Yes, it's weird. Bad? I guess that depends on your definition of the word. It's definitely unhealthy. She must be spreading staph all over the place. I find it weird and slightly repulsive that you are okay with it and willing to accept it. I guess there really IS someone for everyone.
2007-03-14 16:09:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Since You Find It " Repulsive " but Willing To Accept It. Then > I Can,t See Anything Wrong With Your G>Friend Putting Her Fingers In Her *** Hole.... " It Is HERS." . Stink and ALL.;
2007-03-14 16:20:28
answer #2
answered by Terry 3
If you're OK with it why are you asking strangers if its OK? Its fine except that you catch her doing it. More than once even. Does she know you've seen her doing this. Gross habits are better left to aloneness. if she isn't concealing this there's a problem here, although I'm not sure what it is.
Why are you OK with something you find repulsive? Are you desperate? In that case you are the one with the problem.
2007-03-14 16:11:36
answer #3
answered by Dawnmarie K 3
It think it's a little weird. If you are really repulsed by it, try being tactful, like buying her smelly hand sanitizers. Just don't tell her that she repulses you. That will be bad news no matter what.
2007-03-14 16:09:19
answer #4
answered by brooklyn152 3
Maybe she wants your finger there...
Seriously though, it's not normal. Does she laugh when she's doing this to be entertaining or something, or is she serious? If you find it repulsive, why is it ok?
2007-03-14 16:11:02
answer #5
answered by Violet777 3
It's a little weird. I can't help but wonder if the smell comforts her.
You need to tell her that you don't approve. I bet she doesn't realize her fingers reek that badly.
2007-03-14 16:22:27
answer #6
answered by Ask Aunt Amy 3
that is plain out disgusting. If you love her, that shouldnt matter, but tell her that you would like her to stop doing that, atleast in front of you. and make her wash her hands. She will hopefully get the point.
2007-03-14 16:09:52
answer #7
answered by shelly63795 3
It's beyond repulsive. You must let her know how you feel about this. If you girl really cared for you, she would stop this gross habit.
2007-03-14 16:10:10
answer #8
answered by g13player 1
okay umm... thats literally disgusting. Eeeewww. She could get diseases from not washing her hands afterwards and then eating or putting her hands near her mouth or in her mouth for any reason. Tell her you know. Maybe she'll stop.
2007-03-14 16:09:48
answer #9
answered by Southerngrl 2
that is disgusting! But if it really bothers you you should talk to her and tell her to stop. And if she loves you she would stop and if she really doesnt wana try and work something out. LIke she could wash her hands or something..................
2007-03-14 16:09:57
answer #10
answered by filipino_chick 2