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My ex and I broke up after 8 months and continued having sex for 2 months and talking on the phone. I cried all the time so I changed the password for his voicemail so that i could check it. he got pissed, changed his number and didn't contact me during christmas or new years. We went a month without contacting each other. During this time I would cry constantly. I got his new number and everything was eating me up so i called. then we started being in contact again. He has a girlfriend of about 3 months now. And i have a boyfriend. He called me randomly on valentines day to say happy v-day. we talk frequently on the phone for long periods of time now,We read sappy poems about each other to each other, But he constantly brings up how much he's starting to love his girlfriend. i feel that it's kinda fake...a part of me thinks that he just wants to be friends but the way our conversations go and the things we say to each other it's like something is still there...what do you think?

2007-03-14 16:12:02 · 6 answers · asked by broken heart 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

6 answers

I think he's a little bit confused now.

2007-03-22 16:11:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Been there, shoot, still there... In order to answer that question honestly I would need to know why you guys split ways. I'm thinkin that it might of been because you guys drove each other crazy trying to be great for each other, but the old insecurities got in the way. Usually the way it goes, strong stuff but not enough to destroy true love. I think you should shut off any expectations you have with him. Keep him around, alot can be said about two people that went thru a relationship found out it couldn't work but don't hate each other. Says alot about the both of you, at the sametime you never know what the future brings. Try and make your communication with each other as honest as possible. If you feel he is being fake tell him, If you think he is hiding his love for you let him know, and always keep in mind if you can't be honest with this guy now, why have him around? Its just going to hurt you to not take advantage of the fact that you can pretty much throw anything at this guy and he'll love you, so be honest to him about how you feel about how things are going.

2007-03-15 08:06:24 · answer #2 · answered by Brutal Honesty 7 · 0 0

ready to be strong for once?
first, when you were screwng him you were screwing yourself in many ways..mostly emotionally...to most guys. it's just sex...
ok, then..
change his password back or not...doesnt matter prob?
take a break and tell him "we are going to take a break from each other" and make him promise to do it ..you too, then do it...
then in a month or so if he calls, (you do not call, ok?) then you will know more and he may act or talk different...he may even come around (dont know the miles between you or all the details..school, friends, etc )
if not, then take another "break"
keep going (doing this)until something changes either way or till you get your act together...get your head out of your rearend and get interested in something or maybe meet new people ..anything but drink and drugs
you'll be fine either way..

2007-03-22 15:29:12 · answer #3 · answered by Gary G 4 · 0 0

i agree with the previous answers... do what you can to move on and distance yourself from him. i know its not easy, im there myself... but the sooner you let him go and start living for yourself the happier you will be. checking his voicemail- not such a good idea.. do what you can to make this new friendship based on trust, if you decide to remain in contact. also be wary of staying too close, youre not only making it harder on yourself, but youre not giving your new flame an honest shot of happiness and success. i offer you the best of luck.. and i will try to apply te same advice to my own situation. :sigh: oh- one last thing- remain close with your girlfriends, if you lost touch with them during your relationship with him, nows the time to rekindle that bond. a girl is lost without her ladies!

2007-03-22 16:05:46 · answer #4 · answered by techiemaiden 2 · 0 0

Listen dope, it is OVER. He enjoyed you being weepy. You must be a masochist. Move on. And have a good relationship without getting sexual until you know how serious you both are. Have some self respect.

2007-03-22 16:08:45 · answer #5 · answered by Tinribs 4 · 0 0

he having his cake and eating too

2007-03-22 16:10:13 · answer #6 · answered by fishingyankees 2 · 0 0

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