The Bible commands us to be fruit inspectors. Jesus judged the heirarchal religions of His day for being the hypocrits that they were based on the Word of God. We should do the same for anyone who claims to be Christian yet whos deeds say otherwise.
2007-03-14 18:39:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Confession and contrition, coupled with true repentance, has always been required for the forgiveness of sins.
God also expects us to make our best effort to discover his truth ... which means we're also called to discern the true faith.
The only church which contains all the work, worship, sacraments, and devotions that most people are likely to require for their life-long earthly pilgrimage towards the heavenly realm is the Catholic Church.
One of the most signficant aspects of the Catholic Church is the way it deals with the problem of sin, as directed by Jesus Christ himself.
It doesn't just cover sin up, or assume that God will forgive sin ... it looks at each and every sin, the effect it has on an individual and the world, applies the blood of Christ and the grace of God to it, and obliterates it, never to be seen or brought, up again.
And if a sinner isn't sorry, or isn't willing to make a good faith effort at repentance, their sins remain, which is just as God wills it.
But properly done, forgiveness is complete and absolute.
No more sin ... no wrath.
No wrath ... no more worries about eternal punishment.
No worries ... total peace and freedom ... in both this earthly existence ... and later, in heaven.
Simple and effective.
May God's peace be with you!
2007-03-15 02:51:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
AFAIK, the Bible doesn't address criticism of people of other religions. Presumably, it would be unnecessary, as the Bible clearly directs its adherents to KILL them. This means your own family members, if they stray. You must KILL them.
The OT/NT excuse-making won't work here, as historical evidence indicates that this directive was taken far more seriously by Christians than by the Jews at any time.
I don't know if that was done by the ancient Hebrews; various lines of evidence indicate that the awful slaughter of the OT never happened. However, Christianity of the late Middle Ages took that directive "deadly" seriously. The Church was as bloodthirsty as any Islamic terrorist today--with 2 differences: the Medieval Church killings were carried out through official government channels, directed by the bishops, and ultimately the pope (or Luther or Calvin or the British monarch), whereas modern Islamic terrorism is paramilitary; and the Medieval Christians delighted in creative methods of prolonged, brutal torture and slow, agonizing executions, whereas modern Islamic terrorists prefer quick, relatively painless methods of murder such as decapitation and blast shocks (from IEDs).
I'll leave it to you to decide if this is fair.
@wordman - How can you address the desires of non-Christians in light of Matthew 7:1? I am not a Christian; are you saying that i therefore have no desire to do the right thing?
2007-03-15 02:22:01
answer #3
answered by RickySTT, EAC 5
To your first question, no.. the LORD wants us to speak words of edification to everyone in love. Furthermore GOD not only doesn't expect anyone to be perfect, he knows that no one can be perfect if they wanted to. We are saved by grace through faith sir and not of our selves eph 2:8-10.
You see, the difference between a believer and a non-believer is that a believer in CHRIST has a renewed spirit now and no longer wants to dwell in sin. A truly born again person wants to please GOD now... yes they still have a sin nature to contend with but they fight against it, and try to do the right thing .On the other hand someone who is unsaved dwells in sin and doesn't care. Their spirit is dead, or separated from GOD...Their minds never or very seldom think about GOD... where as the believer has their mind always on the LORD.
2007-03-15 01:53:31
answer #4
answered by wordman 3
Ultimately I think its God's call. From Genesis to Revelations, he spells out his plan for a repaired relationship with him. His word says that the only way to the Father is through His Son.
I've seen lives changed forever through his simple, and yet difficult, plan.
I always think His holiness (God's) is best represented by Isaiah, standing in his presence and being terrified - Isaiah was considered a holy man. We need an intermediary to make us holy, or we will not be able to stand before him. We need the perfect sacrifice that is Jesus. There is no other perfect sacrifice.
Peace, and God bless.
2007-03-15 01:47:59
answer #5
answered by super Bobo 6
Thr bible allows u to do what right, make good judgements and use his guidance to do so. But anything u do should be done out of love if its not save ur criticism cuz you cant help anyone by being condemning, mean, and cold and although you may not be this type of christain too many christains are.............Jesus was about love and forgiveness and its our job as christains to do that not to fight with anyone its God's fight not ours. The only people he was harsh with was those who stood on their big stools like they knew everything.
2007-03-15 01:43:07
answer #6
answered by exceptionallyexceptional 2
If the intention is to seek information or an explanation I do not think there is anything wrong with it. It is always good to have a dialogue with people of other faiths.
But if the intentions is to diminish, ridicule, berate, bash, etc. other people's religious beliefs I don't think that is right. Many religious wars have been fought and are still being fought because of this stance.
What should guide all of us is God's commandment to love our neighbor and to do to others what we want them to do to us.
Peace and every blessing!
2007-03-15 02:54:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
apparently when a Christian holds a Bible in his hand he is imbued with the very authority of the Creator of the Universe. anything coming forth from the lips of a Bible believing Christian is unadulterated Truth (capitalize that "T"). a Holy Spirit moved Christian can not be wrong about anything ... ever.
and so the sin of Pride is nurtured and glorified, placed on a pedastal and called holy.
2007-03-15 01:50:50
answer #8
answered by nebtet 6
I think you are confusing people who criticize and judge others. Yes, the bible says we (Christians are not to judge). God is the only judge and he is a loving God and a just God.
2007-03-15 02:10:48
answer #9
answered by Jan C 7
The bible ask us not to judge that we be not judged. Preachers are human to all have sin and fallen short of the Glory of God. He is just and he will forgive no matter who.
2007-03-15 01:43:00
answer #10
answered by blesshisname2005 3