He asked you to have sex with him, right?
How long have you two been dating? If you've only been dating a couple weeks, it is probably too soon. Make sure you're both ready for it if you do decide to have sex.
(And yes, you can get pregnant even if you use a condom. Condoms can break, so be careful!)
2007-03-14 12:55:57
answer #1
answered by Happy go Lucky 4
Maybe I am older then I think I am, because when I was in highschool making out meant a lot of kissing and maybe a little bit of fondling.
So I would hope that kissing doesn't require condoms, but you should get some just in case you and your boyfriend decide to have sex. Be careful! I would suggest waiting for a while, no sense in rushing it. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss birth control before you have sex for the first time too!
2007-03-14 12:56:11
answer #2
answered by Becky R 3
If you're talking about making out as sex then first of all don't do it unless you're 1000% sure that you're ready to do so. It's a big step in life and you have to be able to handle such life changing events. If he's your boyfriend and really respects you he would not even suggest that you do it unless you're ready. Don't let him tell you that if you love him you would do it because that's a load of crap.
Besides it sounds like this is your first time and if that's the case then wouldn't you want your first time to be a
special? Make sure that you plan everythin gout before just jumping into it like that. You may need to do some research before you do it if it's your first time anyway just so you'll know what to look forward to. Whatever you do USE A CONDOM.
2007-03-14 13:01:37
answer #3
answered by ltwatkins77 4
ok... wait... make out or have sex? those two are different.
Well all i can tell you is that condoms are 97% safe. So if you really want to do it, you have to take the risk. And if you are really afraid... theres such a thing as a morning after pill. Not sure how it works tho, i mean side effects and all... You can ask at the pharmacy. Just dont be afraid to talk about it with the person working there. (i was talking about the pill all along ^^)
Well its your choise
Good luck :)
2007-03-14 12:58:26
answer #4
answered by remove 2
ok i'm interior a similar problem including the eighth grade section. after I make out its oftentimes only for a short at the same time as. i do not imagine your overbite will without note come back from now and again making out. also in eighth grade boys are always searching for a ladies approval, we are shy and very careful so do not problem. For some reason a lot human beings develop into cocky jerks in many years. also for the human beings who imagine creating out kissing at 13-14 is to youthful welcome to the 21 century. that's unlike were having sex and the in undemanding words outcome you'll get from this can be menangitis in case you've not had the vaccine and herpes yet maximum folk may already note herpes.
2016-12-02 00:35:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Two things, if you cant spell condoms you arent ready to buy them! And secondly if you cant tell everyone your age then you're too young to use them. Think about it for a moment. Sure you like this guy, but is it really worth it? Something like that cant be brought back. Make sure you really are ready.
2007-03-14 12:55:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i don't believe your age,
because if you were atleast 14 than you should know what making out is.
and it surely has nothing to do with condoms. (if you even know what they're for)
if you're really concerned ask your mom, or someone parental towards you.
or your health teacher.
someone you trust!!
not random people who'll tell you things your young mind isn't ready for.
and if you truly love your boyfriend, then you shouldn't be afraid to share with him what ever is bothering you,
an open relationship is the best one,
it takes two people to have that special bond.
2007-03-14 12:56:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you have to ask this question it means that you should wait...hey...you are in no hurry being so young...the years of being a kid are so little the rest of being an adult and much longer...just enjoy being a kid and you don't need worries about being pregnant and stuff like that...so wait...ok...even if your slutey friends have all done it...it doesn't mean you have to do it to...the ones that wait the longest are the best.
2007-03-14 12:55:51
answer #8
answered by Melina A 2
Yes condoms are not full proff! My best friend used them even checked it prior to useing it, and shes now deeling with raising a baby on her own,Do Not let "5 minutes" of Pleasure ruin your life because it really can! save yourself for when your Really ready!
2007-03-14 12:55:10
answer #9
answered by rpoker 6
You don't sound so sure to me. Sleeping with someone (which making out leads to - you know that since you mentioned buying condoms) is something you should do with someone you love - not just like - and the person should love you too. It should be special and this sounds like it's going to be more like a one nighter. Rethink this - if you're not 100% then tell him you need more time and you're just not ready.
2007-03-14 12:55:04
answer #10
answered by reandsmom77 6