They prefer teh term nervous collapse, as you are just so overwhelmed by events in your life, your behavior is erratic, like what britney Spears did
2007-03-15 01:48:09
answer #1
answered by Experto Credo 7
A nervous breakdown is difficult to explain, but it is when the body and brain can't cope anymore. Your symptoms may varied, but you are most likely to be depressed, can't face your normal everyday life, other systems may appear, you could be crying, have all sorts of other problems.
If you have any of these, go to your doctor, if not, then enjoy your good health.
2007-03-15 08:52:29
answer #2
answered by lazybird2006 6
there is no such medical term . this is a lay mans term most often used to mean the person was OK then developed some sort of mental illness that required some medical care.
as for how to know if your having one . well you will know unless your having more then that. .
2007-03-15 08:46:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you will know your having nervous breakdown when you don't have insight anymore.
2007-03-15 08:53:07
answer #4
answered by taurust_girl27 3
Most of the time you don't until it has already happened.
BTW...It is now called a Phycotic break
2007-03-15 08:47:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
when you feel like everything is out of control and you can't handle it, you don't trust yourself or the world you think about suicide. I am right cause I had one !
2007-03-15 08:44:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
for the sake of that other guy, that is psychotic break, not phycotic
2007-03-15 09:02:37
answer #7
answered by disorder_ly_conduct 2