God did come down and dwelt among men: Jesus, the visible image of the invisible God. Jesus started a Church, did He not? "You are Peter and upon this rock I shall build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". Furthermore in His High priestly prayer in Johns Gospel did Jesus not pray that we be one as He and the Father are one? And in Pauls epistle isn't it said that there must be divisions among beliveers so that one could be right?
So we have to conclude that there is a "Church". Certainly the Epistles confirm this beyond any doubt and absolutley history also confirms this. Now of all the churches and denominations that exist today which Church did Jesus leave us?
A point and case: Take two protestant denominations, or even better two non-denominational churches. Both churches claim to be led by the Spirit, they are Bible believing and place there trust in Jesus' assurance that the Spirit will lead them into all truth. May I ask why is it then that so many churches/ denominations arrive at VERY stark differences in theology. Many of these issues are not trite either. There is disagreement even on the VERY foundational issues of salvation. Would the Spirit lead us all to different conclusions? This is absurd, is relativism and is in stark contrast to the very idea of truth. Which religion/denomination/church is right then? Is even one of them right, or at least more right then the other(s)? How do we know? The point is why would Jesus, the Truth, leave His beloved children in such a mess?!?
There is a temptation to escape to relativism for solace by saying it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you have a personal relationship with Jesus. I am not saying that a personal relationship is not important because it absolutley is. But since when is Christianity a ruggeed individualistic religion? I thought the very idea of church was a body, a community united in faith, belief, love, action,etc. It is very obvious to non Christians that such unity is lacking.
I'll tell you what, you will find this unity in the Catholic Church. In fact, the Catholic Church is absolutley the oldest Christian Church in existence. This is verifiable through historical documentation. Pick up the latest version of the almanac and look under the "religions" section if you don't believe me. You will see that history shows that the Catholic Church is the original Church, and unlike the other protestant denominations whose founders were men, Calvin, Smith, Luther, the Catholic Church was founded by the Son of God Himself who entrusted His teachings and Authority to Peter and the Apostles who passed the baton from generation to generation to this current day. This unbroken Apostolic succesion is verifiable by historical documentation if you really care to look.
Unfortunetly there are many misconceptions about what Catholics believe and do. For example I noticed that someones beef was that us Catholics pray to people which takes away from Jesus. Indeed Catholics pray to the Saints, we look to them for inspiration and intercession. However if I can ask you to pray for me why can't I ask Saint Paul? Yes we venerate the Saints and their remarkable lives, accomplishments and lessons. Is this wrong? Do we not also honor and venerate others like Martin Luther King or Lance Armstrong? And how does this take away from Jesus who is the source and author of our salvation? Do you insult an artist by admiring his or her masterpiece for its beauty? We do build statues to honor and to help us relate to them. Do we not do this also with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln? We are not worshipping these people who have gone before us and despite what you may have thought we certainly do not worship the statues themselves for they are only rocks shaped by men. Statues, art, etc is simply a tool to help us relate and call to mind these great people and their achievments much like a mother may gaze at a photo of her son who is in Iraq while thinking of him.
I wandered away from the Church for a while and once believed and propogated many things against the Church that i see many write today. Today i am a proud Catholic and for good reason.
At the very least please do not disrespect Catholics by accusing us of evil things. At best take the time to try to learn and understand what we believe and why. You may be suprised to find out that while we are sinners and imperfect, we aren't that bad :-).
by the way if you look at the writing of the leaders of the early Church (the Church Fathers), first, second third century A.D. you will be suprised to see that the Church of the first century was well...Catholic :-)
try it.
to the person below me, quit qith your anti-catholic sensationalism. The Catholic Church has done more to preserve, translate and spread the Bible then any other church. Those terrible claims you have made agaisnt the Church are convoluted and I demand that you give us some sort of reference so that we can verify them or take them back. You will find that they are simply not true.
2007-03-14 18:29:01
answer #1
answered by truth&love 2
For many years I guess you could say I was a protestant, I never could really find a church or religion that suited me or my beliefs and have been on this path most of my life, until recently. Back in December God led me to the Catholic Church. Iam in RCIA and will be baptized Easter 2008. I feel so at home in the Catholic Church. It was what I was looking for all those years. I love going to Mass.
2007-03-15 00:33:31
answer #2
answered by tebone0315 7
Dear the same question could, be asked in reverse, and the truth is whatever God wants , is good enough for me, but that type of religious comments, go know where for improving , the relationship between the two religions, that should embrace each other, as the body of Christ. an stop all the bickering, and stand up for one another, as the body of Christ!!
2007-03-15 00:54:20
answer #3
answered by MOPE DE VOPE 2
If He did I would. Highly unlikely though considering how I think He'd rather see all the gold and jewels on the Pope and the priests given to feed the poor and take care of His business, not make themselves rich. I think He'd be really sad at the way religious leaders are acting sometimes. Don't you, but, if He came down and told you to convert to Protestantism would you?
2007-03-15 00:34:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I have a personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit which filled me with overflowing love showed me that religion is not good.Jesus is Love and He said only God is good.I obey the Holy Spirit as best as I can not because i am good its because He helps me.and I want to do what Jesus wants me to do .I find that Impossible for Him to tell me to join any religion Since religion is who crucified Jesus.I received Jesus in my room and Jesus teaches me things as I follow the Holy Spirits leading me and there are always confirmations that is what you call testing the spirit
2007-03-15 00:41:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If God really told me to do it, Tina, of course I would. But belonging to any church would not prevent me from obeying God's 10-commandments or reading the Bible.
I would wonder what God is up to, however, because history reveals that Rome is the seat of the Abomination of Desolation that Jesus warned us about. Catholicism is made up of tradition. And although they gave us the Latin Bible, I can't read that. They killed Bible translators and burnt Bibles. They also killed priests that insisted in teaching in the native tongue, but have allowed sermons in other languages since Vatican II in the 1960's. Pope Benedict has just issued a statement asking priests to deliver Latin sermons again???
A "secret" Bible code tells you the identification of Antichrist--check it out at:
Blessings, One-Way
2007-03-15 01:36:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
God Himself did come down and many of the things he taught differ greatly from some of the Catholic doctrine.
Brightest Blessings
2007-03-15 00:35:33
answer #7
answered by Celestian Vega 6
You are just not dealing with reality. (always the case with "What if..." questions )
The Bible says that the next time Jesus comes down to earth it will be for His Second Coming. One DOES NOT need to be Catholic to worship Jesus Christ.
(My personal view is that the Pope just got in the way of my relationship with Jesus when I was a Catholic.)
Glad I converted to a Protestant faith these days, because NOW the Vatican has stated that evolution is compatible with the Bible.
Yeah, and they said the earth was flat too.
Not going back, because Jesus would not ask me, or anyone else to become Catholic.
2007-03-15 00:46:58
answer #8
answered by Bobby Jim 7
God would never tell a man to disobey God and the Catholic teachings are not of God.
2007-03-15 00:51:24
answer #9
answered by wisdom 4
God led me away from the Catholic Church. I worship God, I follow Jesus and I let the Holy Spirit lead me daily.
May God Bless you.
2007-03-15 00:35:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous