ok, what is your definition of fun? and of course they are never going to let you do anything...you sneak out of the house. they have all the right to not let you go out. and asking questions, how do you ask? doing anything as a kid is a total priviledge. Your parents do care about what you do and who you see. All you can do is ask your parents. if they don't want you to date...unfortunatley you can't. i know it sucks to hear but you have to work as a team. ask them why you can't do anything. maybe you are not coming across the right way to them and maybe they don't realize they are not coming off the right way to you. you can not just expect to get everything your way. you have to compromise and earn your parents trust. and until you do that...what you don't like such as not being able to go out and go on dates, will continue to happen unless you stop sneaking out and be honest with your parents. plus, you never mentioned how old you were, so it all depends on what your parents think.
2007-03-14 12:44:35
answer #1
answered by baby_sunshine_4eva 2
Honestly, if you don't get over the fear of talking to them now then you will never get over it. Having a fear of talking to them will make them feel that you are not mature enough.
Let them know he asked you on a date. Tell them where, when and all the details. Don't beg, whine or complain! Be adult and grown up. If you act like an adult they will treat you like one. Sometimes it may take a few tries to get them to see your growing up and being mature.
If they don't let you go do this. Let them meet him. Instead of a date out have him over for a movie or dinner a few times. Once your parents get to know him they may feel more comfortable letting you go places with him (or they will tell you they don't like him, but they ARE aloud to have an opinion too). That's how I did it when I had new guys my parents didn't know. Break the ice! It works!
If you go behind their backs and sneek out that will lower you in their eyes and they will feel you are not mature. Just be honest. It pays big time. Even if it's something bad.
2007-03-14 12:45:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ask your parents. If they say no then don't push it, leave it alone. A good way to ask would be:
you: Hi!!!!!
them: Hi honey!?
you: so i was wondering what we had planned this weekend because i thought we might want to do some family thing together, like (watch their fave. sport, play fave. sport etc.)!?
1) them: huh? I don't think so, we have to...
2) Them: sure that sounds fun sweetie! Glad you asked!
1) You: oh... (look disappointed) ok well since i have nothing else 2 do do you think i could go to (wherever) with this nice boy?
2) Yay!!!!!! (look cheerful & happy) Maybe we could do it on a Sat. because I got invited to (wherever)?
Handle the yes pleasently!!!!!! *<:)
2007-03-14 12:50:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I can soo totally relate to you. My parents were crazy strict with me. The best thing to do is show them they can trust you. If they know they can trust you then hopefully if you explain how important this is to you they will work with you. Also, maybe you could make it a double date or something that will make them more comfortable but give you what you want. Hopefully they just want what's best for you and aren't psycho like my parents were. Good luck.
2007-03-14 12:41:32
answer #4
answered by jamlinrich 3
Ask them calmly and maturely...and bring up good stuff you have done for example "Mom and Dad i got an A on 2 tests and I am working really hard and I never get in trouble and I just want to have a nice night...I have never done anything to show you shouldnt trust me so can I please go"
Good Luck! have fun with ur bf!
2007-03-14 12:41:16
answer #5
answered by *Mariah* 3
No infant needs to imagine of there dad and mom doing the deed or the different sexual issue, in spite of the undeniable fact that, evaluate the way you got here to be? i'm guessing they did it. there is yet in a distinct thanks to look at it. How about searching at it as an excellent issue? Your dad and mom are in contact in one yet another and share their love in healthful, organic, and sexual procedures. That e mail replaced into no longer meant on your eyes and is truly none of your issue. get well out of your repulsed reaction and know that what they do at the same time is their corporation and not in any respect yours. possibly you received't look at a exhibit on the computer back until eventually you're the single on it? i'm a mom of three sons, spouse for over 16 years, and share a really healthful sex existence with my husband. My boys know and draw back on the concept, in spite of the undeniable fact that, in addition they know that we like one yet another and that we are no longer afraid as an instance our love and affection.
2016-12-02 00:34:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Tell them, that everytime you ask them a question that they get really mad and that makes you upset. Have a conversation with them and tell them about your date. They should be able to see that you are showing them respect by asking for their approval.
2007-03-14 12:41:34
answer #7
answered by Rose 3
You should go to your parents and tell them to keep an open mind in everything you have to say and just tell them from your side what is going on...if you talk to them rationally, without whining you have a really good chance in them saying yes
2007-03-14 12:43:45
answer #8
answered by danielle M 1
Just ask! It's not like your going 2 get in trouble. Yay you have a bf!
2007-03-14 12:41:05
answer #9
answered by Thinkpink 1
i guess your parents are just really protective of you and dont want you to get hurt...how about trying to sit down and talk with them calmly..tell them you'll be home b4 a certain time and promise them you wont do anything wrong.
hope it works :)
2007-03-14 12:40:58
answer #10
answered by desiladki 3