Just tell your cousin let hang out with him. THen find a time alone with him and tell him how you feel. Start out by saying.. "you know when I went back home I realized that everyday i was thinking about you. It was like I was drawn to you or something"..be like.."The last time you asked me if I liked you and I said no, I said no because I just got out of a realtionship and was scared to get into a different one..But now that im clear concious I just want you to know that I do like you and I have liked you, I was just to scared to tell you and admitt it". And then just let him take it from there. DONT WORRY say whats on your mindd, everything is so much easier that way.
2007-03-15 12:12:48
answer #1
answered by AmY 1
You should just likee, send him this question and tell him it was about him ahahh
But seriously, i think its stupid when people write down speeches on what theyre going to say when they confess... Because if you keep erasing, its not what you really meant to say. If you go up to him and wing it, your true feelings will come out. But only do it when youre ready to say everything to him, or else total disaster
But dont wait too long either! =X
2007-03-14 19:44:18
answer #2
answered by gossipgirl 2
Wait until you get there. A year is a long time at your stage of life. See if you both haven't changed in that time.
2007-03-14 19:42:58
answer #3
answered by woundbyte 4
go to him and just say hi you want to for a drink or coffe if its day time , and then when you alone and comfortable just talk about last summer and try and explain yourself
2007-03-14 19:42:52
answer #4
answered by Doux 2
Say " Hey dude, I want to move our friendship to the net level"
providing you are both of age.
2007-03-14 19:44:21
answer #5
answered by tewarienormy 4
Nothing, just be yourself and when the opportunity arises, as it always does, your true feelings will be obvious...talk is cheap action is what counts.
2007-03-14 19:43:02
answer #6
answered by akkrisgru 1
I think that you should just explain what happened.
2007-03-14 19:44:02
answer #7
answered by Muffin Cakes 2
tell him straight up that you like him..or you can ask him to do something...watch a movie or something....or...if you are a daring type..walk up to him...and just kiss him....haha.
2007-03-14 19:41:43
answer #8
answered by sweetkisses 2
Be honest! Tell him what you would say to us!
2007-03-14 19:41:23
answer #9
answered by Sunshine 6
just open your mouth and tell him
2007-03-14 19:41:17
answer #10
answered by beth b 3