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Two things I've found get on my nerves a LOT:
1. People who claim all Christians are stupid, believe in anything, illogical, and all Bible-Thumpers. People who clump all Believers with the people who claim to be believers but live hypocritical lives.
2. People who claim to be Christian, then demand to everyone they come across that the Bible is right, and they're sinners, and they deserve hell. People who say "just read the Bible" but don't give anywhere to look. People who think they're the holiest thing since swiss cheese.

I'm honestly bothered by both. I want to know your beliefs, your stand on the question (or even if you think both are equally bad), and what you think the best solution to the problem is.

Please be objective. No stupid answers like "evolution is bogus, why believe it?" or "there is no God, so what's the point in answering?"

2007-03-14 17:08:42 · 28 answers · asked by Christian #3412 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

My "no answers" statement was meant to be more of a request. I should have been more specific I guess, but I have to limit characters to 1000.

2007-03-14 17:14:20 · update #1

28 answers

The christians bother me a whole lot more because they claim to have a higher standard.

2007-03-14 17:14:47 · answer #1 · answered by Dharma Nature 7 · 1 2

I would have to say 2.

I have much less tolerance for people who fit into the second category. They actually do much more damage for my faith (Christianity) than the people in Category 1. When they shun someone because he/she is different, when they are outrightly disrespectful to atheists, or when they try to preach to someone without really trying to reach them, they make the rest of us look bad and they alienate non-Christians (often permanently).

I strongly emphasize witnessing through your actions and your life. Christians should establish a relationship with non-Christians first, and show them the love of Christ, while letting the non-Christians know that Christians are human as well. This helps get non-Christians' interest, which opens up the way for honest discussion.

And Christians especially should remember that it is not our duty to save the world. Some people will accept the Gospel. Some won't. You just have to leave it up to them.

*Oh, and what you said about "People who say 'just read the Bible' but don't give anywhere to look." The problem there is a bit more complicated. Often we can't remember the exact verse or chapter, and there are several passages in the Bible for any number of topics. Also, nobody has the time to get into a 35-page long debate over creation-evolution, the concept of the Trinity, divine predestination, or some other deep, soul-searching topic on Yahoo Answers. It's easier and better to just refer people to another source where they can do their own research. Me personally, I tell them to ask a local preacher or a Bible scholar.

2007-03-14 17:23:51 · answer #2 · answered by ATWolf 5 · 1 0

I find both equally annoying and for the same reason. Both tend to assume things about others that simply aren't true. Whenever you generalize about an entire group of people, the odds are better than fair that you're going to be wrong from the get-go.

Those who claim that Christians are stupid and illogical have probably never tried to match wits with a Jesuit priest who is a theologian, an expert in Church rites, and a brilliant mathmatician. I have, and believe me, it took all I had to stay not too terribly fair behind in the discussion. Father D. is living proof that there are Christians who are so brilliant that it's almost scary.

I also don't like being around a fellow Christian who assumes that everyone who isn't saved is an immoral heathern bent on destroying the good guys. The words "You're going to hell unless you repent" make me cringe. . .we're here to love others and show them Christ;s love by example, not condemn them. If Jesus didn't come into this world to condemn it but rather to save it, what gives us the right to think we know better than He does?

I don't think there is an answer, per se. I think that people in both groups are the test of our patience and how much we actually do love God. I jokingly refer to them as "character builders."

2007-03-14 17:23:42 · answer #3 · answered by Wolfeblayde 7 · 1 0

I don't believe the first one is a bad thing. Jesus said while he was on the earth that all men will have to take up there cross and will be persecuted for their faith. He also said that we will get a reward for following him through the hard times. So i try to think of persecution by non-believers as more of a blessing then a cut-down.

The second statement I also agree with. I don't think there's any way to stop that from happening because that is simply a person's personality, but I believe that the only one holy enough to act like they have everything right is Christ. Anyone else needs to check themself. I think that we do all deserve hell for the horrible things each of us has done at some point in time while we are on earth, but because of God's marvelous GRACE we are saved.

2007-03-14 17:18:39 · answer #4 · answered by Lala 2 · 1 0

People who claim all Christians are stupid dont bother me. They are lost and dont know the truth. One day they will, as the Lord say "One day EVERY knee will bow." They dont bother me, I feel sorry for them. That they have to miss out on the Father's love and grace because of their inability to comprehend/believe/accept the truth.
People who claim to be Christian but arent "walking with the Lord" completely tick me off. They are the reason that Christians have such a bad image. They are the reason that I was an atheist up until 2 years ago, when Jesus found me and I could look to Him instead of these hypocrites. They are the reason that other people hold back from Jesus. These are the worst kinds of people if you ask me. The reason we all are called hypocrites, nuts, "weak" etc.
For all of these types... If you are going to go around proclaiming Christianity, please have a relationship with God through Jesus first, please walk with Him daily, so you dont scare everyone else away.
These people need prayer constantly as I believe it is better to be lost and not know Him at all, than to know Him and living in deliberate disobedience. They will realize, at some point, that Jesus calls us to be HUMBLE that He speaks against pride regularly. That the people in the Bible that made HIM angry were all the "teachers of the law and pharisees"... in other words, the people proclaiming the name of God...and not acting like they even had a clue who He was.
Its disgusting.

2007-03-15 11:22:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Though my definitions change with additional data, I believe I am an atheist.
I believe in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
I believe that the citizens of every nation should bond together to care for the well-being of themselves, their families and their fellow citizens.
I believe that religious people are very dangerous and the more religious, the more dangerous. History documents that more atrocities are committed in the name of religion than any other reason. Torture and murder the most common and most exciting sacraments of the religious.
I believe that any belief system that ignores basic human nature will produce hypocrites in proportion to the degree to which their beliefs are unsupported by evidence.
I believe that religious people are more superstitious, less scientific in their thinking, and less intelligent. Research on this belief show that the students who score highest on the SAT tests are of the Unitarian Universalist faith, the most secular and tolerant of any religion. Atheists may do even better. Therefore, the most intolerant, most devout are the most stupid. After all, Adam and Eve, after eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil made a startling discovery: they were naked. Imagine that, naked. After eating the forbidden fruit, they discovered they were naked. That stupid notion correlates highly with the notion that sex is shameful and filthy and should only be shared with someone you love. Equally stupid is the notion of a loving god that would burn his children for eternity for being disrespectful. If you did that crap in the secular USA you would go to prison for life for doing what god has done. By comparison,, Satan is an angel. Do a Bible research on Satan and you will discover his greatest sin is disrespecting a tyrant. Satan must be an American.
Finally, I believe that I should just shut up now.

2007-03-14 17:26:27 · answer #6 · answered by valcus43 6 · 1 0

The thing is they don't even have the original bible. King Constantine in 325 AD had all Bible burned. (which was easy to do because only the high priests and Government officials had copies, and women couldn't read) Then he organized a click of scribes to put together from all different kinds of manuscripts what we call the Bible of today. The Ancient Christian Essenes (original followers of Christ) Hid a copy of the original teachings of Jesus (Yesuah) under a Buddhist temple, knowing the government would not look there. It was found in the 18ODs and is now available in English with Historical documentation. For all info google gospelofthenazirenes.c
Yes I agree with both. The truth is one and can be found in many places. But their is much in their bible that is not truth, due to the evil hands of Constantine and his clan. (find out what they don't want you to know.)

2007-03-14 17:19:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The "stupid" Christians do the majority of posting and asking because they need the attention. Therefore, they appear to speak for all Christians. They trample on the LDS' and Roman Catholics constantly and they both seem to hang back. Protestants have always been this way. That is why they picked the label Protestant long before they began trying to take Christian away from others. They protest everything and every one not bending the knee to their particular vision of religion and Christianity. The intelligent Christian protestants have fallen further and further into the background in this era of television and the Internet.

2007-03-14 17:23:15 · answer #8 · answered by Terry 7 · 2 0

I find both of these types somewhat disturbing but they don't bother me as much as they seem to bother you. In this forum there is more ridicule in the form of innuendo than persons calling believers stupid, illogical etc outright.
The reason that I am not bothered by either of these types is because I know what the Bible says at Romans 14:4. Each of us will be judged by God. It is not our job to judge others but to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. -Philippians 2:12

2007-03-14 17:12:13 · answer #9 · answered by babydoll 7 · 4 0

both bother me a lot, but I'd have to go with the second one. Atheists and non-believers will always criticize. Everyone is a judge these days. But those who lead other astray, there's a problem there.

again, if you're turning people away because of your anger, your harsh words, and the like, then something's wrong.

If what you preach is convictional and leads others to dislike you, and your anointing is inspirational and leads others to like you; you must be doing something right.

when i say this, I don't really mean in terms of conservative vs liberal, i mean in terms of fruit. let a tree be juged according to its fruit. if you're not productive, or you sprout bad fruit, there is obviously something wrong.

2007-03-14 17:17:18 · answer #10 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 2 0

Religion is a matter of faith and not open to proof. You have to struggle with your belief that there is a greater power. I don't know what it is exactly—not a man (or woman)with a beard—but the creative force that started our universe (perhaps one of many universes). You can't walk down and up the Grand Canyon without seeing what a speck in our universe we are as individuals..

2007-03-14 17:19:48 · answer #11 · answered by DrB 7 · 1 0

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