Well, if you have been going out for 4 months, then you should know at least a little bit about her. If you don't want to go all out, try a small bottle of perfume, or a pair of earrings. If you really feel that she deserves something special, maybe get her her birthstone in a necklace or a ring.
2007-03-14 16:02:08
answer #1
answered by iluv_19990 3
I agree with several of the girls, keep it simple but thoughtful - i think you're real sweet to even be remembering a 4 month anniversary a nice little picnic is nice
2007-03-14 23:05:42
answer #2
answered by arlene j 2
ok there are may thing u can do
1) make her a mix CD of ulls fav songs thaat is really cute
2) Spend the whole day togetherr if its a wwkend and go out to eat a movie and just have fun
3) make her dinner
4) make or give herr something that means alot to her and you
5)Go to builder bear and make something there with her
those are just a couple of things you can do hope they help
2007-03-14 23:04:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
4 months isnt that big of a deal. you dont want to overwhelm her or make her expect more when the bigger anniversaries do come around. make her a nice meal and rent a movie you know she loves. just spend the night together doing something you know she'll like.
2007-03-14 23:04:02
answer #4
answered by the_syco_t 2
Hahaha. Something basic
-a single red rose [GIRLS LOVE THEM! unless if they're allergic, that is :D]
-a poem/song [if you're the artistic, romantic Romeo-type]
-picture in a frame
-rent a movie and have a night to yourselves with a special dinner you made [Pizza at Dominos! lolz]
-Or if you can drive and are REALLY romantic, my friend did this. or you coudl save this for a diff. time. Pretend like you seriously dont care ALL DAY, and practically ignore her, but dont overdue it. jsut act like you do everyday.
then call her parents, and at night before dinner, come to the door all dressed up to take her out to dinner
its romantic, but expensive and stuff like that. worked like a charm with my friend tho
good luck!
2007-03-14 23:05:33
answer #5
answered by Juliette 2
Something you did not give last month? I tell you, if you keep giving her monthly presents, imagine what would she expect when you reach her birthday? You will be in trouble thinkin' what present to give her. So why are you wasting your money like that? Think about it.
2007-03-14 23:03:39
answer #6
answered by happy 4
Just something small showing that you are excited to have been with her for 4 months. Good luck!
2007-03-14 23:01:59
answer #7
answered by brooklyn152 3
dinner and a movie. Keep it simple until the six month anniversary.
2007-03-14 23:00:41
answer #8
answered by Meredith 2
something sentimental.
Im sure the two of you have some inside jokes and what not. I know that is what I would like the most since it shows me that he remembers the little things
2007-03-14 23:04:04
answer #9
answered by elemenopee. 4
hmm... DIY stuffs? Its simple and sweet.. :) Making a puzzle, doing a card, making a pictoral book of the both of u...etc
hope it turn out well!
2007-03-14 23:18:35
answer #10
answered by Josephine 2