quite simply, most (younger)women see and think it as boring to be "nice". no friction, danger, excitement, conflict with their psyche, and so on...right girls?
you have to be a confident cocky funny jerk around most women these days in order to create attraction ...attraction is not a choice....but you can create atraction if you know or learn the skills...you can still be nice once you get them attracted, but it's getting them attracted first
then as many women/girls know, they are into a BAD relationships before they know it because a lot of these guys are just jerks through and through and passive aggressive and abusive and controling, etc..again, right girls?
society has basically screwed up the women of the last two generations...(this gets much too deep at this point)
watch That 70's Show sometime to see cocky comedy at some of it's best...many others exist also...
Check out David DeAngelo on the web and be prepared to be schooled on this subject
2007-03-14 23:24:53
answer #1
answered by Gary G 4
Because nice guy's are not as exciting because bad guy's do fun bad things and women like that until they do something bad to them and they will eventually. The curious part is these same women can't believe these guy's did this to them. I wonder what part of BAD they didn't understand. Nice guy's win in the end most women wake up and want to be with someone they can trust it just takes time. Also some women get the impression they can make the bad guy good
they eventually find out the hard way.
2007-03-14 23:24:40
answer #2
answered by miester44 5
Sounds like you have had a bad experience.
Maybe women today are getting fed up with rude men, they think you're all the same.
Yesterday, I held a door open for a man with his hands full at a fast food store - he never even said "Thanks"
A cynical person would think "why bother"?
But don't stop being a nice man! Just because you have been upset or feel unappreciated, don't make it change you for the worse - you never know when being nice just might pay dividends!
I certainly appreciate nice men, and I always say "thank you"
2007-03-14 23:16:49
answer #3
answered by Life's a beach 4
Some women do like nice men. That being said. Why don't nice guys lower their standards. Nice guys go for model looking women who are usually shallow, that is why they get rejected. If they went after the shy girls or the girls who don't look like they walked off the cover of a magazine they might all be in happy relationship.
2007-03-14 23:18:39
answer #4
answered by cutie322434 3
Hi, I don't think that is true. Women do like guys who are nice. Specially if they are a gentleman and treat their woman with honor and respect. Most women like to be treated like a lady and have doors opened for them.It's also nice if the man pulls the chair out for them when out eating.Women likes a man who is gentle,caring and trusting.
A Friend.
2007-03-14 23:18:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Alot of women are just plain materialistic and as long as you give them money or buy them things that is all that matters to them, they don't appreciate what men do for them and this is due to the upbringing and not being showed or learning what responsibility is.I have a very nice husband who doesn't give me everything but i still apreciate him.
2007-03-14 23:15:10
answer #6
answered by Mary O 6
I don't belive in nice man any more. when one comes, I assume he is nuts/a freak and I get scared. I think all the guys these days are bad and only want one thing. there might be some nice guys over 40 years old...
2007-03-14 23:24:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Woman do appreciate nice man , but just like it's hard for a woman to find a decent guy so is it for a guy...
The only reason their is for it is that nice man are already taken or just hiding from the big bad world.
So it all boils up to- for a man to be appreciated he needs to also appreciate woman. and that only nice woman and men can understand
2007-03-14 23:18:53
answer #8
answered by Unique 2
Because nice men don't give them enough to complain about.
That's why women time and time again choose the "bad boys" who will hit them or cheat on them. They don't like having those things happen in and of themselves, but they do so love to have something to complain about.
2007-03-14 23:14:21
answer #9
answered by S h ä r k G û m b ò 6
are you a mind reader.... if so what am i thinking right now...
.....sort it out...... well i was thinking of eating chicken drumsticks yummy........sometimes when women are bitchyy they may have been just having a bad day, been hurt in the past because of men, or that they come acorss as being dominate because of whatever crap they have been through in thier lives... maybe you should just be nice to them anyway....bye
2007-03-14 23:17:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous