no deff doesn't mean that. everyone has someone out there made for them. you just have to be patient. !
2007-03-14 16:09:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Not in the least. One of the nicest, sweetest, hottest guys I know is easily 260 pounds. He is getting married soon and I am jealous, if only I were 6 or 7 years older I might have dated him. And he is marrying a very very pretty woman. If a woman can't see past your weight then she's not worth your time anyway, my friend. However, it's good to exercise regularly and eat healthy for the sake of your health, so you should look into maybe eating healthier and walking a few times a week. Other than that, only a real woman will be able to look past your weight and see your real self and that's the best person for you to be with.
2007-03-14 16:12:02
answer #2
answered by lolo 2
Umm.. being "fat" has nothing to do with finding a "real" woman. There are some real one's left out there too. In "real" I mean a woman that doesn't look at a person and see flaws and 'fatness' and 'uglyness' unless ofcoarse thats what your attitude and heart shows. Some look at a persons heart, their tenderness, their compassion, their kindness, their laughter & jokes, the way they hold your hand, the way their eyes sparkle when they are happy. etc. And someone above this posted that you must look for someone who has flaws and isn't perfect as well. But the truth is.. Who is to say what perfect is? Is perfect being thin, big boobs, lots of muscles, etc? Maybe to some. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion of what 'perfect' is. So perfect is as you see it. As you feel it. As you believe it.
Please don't look at yourself as "fat." Look at yourself as for the person that you are not only on the inside but the outside too. Love yourself, respect yourself and get to like and know yourself and others will pick up on your confidance.
Good Luck
2007-03-14 16:15:52
answer #3
answered by Dawn 3
No no my friend that has nothing to do with. It is your perception of who you are and how you act. Example if you think you fat that ways on how you act around women your not yourself your shy, you look down on yourself and you come across a depressing . Nothing to do with the weight. Now of course there are always those people who have those what they call certain criteria on what they want in someones appearance, Just pick your head up don't think that your never going to find someone because of your appearance. Be confident and show women what you are all about inside. The main thing is your attitude and what i call you mentatude it is how you view yourself and what you think about yourself. Think about it would you be attracted to someone who hated herself and was depressed and came across unhappy. you want some one you likes themselves no matter what and who is fun to be around and is upbeat. Let them know that you can make them and make them feel like at better person that's the key
2007-03-14 16:17:43
answer #4
answered by ot 2
No, it doesn't mean that at all! I mean you (if you are I'm just saying) aren't the only fat guy, there are alot of fat woman out there and they might be thinking the same thing just a little different you know. Just be patient and it will all work out.
2007-03-14 16:12:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If your self confident then you will have alot of women but if your always saying "O MAN! shes HOTT but who would ever go out wit a FATASSS!?" then thats the type of energy your projecting and that will make u less unatractive.
believe me Just look at some Fat rappers or famouse Fat golfers they have women on their knees when ever they want all because of what their energy is like.
2007-03-14 16:13:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No you may just have to adapt your views and be willing to accept a woman who is less than perfect as well. There are tons of women out there who feel that they'll never find a man if they arent gorgeous either -theres someone for everyone.
2007-03-14 16:08:36
answer #7
answered by radiancia 6
not really and if u think ur fat then try to work out and play some sports. Be active! Good luck.
2007-03-14 16:10:38
answer #8
answered by johnnytsao1 2
No. In fact, fat dudes get more chicks than ever.
2007-03-14 16:16:07
answer #9
answered by Danny S 5
no it does not mean that. U just have to wait and a woman will come along. Just stay positive and charming
2007-03-14 16:12:24
answer #10
answered by filipino_chick 2
nope! i know plenty of chubby guys who have gfs. although now you must rely on personality. be funny! or sweet. romantic and caring. basically be a better person than hot thin guys (who normally have no personality)
2007-03-14 16:10:22
answer #11
answered by fear of the dark 5