i know the last one. the other two were woman so that police officer had to be a man. "charlie" in this case.
2007-03-14 17:56:04
answer #1
answered by Monica 2
1. Assuming the other two switches control downstairs lights (radios, whatever) or upstairs lights (ceiling fans, whatever)that can be seen from downstairs you switch on and off each one. Whichever one you can see no light from is your upstairs, closed door, switch.
Assuming you can see the light (or electrical output of some sort, such as toaster) from at least one switch you turn on and off each in sequence to discern which can be identified while downstairs. You leave that one and another switched on, go upstairs into the room and see if the light is on or not. If it is on than the second light switch that is on is the one for this room (as we already know what the first is for). If the light is off then the switch that is off is the correct switch.
2. A secret.
3. Charlie is a nickname used by both men and women. The gender of the lawyer, doctor, and police officer are useless. The wife was shot and the only one with a gun was the officer.
2007-03-14 18:58:49
answer #2
answered by ophelliaz 4
1. put on all the switches on by one and see which one does not switch on the light downstairs, that is the switch for the light upstairs
2. A secret!
3. His wife yelled "No Charlie". The doctor and lawyer were both women, so the police officer had to be Charlie.
2007-03-14 18:03:40
answer #3
answered by show man 1
1. two of the switches are for the floor your on
2. a secret
3. the officer was the only male the others where females
2007-03-14 17:57:17
answer #4
answered by That guy 3
try all 3 switches 2 work on the floor your on
other 2 were women
2007-03-14 17:59:26
answer #5
answered by gregs111 6
1. turn any switch on then wait for a few minutes... next turn it off and turn another switch on... go up then you'll find out...if it is turned on, it's controlled by the switch you just turned on, if it is not and it is hot, then it is controlled by the first switch you turned on, if it is turned off and cold, it has not been lighted yet so it's controlled by the last switch you didnt turn on...
2. a secret
3. the other two were women
2007-03-14 18:03:53
answer #6
answered by Zen Azura 2
1. Turn all the switches on! 2. A penny 3.because he's a PIG!?
2007-03-14 18:04:33
answer #7
answered by ? 4
well the first is u r already upstairs so it doesnt matter
its because he is the only person with a weapon
2007-03-14 17:58:58
answer #8
answered by rickabamboo 3
u never know, charlie CAN be a girl's name, well duh.
2007-03-14 18:06:17
answer #9
answered by The Crazy B!tch 5