One of the reason can be her callorie intake is greater than calorie expendature. Even with a healthy diet you have to watch how much you eat compare to how much you exercise.
Other important thing to know is what you eat. A fat cell has very similar structure as a human fat cell. So what your body does when you eat something that contains fat is just conviniently stores it.
When you start to exercise the first thing that you body uses is calories from consumed carbohydtrates as a source of energy and only after that it will start to break down fat cells for a Kreb cycle to convert it to ATP for energy.
My suggestion is try to eliminate fats as much as possible of your diet, take less carbohydrates and concentrate on lean proteins like chicken breast (not fried), fish (great source of good omega-3 oils), add flax seeds into your diet, green vegies and drink a lot of water.
I also will recommend her to start weight lifting program. Cardio is great but what would be really great is to reduce her % of body fat and gain lean muscle.
Your sister has a normal weight for her hight right now but the % of body fat is pretty high. To stay in the same weight range and get rid of her cellulite she needs to work out the entire body and gain muscle mass. Remember, muscles weight more than fat, so if she will elliminate her fat and gain muscle she might weight more but lose a lot of inches. I will go with tape mesurements instead of a scale. :)
We all live in a very stressful world. So here are couple of other reason why it's so hard to lose weight, especially around your waist.
During the stress responce, many chemical reactions occur in the body preparing it to what is know is the "fight or flight effect".
During prehistoric days as the cave dwellers, we had the opportunity to burn our stress when an animal attacked, as it was a means of survival. We were able to run away or fight the threat immediatelly.
In today society we do not have to fight a bear or a tiger, so we don't have much an outlet readily at hand to burn off the stress or pent up negative emotions.
Therefore, we carry it with us creating emotional and physical problems.
Exercise can help by providing an outlet for negative emotions such as worry, irritabillity, depression, hostility, anger, frustration and enxiety. You can dessipate these feelings by simply taking it out on the tennis court, by running, or punching a bag.
Regular exercise provides the opportunity to manage the "fight or flight responce" and helps the body to return to a homeostasis or balanced state more quickly.
Btw, same thing happens when you drink caffeinated drinks. Caffeine releases a high level of epinephrine (adrenaline) and to a lesser extend norepinephrine to your blood streem.
These hormones facilitate immediate physical reactons associated with a preparation for a violent muscular action.
And most of the time what are we doing with a cup of coffee in the morning or a coke? We are in our cars driving to work or in our comfortable chairs in the office working with a paperwork... LOL
Here are basic recommendations that you can start with.
Food as Fuel:
Going without breakfast because you planning a big dinner is as silly as filling up your car's gas tank after you finish the trip. Eat all of the foods that are good for you; whole grains, vegetables, fruites and lean proteins that you enjoy. Eat 6 small meals a day. Eating smaller meals more often will help to speed up your metabolism. Missing meals slow your metabolism. Also chew your food at least 30-40 times every time you take a bite. This will slow down your meal time and it easier to digest your food.
Hunger can stress the body and trigger the release of cotisol, a hormone that encourages the storage of fat in the abdomen. To keep hunger under control, split your meals and snacks into 5 or 6 minimeals.
Water - Drink TONS of water!
If you add 2-3 liters of water to you diet you will feel better - PROMISE. You will have to use the restroom often, BUT you will loose weight, inches, feel less bloated, and retain less water IF you add water to your diet. Men who are overweight should add up to galon of water a day. Sip throgh out the day for best result.
Your Body Needs Daily Exercise.
The only way to be fit is to exercise on the regular basis: daily if possible. Some benefits of daily exercise are: you don't get sick as often, you have more energy and you sleep better.
Exercise doesn't have to be structured.
If it is something you enjoy doing, you'll look forward to it. Walking or riding a bike with your children to school is fun. Even though it may only be a couple of miles, it is something.
If you aren't looking forward to your next workout, do something else. Walking is probably one of the best fat burning exercises you can do - just walk more!
Have Realistic Expectations
You dont get out of shape over night so do not expect to loose weight over night neither. You can loose 10-12 pounds a month just by exercising more - without dieting! I promise you will feel better, get more fit and reach a higher level of satisfaction by starting slowly and expecting moderate weight and measurement losses.
Think within longer time frames, and a pound or two on a scale won't seam so important.
Every few weeks plan a change in your routine. Note only will your mind be more challenged, your body will have to adapt and the body will benefit from the new stimuli. The body is an amazing adaptable machine. It will begin to burn less fat as an energy source for the same activity if you don't change your programe regularly.
Get 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye a night
Chronic sleep deprivation can raise cortisol levels. It can also drive down levels of the appetite-control hormone leptin, making you feel hungry.
Laugh more
Here's a tactic anyone can stick with! In a study conducted at Loma Linda University, men and women who watched a humorous video had 30% less cortisol in their blood not only while watching the tape but also up to 24 hours later.
And at last, I do use natural fat burning pills before bodybuilding shows and many of my clients who would like to lose weight use it as well. These pills are not chemical formulas so it just will help to speed up your metabolism. Here is the link:
Consider to detox your body once in a while. I use
You will be amazed with results. The other good product is
I hope this will help. Email me if you have any questions
2007-03-15 01:49:36
answer #1
answered by Anyuta M 3
Cellulite has to do with the composition of fat beneath your skin, not how much fat you have. Plump people can have no cellulite and stick-skinny people can have it. Losing more weight will not get rid of her cellulite, though it may diminish the appearance.
As for the balance: everyone's body differs slightly in size from one side to another. If you mean her pear shape, that's the way fat is naturally distributed on her body. Her excess will accumulate in those areas before others. The only way to get rid of that type of fat store (if it doesn't go with weight loss) is liposuction.
2007-03-15 08:07:58
answer #2
answered by blueblue 4