Ignore the people above.
If you really are in love, talk to her, describe to her how you feel.
Now..... what I don't get is the part when you said, you want to move in with her??? What do you exactly mean? You haven't really met up with her, yet, but will when you graduate? Am I right? :)
Online love is sweet, but hope both of you feel the same about each other.
I would tell my parents if I was in love with someone on the net :).
Don't make plans yet. Meet her first, in person and then make plans.
Good luck with this love story :) It's interesting.
Take care and bye!
2007-03-14 17:36:10
answer #1
answered by K 2
If you are uncomfortable, then it probably means your conscience is trying to tell you that it may not be such a hot idea. When you say "just got a girlfriend online" how much time are we talking about? And just how old are you? If you are talking about graduating from high school, then slow the hell down romeo!
You definitly should not be talking about living arrangements unless you have been seriously dating for at least a year. I think you are way jumping the gun by making living arrangements without even meeting first. You both really need to slow down, don't ruin what could be a beautiful relationship by rushing things and falling apart.
I know how easy it is to be swept up by first love! I love her, she says she loves me...we need to be together forever...starting right now!! But you need to take time to let you mind catch up with your hormones before you make a serious mistake!!
Think of it this way, if you and her are soulmates that are meant to be together then taking the time to (gasp!) meet face-to-face and date awhile before shacking up won't hurt your future at all. If she cannot agree, then perhaps you should start to rethink her maturity level.
You can't take on adult responsibilities until you are able make adult decisions (meaning you don't always get instant gratification.) Sorry, adult life is hard, but so much better!
2007-03-15 00:35:04
answer #2
answered by c q 2
It sounds to me like you don't know this girl too well. You shouldn't make these kinds of plans so soon, especially if it's your first girlfriend. And if you don't want to tell your parents or friends, don't.
2007-03-15 00:35:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you need to tell someone about what going on. this is not
something that you should get in to lightly, you dont know
'much about this women. people can say what they need to
say on the internet. if you are really serious about this then
your parents need to know to be on the safe side. i rather
be safe then sorry.
2007-03-15 00:29:56
answer #4
answered by luckystar 6
hahahahaah,weve all did that,just ignore her and it will blow over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...shes over the internet,havent even touched her and you wanna move in with her......come on man!!!!!!!!!!!!11
2007-03-15 00:28:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
u r crazy
2007-03-15 00:29:30
answer #6
answered by whatsgood 1