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Please something without blueberry, strawberry, chocolate, or ice creme.
I'm pretty tired but need something to prepare for tomorrow so please, help me out! =)

2007-03-14 19:07:00 · 7 answers · asked by EmeraldRose 2 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

7 answers

Here is a fast and easy smoothie. If your banana is not frozen add a ice cube or two.

1 cup milk
200 ml yogurt (any flavour, any brand-low fat if you wish)
1 frozen banana

2007-03-14 19:39:11 · answer #1 · answered by michelle_2975 2 · 0 0

Well, you sure cant go wrong with bananas. Frozen slices of same with milk, and---a lot of people like honey, not me really. Vanilla or vanilla yogurt. Frozen isnt necesary, you can keep it all warmish or add a few ice cubes. You can used canned fruits (peaches?) or fruit cocktail, once again, frozen if you like.
For a few less healthy, less conventional options, you can cheat a little with dissolved jello mix for flavors, along with yogurt and one fruit perhaps? Also, to thicken things up a little, and make them creamier , you can put in a little corn oil plus a little squirt of nonstick cooking spray(an emulsifier to make the oil mix)--sounds gross, but this trick is used in a lot of thick milkshake type things at restaurants.
For uber-healthy, some people do nuts (ummm, yeah) and wheat germ, psillium husks(fiber) stuff like that, fiber that dissolves pretty well. A lot of new products coming out are smoothie type things with oats or cereals mixed in, but I dont know how practical that all is for kitchen preparation. I dont imagine a scoop of cooked oats would hurt if you're into all that.
Make sure everything is cut up to the size of an ice cube or smaller for the blender. Good luck, hope you think of something yummy.

2007-03-14 19:25:03 · answer #2 · answered by spit_316 3 · 0 0

I always put my aging bananas in the freezer. Then when I have a hankering for a smoothie I use one with chocolate soy milk and sometimes I add spirulina. My little girls just love it too.
If you don't like chocolate soy milk, substitute any other milk or juice that you like. My husband likes to use yogourt, but I find it too sour.
For more protien, add an egg.
For more fibre, add wheat germ, it also adds an interesting texture and bitterness.
Frozen banana is the key. Then you're not watering it down with ice cubes.

2007-03-14 19:24:53 · answer #3 · answered by Elun 3 · 0 0

pineapple ok? hope so.

can crushed pineapple drained
1 can frozen oj
equal parts water or ice
blend till smoothie like

add more or less oj to taste
can use a bit vanilla ice cream if you like
or flake coconut for a pina colada taste

2007-03-14 19:12:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

try a yoghurt smoothie you need yoghurt (any flavor) fruit (any kind you like or combinations of ) fruit juice ( apple orange pineapple what ever blend with a few cubes of ice enjoy

my fave is a french vanilla yoghurt with blood oranges and mangos, applejuice

2007-03-14 19:15:15 · answer #5 · answered by tania 2 · 0 0

How about: banana
orange juice

I make these at home sometimes and they taste great! Sprinkle with cinnamon for additional flavor!

2007-03-14 19:15:39 · answer #6 · answered by JennyP 7 · 0 0

Pineapple, yogurt and ginger smoothie. Delicious!

2007-03-14 21:35:02 · answer #7 · answered by Scent of Nutmeg 3 · 0 0

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