I have nightmares more than I think is normal. I have them at least 4 night a week. And they are the kind that wake me up, or I move so much and cry that it wakes my fiance up and he wakes me up. What in the world could be making me have these? How can you fix this? Any input would be GREAT!
9 answers
asked by
➔ Mental Health
They are usually pretty different. Anything from my fiance leaving me to our house getting broken into and one of us getting murdered. I had a LONG abusive relationship and also a relationship where I got cheated on for a year. Would this have anything to do with it?
15:48:09 ·
update #1
That abusive relationship, depending on how long, and how seriously it affected you, you may have PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, involes flashbacks, nightmares, depression, ect... and it can be caused by any real or percived threat to your life. If this is seriously disturbing your life, you may seriously think about seeing a counselor about it, just once, to see if it could help. Your past experiance could be the problem, even if you think you are over it, you may not be.
2007-03-14 16:04:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You might need to get some medication because it may be indication of physiological disorders. Tell you doctor about it. Also, are they the same nightmare and have you been involved in a traumatic incident in the past? This can cause this type of condition. I use to do this all the time and it was revealed to me through counseling. Then it has only happened twice in the last 9 years.
2007-03-14 22:41:16
answer #2
answered by 5-Stars 3
I used to have a huge problem with nightmares. Being under excessive stress during the day didn't help.
I did finally learn the trick of Lucid Dreaming- that is, actually controlling my dreams. But that was years before someone coined the phrase for it. If you don't like what your dream is doing, take control and introduce some- change. Either in the environment, or in how you react to the environment.
It will take practice, but it will pay off.
Good luck.
2007-03-14 22:47:41
answer #3
answered by Tigger 7
Dreams are part of your sub-conscience sending you a message of what may be bothering you in your waking life (which you may or may not be aware of.) Fortunately, there are MANY ways to interpret dreams by using tools such as dream books or online sources (www.freakydreams.org.) Connecting the meanings of each object in your dream helps you interpret what situation may be bothering you so you can fix the situation in you waking life.
By saying this, it most definately can be due to insecurity because of past relationships. It also may not be.
2007-03-14 22:56:03
answer #4
answered by John 2
It might help to know what the nightmares are about. Are they a recurring theme, or different every night? Details?
2007-03-14 22:37:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Quite probably, so that is a good place to start addressing the root cause, via therapy, so see your doctor, and ask for a referral.
2007-03-15 00:06:37
answer #6
answered by CLICKHEREx 5
well it all depends on what they are about . you should get a dream dictionarie and that might help...i hate nightmares so im really sorry for you ok this is gonna soun d SOOOOOO cheesy -ook at me im selling bibles - but meybe try to pray before you go to sleep(unless your not religouse)
but i mean im not verry religouse but i still fing comfort in it when i think im gonna have them
hopefuly things get better
2007-03-14 22:40:18
answer #7
answered by brit 2
Did you eat pickles before bed? Those always give me nightmares. Maybe if you talk about them, they will go away.
2007-03-14 22:41:32
answer #8
answered by BMW 2
have a look at what you are eating before going to bed as well as what you have been reading or watching on the Tv=these all can contribute to nightmares
as well as sleeping pills
2007-03-14 22:38:38
answer #9
answered by caffsans 7