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I am 19, nearly 20 soon, i weigh 185 pounds and i am 6'4 and i really want to bulk up, i have been going to the gym regulary, working hard and i dont seem to be getting anywhere, i have been doing this for 2 yrs and i have been playing footy for 4 yrs!!!
My dad is 6'2 and weighs about 167. pounds, does this mean that i will never be able to bulk up because of my genetics or will i eventually fill out over time?

2007-03-15 02:11:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

3 answers

I am doing strength training, I do the King of exercises , the Squat 3 sets of 10, Leg extensions 3 sets of 10, Leg curls 3 sets of 10, Bench Press 3 sets of 10, Pullovers 3 Sets of 10, Pulldowns 3 sets of 10 , Bent over rows 3 sets of 10, Military presses 3 sets of 10, Dumbbell Arnold presses 3 sets of 10, Presses behind the neck 3 sets of 10, Skullcrushers 3 set of 10, Triceps extensions 3 sets of 10, Barbell curls 3 sets of 10, Dumbbell curls 3 sets of 10. Finally I work the abdominals, so far I only do 3 sets of 30 crunches. All done in 1 hour, then I rest for a day, rest is very important, it gives time for my muscles to repair and grow. The compound exercises , squat, bench press and pulldowns are the core of the workout, they work 3 or more muscle groups at the same time. The squat exercise's main emphasis is on the quadriceps and the glutes, but it also involves the hamstrings, the calves, and the lower back. The pulldown works the Lats, rear deltoids and biceps, the bench press works pectorals, anterior deltoids and triceps. The rest of the exercises concentrate on 1 muscle group. Remember to try to increase the resistance each workout session even if it is just by 1 pound. Remember to get a good meal about 2 hours before you workout or your body will break down your muscle tissue and use it as fuel, not good. Get a good meal rich in protein to build muscle and some carbohydrates to fuel your body through the workout. Eat some fast digesting protein and carbs like egg whites and instant rice immediately after your workout, this will stop your muscles from breaking down and stimulate muscle growth, about 2 hours after that eat another protein and carbohydrate meal to further stimulate muscle growth. Search through the site I provided, look at pre workout and post workout nutrition, follow their advice and you will gain muscle mass like you never have before. You will find it in Supersite/nutrition. The workout database is very helpful in finding a workout routine that best fits you, there are hundreds, I found one and tweaked it a bit to include some of my favorite exercises(more shoulder exercises). The "exercises" menu item will show you which exercises work which muscle groups and how to do them correctly. The workout is only half the battle, nutrition will help you attain your goal and more. I must admit that I was SOOOO tempted to order protein powders and the fast digesting carbohydrate powders(had my Mastercard out) but after further research, I decided to go with real food, fried eggwhites(in nonstick pan, no fat) for protein and instant rice or baked potato for fast digesting carbohydrates. It is very effective if you start with light weights, i know iknow its so tempting to go with the heavy weights but ....ok....if you start with lighter weight you can concentrate on lowering the weight in 3 or 4 seconds and raising the weight in 1 second, so for a set of 10 reps, your muscles will be under 40-50 seconds of tension, for 3 sets thats 120-150 seconds of tension, 2 - 21/2 minutes of tension, this is what will stimulate your muscles and you will train yourself to use more of your muscle, your body does not want to work, meaning it will use the least amount of muscle to do the work. With this type of training you will be training your muscles to use more of the muscle fibers to do work. Now remember, pre workout and post workout nutrition. Go with lighter weights, I still try to put too much weight on the bar sometimes and I can feel that im not getting the most out of my muscles so I go lighter and get a good workout , remember 3 or 4 seconds down and 1 second to raise, you'll feel the burn. Also for the pulldowns, dont pull the bar behind your neck, pull the bar down to your chest and squeeze you shoulder blades together, you wont be able to do this with heavy weights. Always squeeze at the top of the repetion, flex the muscles being worked, please remember, lighter weights dont go and try to be Hercules and go heavy right away it wont work, 3 or 4 seconds down and 1 second up. 3 or 4 seconds down and 1 second up. 3 or 4 seconds down and 1 second up. 3 or 4 seconds down and 1 second up. just use one of those weighted wristraps to increase the weight by 1 pound or so each workout session. You must increase the weight each session or your muscles wont see any reason to grow. This is the "secret" information that is contained in those books you see or the ads where they go on on on about how they changed their lives when they "stumbled" upon the "secret" information. I should know I bought one they got me, they played on my emotions, they used everything, success stories, before and after pictures, made me feel bad about not being in shape. Dont buy it because this is what they will tell you. The way I see it, you have to break out of your shell, work, work hard , I was lazy when I started working out, I didnt want to do squats, I hate squats, but there is no denying, squats are the King Of Exercises. When I actually made the decision to try, I doubled the weight on my squats and doubled the weight on the leg curls and leg extensions. All I had to do was try harder, put some effort in. But the benchpress, I need to try harder to not put heavy weights on, I went too heavy yesterday and I can feel that I didnt get a very good chest workout. You need to pinch your shoulder blades together while laying on the bench, this way the pectorals are targeted, not your shoulders and triceps. Biceps curls are also so tempting to go heavy , but please just try this for one workout...only put on HALF the weight you normally use and go 3 or 4 seconds to lower the weight and 1 second to raise the weight. I promise you , you will get a fullbody workout. Dont split your workout, you will eventually skip workouts because it takes so much time going to the gym everyday. Do it in 1 hour, 1 day, and then rest. I learned a valuable lesson, dont worry about the bodyfat, dont worry about it for now, your main mission is to build muscle, the muscle will take care of the fat. I'll put it this way...well....i'm only gonna put 50 pounds on the bar for the benchpress tomorrow and increase by just 1 pound each session...thats an increase of 3 pounds of resistance per week...12 pounds increase of resistance per month....6 months from now there will be at least 122 pounds on the bar, it doesnt sound too much but with 3 or 4 seconds down and 1 second up for 3 sets of 10 there should be alot of muscle on your frame by then. Patience, patience, patience. Perseverence, and effort. You wont build pounds of muscle overnight, but you will feel them growing, I always flex my pecs and I can feel them getting harder and bigger each week. I bought a mirror so I can look in and enjoy the pump. this may sound vain but you will enjoy seeing yourself, its psychological, it will keep you in a set mindframe, your mind will enjoy having a body that is working and getting stronger. Drink milk or eat cheese before you go to bed, the diary products conatin a slow digesting protein called casein, this will protect your muscles through most of the night, your body will go into starvation mode overnight because you are fasting while you are sleeping, and start to breakdown your muscle tissues, the casein will slow this process. Reminds me of my Dad telling me to drink my milk and get to bed when I was kid lol.

Before you start trying to shovel 5000 calories down your throat, please read about preworkout and postworkout nutrition. In the Supersite , the menu on the left you will see Nutrition, look fro preworkout and postwork out nutrition. You will not regret it. Im putting on muscle mass, i can feel it...I only consume about 2000 - 2100 calories....good healthy calories. If you eat more protein than you actually need you will just pee it out. A good formula is 0.75 grams of protein per pound of ideal bodyweight. Use the tools in Nutrientfacts.com to calculate your Body mass index and your ideal bodyweight. My ideal bodyweight is 155 pounds so I consume 120 grams of protein(calculation is 116.25grams) but its not only protein its carbohydrates as well, or more accurately the combination or protein and carbohydrates and how they together stimulate muscle growth. Please read the site bodybuilding.com and learn from people who know alot about nutrition.

2007-03-15 03:02:43 · answer #1 · answered by Blackfly 4 · 1 1

If you really want to bulk up take lots of carbo sweet potatoes,rice,whomeal bread and ofcourse add a bit of protein to repair the muscles like eggs etc.It should be like 60%cardo 40%protein oh ya nitro-tech hardcore is good to!

2007-03-15 11:07:43 · answer #2 · answered by Mr.health 2 · 0 1

you simply aren't consuming enough food to stimulate growth. if you are very active and naturally lean you will have to shovel down some food. take your BW x 25 and consume that many calories a day. if still no weight gain increase the cals by 10% each week until weigh gain occurs

2007-03-15 10:15:57 · answer #3 · answered by lv_consultant 7 · 0 1

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