Jesus died a long time ago. He no longer exists, and he was not the son of God, because God never existed.
2007-03-14 16:25:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes Jesus is the son of God. Yes God has taken lives, but that does not make him a murderer. Afterall, he's God. He gives life and he can surely take it away. As the creator that is his right like it or not. No, we aren't perfect. Jesus is perfect. That does not make us retarded. That makes us human. We CAN help ourselves when it comes to sin. We are going to mess up every now and again, but we can choose to do right or to do evil. Its not rocket science. You should be ever so grateful that Jesus died on that cross for your sins. This whole crazy world should be. Without Jesus none of us would even stand a chance at eternal life.
2007-03-14 16:39:26
answer #2
answered by writing_artist81 1
you sound so ignorant... i can't understand if your angry because of what Jesus has gone thru...or bec Jesus has died for your sins...or maybe bec u can't stand the fact that you are a slave of sin.. my answer to your question is yes! Jesus is the Son of God... my suggestion is for you to repent now and find a good Christian church and mingle with Christians..then and there surely you'll find the answer to all of your anger... i don't really like the way you portray God to be and frankly I'm really, really mad at you now..but i know that God still isn't closing the door for you and that he's still ready to forgive and accept you if only you have the courage to open your heart to Him.. i challenge you now (if you're bold enough) to try my suggestion and to really open your heart to God..and to resist the devil blinding you.. and then tell me..if nothing has happened in your life... then maybe you have the right to think God that way... deal?
2007-03-14 17:06:24
answer #3
answered by kfaith 1
If Jesus is the son is Mary his mother? Then why did God need a human to bear his child? Why not an angel. If Jesus is God's son why did God allowed him to be crucified for our sins?. Read this story and tell me if it sounds logic. There are lives a rich man. He has many servants. But these servants keep robbing from their master's wealth. Then one day the master comes out with his only son and cut his head off! And said " Just believe that I have cut my son's head. If you believe that you are forgiven for robbing from my wealth" Sounds logic?
2007-03-14 16:39:34
answer #4
answered by astersoft 2
Hello! Yes, absolutely and WITHOUT doubt Jesus is the Son of God... as well as the Son of Man! The principal mark of false religion and cults is the changing of the true nature of Jesus Christ. He is both God and Man. Jesus went by His own will for the sake of all mankind to satisfy the justice of God for our sin. Had not Jesus been our substitute, then we ALL would be in hell suffering right now! He stripped Himself of what He had rightfully as being the Son of God to take on flesh, be born of a virgin, and actually die on the cross for all our sin and sins. Jesus was the ONLY substitute to be the paschal lamb to bring us redemption. Upon the cross Jesus suffered having drank fully the dregs of the cup of God's wrath. Isaiah says He was smitten of God and afflicted. He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed (Isa. 53). Jesus' death on the cross removed (or blotted) the handwriting of ordinances which identified us as guilty... so we could go free. Jesus did what He did out of love, and He's offering His gift of life and love to those who will accept it by asking for forgiveness of their sins. Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the father. Yes, all of us and that even includes Satan the father of lies. He's going to bow also. No doubt. Just don't miss out on it because the other is spiritual death forever in hell.
2007-03-14 16:35:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The term "Son of God" was used metaphorically speaking to those who were godly and pious men. It was never meant to be used literally as the case with Christianity toward Jesus
The Muslim perspective is this: God does not beget sons or daughters as begetting is an animal act reserved for the lower animal functions of sex. Metaphorically, we can all be described as the sons of God as God has created us and He provides for us, but physically He does not beget.
We should first answer this question What is the true word of God about Jesus ? u can find that only in Qur'an the final revelation the only authentic revealed book in the world that has been kept without change
Muslims believe that Jesus was born immaculately, and through the same power which had brought Eve to life and Adam into being without a father or a mother
Truly the likeness of Jesus, in God's sight, is as Adam's likeness; He created him of dust, then said He unto him, "Be", and he was. (Qur'an 3:59).
And when God said. 'O Jesus son of Mary,did you say unto men, "Take me and my mother as gods, apart from God?" He Said, 'To You be Glory! It is not mine to say what I have no right to. If I indeed said it, You knew it, knowing what is within my soul, and I do not know what is within Your soul; You know the things unseen. I only said to them what You did command me: "Serve God, my Lord and your Lord." And I was a witness over them, while I remained among them; but when You did take me to Yourself the Watcher over them; You are the witness of everything. (Quran 5:116,117)
Jesus' giving life to the dead, healing the blind and the lepers All accepted. They were performed through the will of God
Trinity, the divinity of Jesus, the divine son ship of Jesus, and the doctrines of Original Sin and Atonement. All of these were made by men. Jesus prophesied that people would worship him uselessly and believe in doctrines made by men: "But in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9).
'Sue' Watson - Former pastor, missionary, professor. Master's degree in Divinity who has Embraced Islam said ; It is interesting to note that there were bishops during the first three hundred years of the Church that were teaching as the Muslim believes that Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet and teacher!! It was only after the conversion of Emperor Constantine that he was the one to call and introduce the doctrine of the Trinity. He a convert to Christianity who knew nothing of this religion introduced a paganistic concept that goes back to Babylonian times
2007-03-14 16:35:09
answer #6
answered by BeHappy 5
Jesus is the son of God. Apparently you believe the same or it is bothersome to you because you spend your time trying to prove otherwise.
2007-03-14 16:39:54
answer #7
answered by christy1001 3
That's why you will go to The Great Well of Pain.
Have you ever heard of Libelism? It proves that you are going to hell.
Read my earlier questions for more information.
DOn't believe me? It's written in the Libel in Book 7 paragraph 3. "And yay, this is the word of God, it is a fact and it is infallible and those who dispute it shall be cast into the Great Well of Pain when the time comes for Rover to return and round up the flock"
SO you cannot say I made this up. God said so.
2007-03-14 16:27:18
answer #8
answered by Libelism is the Way 1
I dont think I know. That is your problem you think to much and let Lucifer and his fallen angels deceive you with their lies. I love how many of you try to anger us who have a relationship with the Father by asking moronic questions. I dont feel you are stupid and retarded I just feel sorry for you. I hope that someday God will come and open your eyes to the truth before its to late. Peace out........
2007-03-14 16:29:38
answer #9
answered by powerliftingrules 5
Makes alot of sense to me because surely there couldn't have been a more sensible way, right?
I can't quite figure out why we have to breath either. Or why we have to eat. Or why we are even here.
2007-03-14 16:47:39
answer #10
answered by angelica b 1
I'm not convinced Jesus is the son of anyone. I did take it for granted that he was at least a man for awhile. But now I have strong doubts about that. I am certain he is no God.
You are not an Atheist. What kind of saddest piece of crap are you?
2007-03-14 16:32:38
answer #11
answered by Anonymous