professional checking him over you are able to no longer tell. although, $4 hundred for a canines neuter is ridiculous except you're in California. A male canines in the Midwest purely expenses $a hundred twenty five to neuter. i might swap vets, call around and ask fees on staple products like checkups, distemper vaccinations, etc. and elect somebody who isn't gouging you.

2016-11-25 21:31:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having your dog neutered is always a good idea. For heath reasons as well as unwanted puppies not making an appearance. I doubt it will slow him down much. I've heard it makes males less aggressive toward other dogs. Personally, I have my doubts. They are pack animals, and they have a pecking order. The alpha or leader, you can be(should be) the leader. That's not always easy as people have different thinking than dogs. Ever watch "The Dog Whisperer"? He understands dogs. I personally think he was a dog in a former life.lol My advise walk him more play fetch more he's an active dog they need more exercise than most people have the ambition for and with small yards and leash laws its harder for bigger dogs to run off their energy.

2007-03-15 03:26:39 · answer #6 · answered by krunchyslady 2 · 0 1

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