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Are the restrictions exactly the same as a the Kosher ones; if not what are the differences.

2007-03-14 15:42:31 · 9 answers · asked by michael H 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

Oh no not at all. While the Muslims have copied the Jewish prohibition against pork, they have not at all understood that that was not the ONLY item that was Traif or unclean.

Actaully there are three areas Traif (torn or unclean) Kosher (Clean, with in the parameters of the word of God) and Pareve (neutral, neither Kosher OR Traif)

The three areas of food to be judged by this code found in Deuteronomy 14 was Land animals, Fowl and flying things and Sea Life. Basically the Land animals had to meet two requirements 1.) their foot had to be "cleft in two" in other words One split in the hoof. and 2.) the milk that the females produced HAD to come from them chewing the cud, a process of producing milk or digesting food based on eating grass, which would first be chewed, then swalloweed into the stomach, then a short time later it would come back up again and then be swallowed again, several times.

This made a whole host of animals either clean or unclean. The Rabbit chews the cud, but does NOT divide the hoof. So it is unclea. The cow chews the cud AND divides the hoof so it is clean as do sheep goat deer etc, the SWINE divides the hoof but does NOT chew the cud, rather makes its milk from any old garbage. It is unclean. and so on. You look for these TWO characteeristics in the Bible. Islam has no such guideline, not really knowing the REASONING in back of the commandment, merely copying a custom without knowing why. That is why they have various stories and tales as to WHY pork is forbidden.

Next the fowl. The list of birds that are UNCLEAN all tend to be predators such as hawks, eagles, Owls, etc. the birds that are judged clean such as chicken and duck are NOT predatory in nature. Thirdly the sea life you simply look for two marks...
W.) Does it have fins? It Must have fins and 2.) It must have scales... For exmaple Catfish have fins but not scales they are unclean. They also tend ot be bottom feedres, eating dead things that sink to the bottom of the water. Shrimp, crab and Lobster also unclean, and THEY tend to be cannibals! Eating up their own kind (Thats what those claws are for, to fight each other!) Sharks, unclean! fins but no scales!

Also there is a prohibition in Judaism about mixing meat with dairy. This is based on the commandment thaqt a baby goat can not be cooked in its mothers milk. To aviud unadvertently doing this the reabbis began seperating Dairy from meat. (Four hour interval is normally considered appropriate. For example if you had a hamburger, you could not put Cheese on it! if you ate a steak for dinner you could not eat ice Cream for desert. if you were eating meatloaf you could not put milk into your coffee. In most homes Jews that observe this principle keep two seperate sets of dishes to avoid contaminating themselves. One set for meat and the other for dairy. They many times wont even wash them i nthe same sink or compartment of the sink. They keep their refrigerator seperated as well. Islam does NOT keep this restriction.

See there really is a tremendous difference between the two faiths, as the depth of the dietary commanments in Judaism go mcuh deeper and are much more varied than in islam. Also many rabbis have extended the Kosher laws to fruit and vegetables based on the commandment in Deuteronomy 22 NOT TO MIX YOUR SEED in the garden. The ycontend that hybrids such as Nectarines which are a cross of two different fruits are therefore unclean. The same with the hybrid Broccoli/Cauliflower vegetable. But that is another issue..

2007-03-14 16:07:06 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 3 · 2 3


There are different Muslim rulings on what makes certain foods permissible, but generally speaking the biggest restrictions concern meat. Carnivores and omnivores are prohibited, blood and its byproducts are prohibited, and animals must be ritually slaughtered (either by a Muslim or by a Muslim, Jew, or Christian). Also, drinking alcohol for the purpose of intoxication is prohibited.

Jewish dietary laws are much more involved and concern any food that will be eaten.

Land Animals: must have both cloven hooves (like a goat or sheep - not like a horse) and chew their cud. must be ritually slaughtered in one motion by a trained professional using a flawlessly sharp blade. must be completely drained of blood. must have prohibited fats and nerves removed by a trained professional. must have healthy organs.

Water Animals: must have both fins and scales

Air Animals: There is a list in the bible of prohibited birds, permissible birds must also be ritually slaughtered

Creepy Crawlies: Are prohibited

Meat and Dairy: Cannot be combined in any way

Meat and Fish: Cannot be eaten at the same time

Passover: Nothing can be owned during this week that contains any leavening - from food to soap to makeup

And, the laws are so strict on these issues that even food processed on the same equipment as prohibited food, or food run on machinery greased with animal fats, or cooking utensils washed with soaps that contain animal fats, would be prohibited; this can extend daily Jewish dietary concerns to products such as aluminum foil, dish soap, and laundry detergent.

2007-03-14 23:26:19 · answer #2 · answered by Aliya 2 · 1 0

All kosher food is halal (Muslim "fit to eat" laws) but not all halal is kosher.

Both don't eat pork, but Judaism has more restrictions. For example, ANY animal that is not cloven hoofed AND does not chew the cud is not kosher. We also do not mix meat and dairy and must wait 6 hours after eating meat before eating dairy, to let it pass through the system. Islam I think has no such laws.

Kosher is more strict.

2007-03-14 22:53:06 · answer #3 · answered by LadySuri 7 · 1 0

Yea they're very different Muslims just don't eat pork I think butr Jews don't eat milk and meat together,,and have ALOT more restrictions. Too many to list.

2007-03-14 22:48:26 · answer #4 · answered by way2kewl4u1224 3 · 0 0

Muslims and jews are very similar to each other, why they are so antagonistic one of the gods only knows.
Neither of them has the right to cast a clout!!!

2007-03-14 22:51:39 · answer #5 · answered by rinfrance 4 · 1 3

If the laws are tuly followed then they are doing the same.

2007-03-14 22:54:10 · answer #6 · answered by Tribble Macher 6 · 0 1

They both dodge the piggy thats for sure.

2007-03-15 00:04:13 · answer #7 · answered by K. Marx iii 5 · 0 1

quite similar.

2007-03-14 22:57:20 · answer #8 · answered by Coco32 1 · 0 0

there is much that overlaps and much which is different




2007-03-14 22:50:15 · answer #9 · answered by rosends 7 · 0 0

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