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OK ... everytime i see my ex bf ... i always get butterflies .. i cant speak or do anything all i have been thinking about is him i still love him ,..... he treated me like crap yeah i kno he did but why cant i get over him??............ he is the only boy that has ever met that much to me.... i still have hiz tags and his jacket and his hoodie..... he has not asked for them back yet ..... my friends ask him if he hates me he wont ever answer and he is always giving my these puppy dog eyes (( i love them )) but i dont know if he knows how much he still means to me or anything but its just like people say i need to let him go but for somehow i cant just left him go ....... i really cant ... i just want him back .......So how can i get him back ???? How can i be myself when i am with him ?? How can i win his heart ?????How should i ask him out ?????

2007-03-14 12:52:50 · 1 answers · asked by emily v 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

Lemme tell you what's about to happen, you're about to go through the relationship rollercoaster it's a lot of fun!
One minute you're up & having a great time the next, OMG, he called me a ***** I hate him we're through! But oh man, is he nice & he looks so nice & happy I'll give him one more chance. BUT GOOD LORD!! He just kissed my best friend while they were drunk! I can't stand him I ain't doing this no more. Well maybe one more time.. .

This can go on for years & even worse God Forbid you get pregnant. So my advice is go ahead & put your seat belt on enjoy the ride OR FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REMEMBER HOW BAD HE TREATED YOU & MOVE DA **** ON!!

2007-03-14 13:02:30 · answer #1 · answered by jmintecu 4 · 0 0

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