Talk to him ask him why he's so ashamed of you. or u could do the same thing ask somebody to go up in front of u and your "bf" and ask u if you and him go out then say no. Or he might just say no in front of his friends because he's either jealous or just a plain immature jerk. I think you would be better off with another guy. GOOD luck :)
2007-03-14 12:33:23
answer #1
answered by mariah!:) 2
hi there it's call macho image where a kind must play it kool when ever he is around his friends . if he denys you now he'll do it again forget it your pride as a lady or young girl is worth more. I think when a guy denys a women it's a sign saying caution alert he is not worth your time of day if his friends are worth more to him then you move on with your life. deny someone is the worst that can happened to someone even when you love them . be safe be well
2007-03-14 19:37:22
answer #2
answered by sugarlove_one 4
Well, I have the same problem too. My friend is always around him and she says he always talks about me. Whenever I am aroung him he is so nice and stuff but when his friends aroung he wants to admit that he likes me when his friends ask that question,But he won't say a thing. I think his friends know because whenever we are around eachother and his friends are there we like are getting teased so much! I think you need to talk to him and tell him he doesn't need to be so insecure about this and that if he knows he likes you and you like him he shouldn't care what people say he should be happy people know this because girls they are so happy about the word getting out but boys can't stand it! Just tell him you don't have to be someone else around your friend because there your friends they have your back. Then say if you like me for who I am and I like you for who you are chances are I don't like the second person you are around your friends.
-I hope he starts being himself soon! BOL (best of luck)
2007-03-14 19:41:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My friend Kayla has the same problem!
I mean Corey and Kayla both know they like each other and he always denies that he likes and or goes with kayla.
So like I told her he is to tryflin for her and ignorant and so immature if he doesn't want to admit it.
2007-03-14 19:35:11
answer #4
answered by astateson111 2
you need to confront him about this, if he cant stand up to his friends then there will always be problems w/ the 2 of ya & aint worth the hassle, also guys dont like haven their life known too much, & dependin on how old he is he wont even be jumpin up braggin he does till older but also could be a problem w/ him if he does cause othe the code brag & lie girl get bad rep!!! good luck but if he cant stand up not worth the hassle girl!!!!
2007-03-14 19:37:44
answer #5
answered by BRIAN J R 3
Guys have wierd outlooks. like for us girls thats the stupidest thing ever! but to a guy his friends can be intimidating. They may say hes "pussy whipped" or so and so. But if hes a man and likes you he should not be afraid to admit it. Just remember the two sexes are totaly different
2007-03-14 19:34:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Wow, there's girl named Naomi L. that I know, and I thought you were her. She and I actually even liked eachother at a point, but now, incidentally, I have to act like I don't like her because she doesn't want a relationship. This is so weird.
2007-03-14 19:33:32
answer #7
answered by chrisser665 3
he's probably a bit shy thats all. I remember when i was in my teens, I would never admit liking a girl for fear of people disagreeing and ridiculing me. Why dont you ask him to go for coffee one day with you, and keep it a secret, then just ask him outright whether he wants a relationship with you?
2007-03-14 19:47:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He sounds like a little boy. Go find some one more mature.
2007-03-14 19:33:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
cuz hes 2 much of a punk, and thinks he gots 2 look kool infront of his boyz
2007-03-14 19:33:47
answer #10
answered by rachel c 2