Truly God exists.
Time is not under control of Human where as God knows about the future.
To check various proves check the true book of God.
2007-03-14 19:38:18
answer #1
answered by Talha 4
Man created the image of God as what he wants God to be like but it is God who created us not in His image but in the image of Adam, our father. We have been given priveileges in this world i.e. to live and rule the world and explore and use the gifts that God has present to us i.e. natural resources etc. We(mankind) has been given all praised by God and his angels above all of his creations before and still present. We shld be thankful for that and not sitting around asking if God exists or whats makes God alive etc which comes to no benefit at all. If the animals and plants cld acknowldge the existence of God why cant we man do likewise when we have been given a mind and knowlegde of this world!
2007-03-15 03:03:48
answer #2
answered by aw_farid 2
Genesis chapter 1 verse 1
"In the Beginning, GOD created the Heavens and the earth..."
God also created man.
We are nothing but DUST!!!
Read the may have faith, or you may not....not everyone has what it takes.
Man is like the beasts that perish.
What do you have? its up to you.
You have you can read.
You have a you can absorb and use common sense.
you only have one life make the most of every opportunity to find the truth.
Man does not have the answers, he is helpless against catasrophies......God is in control, wether man likes to admit it or not. One only has to look at Bible prophecies and the current world events today, to see the proof of that. speaking for myself, i am so excited!! To think we are living right now, and bible propheciy is being lived, in our time!! because it proves the Bible is True!!!
and thats all the proof we need!!
I bet the people in noahs day didnt believe either.
And in the end, only 8 people were saved, what a testimony to mans superior stupidity!! yet very sad, because God IS kind and merciful, and everyone has the opportunity to know Him, to understand the TRUTH of His Word, and to be saved....there's really no excuse....we all have a choice. what will you choose?
2007-03-15 02:48:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God is not running the world we are!
just think about all the creatures in the world on land & under the sea & in the sky & all the tiny tiny ones that even live on our bodies & animals
& then all the plants etc & the food chain for all
think about it some more & realise that they all work so perfectly & that we are not just an accident
& just because you pray & you don't get what you ask for it does not mean he didn't answer it by saying NO for some reason
2007-03-15 02:47:37
answer #4
answered by ausblue 7
It is the human tendency to accept the credit for any thing good and blame some body for the failures. So we wanted to blame someone who will not reprimand. It was therefore unanimously decided to creat God i.e. Almighty so that we can blame him for anything and he will not rebound. I find it as simple as that.
However I am very assertive on one thing that there is some supernatural force at work which ultimately decides what should be the course of our action.
2007-03-15 03:23:34
answer #5
answered by KVISHWAS 3
...How can you say He doesn't exist?
...Look at the universe and the precision of our Earth. Look at the intricansies of plant life and the human body - a grande design, from a Grand Designer, all of them, not from some evolutionary nonsense.
...It takes more faith to believe that something evolved from nothing, than to believe in the God who in His wisdom and power created all things.
...Psalm 53:1 says: "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no god.' "
...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved. (Acts 16:31)
...Whosoever will, may come.
2007-03-15 02:45:21
answer #6
answered by carson123 6
God created man. Man created gods. It would be fitting for these gods to worship man.
2007-03-15 02:36:45
answer #7
answered by Wisdom in Faith 4
great question. I am not a scholar or educated so I will let them answer- I think we created the image of god for various reasons- security, freedom from the uncertain, a feeling of specialness, and we created him like us so we could relate to him and if we look like the almighty creator of the universe than we aren't doing to bad for ourselves.
2007-03-15 02:37:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it says so in the bible he created us it's the first book almost the first few lines buddy crack it open and find out
2007-03-15 02:36:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
(Didn't believe my answer in your duplicate thread, seconds ago?) God is a creation of man. But no one can really know.
(BTW, please stop yelling... or get yer Caps-Lock fixed. TIA)
2007-03-15 02:36:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous