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Okay so I'm really serious, guys are always hitting on me in the street and all my girlfriends tell me that I'm pretty and stuff. My bf thinks I'm beautiful. I'm known for being the 'pretty' girl. I love fashion and I try to dress myself in the latest trends that fit me and look good on me. In the country I live in green eyed blondes are almost none existent and thats why it feels likeI stand out among the crowd. That all sounds great BUT my problem is whenever I look in the mirror I see a fat ugly worthless peice of sh!t. I cant stand my face, my body is what I really can never like. Sometimes I wonder how people think I look like and if we're all seeing the same thing coz they cant see what I'm seeing and still think I'm pretty!! I saw this girl on Oprah and how she suffers from BDD, I cried my eyes out watching her talk about her condition and I was able to relate to most of what she said *although I didnt hate my look as much as she hates hers* I'm confident otherwise! What to do!?

2007-03-14 12:41:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

have your eyes checked - all these people that tell you how good looking you are can't be liars - seek help. It is a type of disorder and you are beautiful no matter what you think.

2007-03-18 08:29:27 · answer #1 · answered by B N 5 · 0 0

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