I never played the game of waiting to call. Maybe he was just busy. Give him some time. But honestly, I wouldn't have texted him as the initial first contact, I would have called. It's kinda impersonal.
My now husband called me the day after I met him the moment he could. The waiting game is lame.
2007-03-14 12:56:15
answer #1
answered by FaerieWhings 7
First of all, pubs and guys don't go together, get out of the drinking scene, only bad relationships come from there, I've had many friends complain about it. If you have free time, volunteer somewhere that interests you and you'll more than likely meet someone who likes the same thing that you do. Don't text the guy again, move on. Most guys will go with a girl because of looks (you mentioned), don't fall for it, wait until the right one comes (and not in the bar or pub).
2007-03-14 19:55:40
answer #2
answered by cobra427jah 2
you have not done nothing wrong ,don't get into the trap of a self esteem issue, remember band groups .the people in them have issues he may have a girl friend, bands are really close .they practice, set up ,please don't think you did anything wrong believe me. if that man was interested, you will hear from him, also band members drink sometimes or other things,its like a bird set it free if it is meant to be it will come back to you, you seem like a great person don't let one man get you down I'm positive a higher power has a plan for you in the near future stay positive , Mr. wright is out there and you and him will find each other
2007-03-14 20:24:45
answer #3
answered by ? 5
I don't think you are scaring him - just give him alittle more time to respond. Maybe he didn't have his phone charged, or was out of town - could be any reason - if he doesn't respond in a couple of days then text him back and you will know by the way he responds - or if he responds. Texts don't always go thru so don't assume = good luck!
2007-03-14 19:55:11
answer #4
answered by Kitt 3
You may be scaring him. The best thing to do is not worry about it and don't text him again. If he ims u, he ims u. If he doesn't, he doesn't. Don't assume he is not iming you becuase of something that you did, He might just be busy with life. Plus the fact that guys will wait 2-4 days to get in contact with a girl, so be patient.
2007-03-14 19:56:44
answer #5
answered by asian_cutie_sd 2
Well 1) it might be cause you forgot something he had already told you which was the name of his band and it's important for him 2) maybe your just pushing too hard, he wants to look for you and not you to be looking for him... or 3) maybe he got caught up doing something and he's so busy he can't reply back... let's stick to #3!!!
2007-03-14 20:02:00
answer #6
answered by Mrs.Cute 2
3 day wait baby, we are all tired of the games but in todays world thats just the way it is.
wait 3 days, and if he was into you then you will get a reply. if not, forget it - if youre over the games you willcertainly have too many if you pursue this guy!
2007-03-14 19:54:33
answer #7
answered by kittencreznor 1
some guys just take their time but be carfull you can never be to safe dont try to hard because then he may take advantage of how much you want to meet him again. Give him time other wise for get him there are plenty of fish in the sea and im sure your a great girl
2007-03-14 21:21:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
don't be so weird. maybe his phone was dead, maybe the message didn't go through. maybe he was busy. CHILL OUT. and stop playing games if you want guys to. just pick up the phone and call. you'd have a better chance of being satisfied if you ask HIM this question. (but that would freak him out)
2007-03-14 19:54:46
answer #9
answered by tomiyo 4
Some people are fickle and moody, especially if you just met. Maybe he was into you before, but now he changed his mind about you for no real reason other than the fact that his mood changed.
2007-03-14 19:55:29
answer #10
answered by Randy G 7